While I am a Trump supporter,

Why did “best economy” never reach 3% GDP growth rate and included a RECESSION with 3Trillion+ budget deficits?

Your assertion is ludecrous.
It was steady and real (not BS GOVT spending) up to the virus launch. You suck a lot of crank lil’ fag.
It was steady and real (not BS GOVT spending) up to the virus launch. You suck a lot of crank lil’ fag.
Just 3 years of good growth without a recession, thats what you call best economy ever? Tell me, what president DIDN'T have at least that?

Clinton - check
Bush - check
Obama - check
Biden -check

You suck a lot of crank lil’ fag.

...and we are back to the regularly scheduled homo fantasies.
That piece of crap criminal degenerate egomaniac…flawed like the rest of us?

Speak for yourself bub, some of us still have principles, don’t spread insane lies, don’t commit fraud and are not criminally indicted.

The only crimes were by those who illegally charged Trump.
I do not like Trump, but these charges are ridiculous.
Probably because that’s bullshit.

Most Americans don’t like Trump.

The polls put Trump ahead by from 2 to 11% points.
That is because of the 91 ridiculous charges.
Biden should have stopped these absurd charges that clearly are not remotely legal.
Probably because that’s bullshit.

Most Americans don’t like Trump.

That is ridiculous because how much voters like or dislike Trump is irrelevant.
What matters is the comparison between Biden and Trump, and Trump comes out ahead by 2 to 11% points .

Enloghten us.
How did Trump make Covid better?

Trump first said to ignore covid, which was correct and the best strategy.
Then Fauci convinced Trump and everyone to flatten the curve to wait for the vaccines.
That was a huge mistake, but not Trump's fault, believing in Fauci.
When he intentionally downplayed it?

Downplaying covid would have been the correct strategy, but instead Trump goofed by switching over to the "flatten the curve" crowd Fauci was in control of.
Damn thats a pathetic deflection.

You can't defend Trump's character, we all know it, so why the front?

True Trump has a character that is not defendable, but Biden allowing these illegal prosecutions is way worse than Trump.
Just 3 years of good growth without a recession, thats what you call best economy ever? Tell me, what president DIDN'T have at least that?

Clinton - check
Bush - check
Obama - check
Biden -check

...and we are back to the regularly scheduled homo fantasies.

Clinton was the ONLY one with a good economy.
Bush added about $10 trillion to the national debt and started the worst real estate recession in history.
Obama did badly and added another $8 trillion to the national debt.
The best you can say about Obama is that is was not really his fault, but that of Bush before him.
Trump did not do great with the economy, but that may be mostly the fault of covid?
Biden did the worst of all by deliberately causing prices to almost double, by imposing illegal economic sanctions on Russia.
I do admit that he makes it easy for some to dislike him.
What a show of humility. :rolleyes:
He’s everything the social justice warriors insist that we despise.
The group you describe I can only assume is a small, albeit loud minority on the left. I'm sure very few agree with them. Thus, I honestly don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :rolleyes:
He’s a white male multi-billionaire who had a privileged childhood. He has a jaded history with the ladies, and is inclined to get into verbal battles that would be better avoided.
You moron. He's a part of the rich 'elite' magaturds 'reeeeeeeee' about 24/7. Born with a gold spoon up his ass. Born self financed. Never been told 'no'. Never received a proper ass whoopin'. Never did an honest work a day in his miserable life, yet we're supposed to believe he's the savior and embodiment of the working man. :auiqs.jpg:Uh, no. It objectifies and manipulates people, especially women. Raised its crotchfruit as it was raised. Now it's a fat, entitled, white haired (Flock O' Seagulls hairdo), orange faced coward and freak that is a complete embarrassment to the identities of normal male cock Asians in this country. It was the first *pResident to be both criminally and federally indicted. His soft as shit mostly boomer magaturd base relates to his suck, because their inferiority complexes align with the orange bag O' shit's 'woe is me' act. :rolleyes: All of them are full of shit.

To me, Brandon looks exactly like Walter, Jeff Dunham's puppet. Not firing on all cylinders, beaten down by his wife, and life, his constant complaints are hilarious and both poignant and kind of refreshing in a way that normal people can relate to. Walter might be pathetic, but his crusty old ass is still light-years cooler than an entitled orange bag O' shit.
In other words: he’s just as flawed as the rest of us. But I realize that his unlikability to some is actually his superpower. He causes the Left to act out a self-destructive demonstration of their corrosiveness to the American experiment.
That won't help him.
Running up $8T in debt is beneficial?

Cue the “whataboutisms”....
Almost 4 trillion racked up just by covid. You have to ask why Joe Biden didn't hold China accountable? It's a lot more complicated than you have the mentality for candy.
Biden is the only rapist. Tara Reade? In the Capitol? Finger rape only. fact not homemade.
Trumps 30 yr old court saga was manufactured BS. You’re an idiot fool.
Dont recall seeing anything about that in a court of law, you filthy Red Hat.
The group you describe I can only assume is a small, albeit loud minority on the left. I'm sure very few agree with them. Thus, I honestly don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :rolleyes:
Its okay, he has no idea what he’s talking about either. He heard the term and like a good sheep, he parroted it here.
I do admit that he makes it easy for some to dislike him. He’s everything the social justice warriors insist that we despise. He’s a white male multi-billionaire who had a privileged childhood. He has a jaded history with the ladies, and is inclined to get into verbal battles that would be better avoided. In other words: he’s just as flawed as the rest of us. But I realize that his unlikability to some is actually his superpower. He causes the Left to act out a self-destructive demonstration of their corrosiveness to the American experiment.
The biggest danger of Trump is not Trump himself but those that know how to manipulate him for their own ends.

The latest from the group known as Project 2025 is an attempt to get rid of the 22nd Amendment so they can keep their chosen in power indefinitely.
The biggest danger of Trump is not Trump himself but those that know how to manipulate him for their own ends.

The latest from the group known as Project 2025 is an attempt to get rid of the 22nd Amendment so they can keep their chosen in power indefinitely.
Cool story, brah.

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