An Ohio freshman died after drinking a bottle of liquor in a frat hazing. Now 8 men face charges.

Pussy can't drink a fifth ? I could down 2 of them in a night (Henry McKenna) when I was about 23. Still ride my H2 to the house afterwards
This sort of crap is part of why I was very happy that the university I attended had banned Greek Life about five years before I got there.
The University administration is also responsible. Anyone who actually drinks a fifth just because they are asked to, and doesn't consider the possible consequences, really should have never been matriculated. They just aren't smart enough for college.
Victim blaming at its finest.
Government sponsored education: you learn how to put a condom on a cucumber but you get to college not knowing that chugging a liter of 80 proof can kill you.
The University administration is also responsible. Anyone who actually drinks a fifth just because they are asked to, and doesn't consider the possible consequences, really should have never been matriculated. They just aren't smart enough for college.
Victim blaming at its finest.

You didn't know that drinking that much booze that quickly could kill you?

I thought that was common knowledge, especially for people who are presumed to be intelligent enough to be admitted to the university.

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