Anaheim council sued for not enough Mexicans

Hey Mexicans, I've got the solution for you !

Go back to Mexico, all councils, boards, assembly's, etc. are made up 100% with Mexicans !
To be sure, these "Mexicans" in Anaheim are likely actually Americans (of Mexican heritage (or Latin)). I was just razzing the OP.

The real problem with thinking like this, IMO, is that we have changed the definition of peer. Once upon a time, Americans believed people were equal simply by virtue of their being human. It's a pillar of the natural law school. Americans, then, were peers by virtue of their being human and American.

But now, thanks to collectivist groupthink, city councils, juries, and other assemblies have to match the larger community demographically. Liberal thinking like this fosters divisiveness and multiculturalism in our country.

for one thing in this City the charges were absolutely right...the Anaheim Hills has all the reps on the Council and they all live up there and that part of the City gets a hell of a lot of things the rest of the city dont roads paved and maintained on a regular basis.....more cops and Fire Stations.....their Schools are dam nice compared to the rest of the City....and like one guy said....."when was the last time our rep came down from the hill and paid this area a visit?".....the answer was....quite a while.....

Anaheim Hills is roughly 40 years old. The rest of the city is what, 90 years old? Wouldn't Anaheim Hills have newer infrastructure?

Here's a map of Anaheim fire stations.

City of Anaheim - Station Locations Google Map

Seems to be perfectly proportioned.
some "rights" group sued the city of Anaheim which is being re-formed.
they charged there wasn't enough Mexicans on the council per ratio.
the city of Anaheim settled out of court.

this whole thing is BS.
this is how the corrupt legal system funds radical left-wing "rights" groups with tax payer money.

You sure? Remember, this is lily white Republican Orange County where they make you pay for Paramedics TWICE!
Research is your friend:

ACLU lawsuit: Anaheim 'shuts out' Latinos - The Orange County Register

The actual lawsuit was because the constituents claimed they were not being represented due to the fact that the council was not elected by district. Personally I think this should not have been in the courts – there is nothing here illegal – but should have been handled by the electorate. The fact that it went through the courts shows the problem was not enough people actually cared about the situation.

Currently, they settled out of court BY CREATING A BALLOT MEASURE that is going to be voted on in July. That is exactly how things should go. The latinos feel disenfranchised and they are going to get the chance to convince local voters that the system should be changed.

Why should I be upset OP?

The article you linked creates some questions in my mind.

It says that no Latinos are on the city council and yet it also says 54 percent of the city's residents are Latino. And it says that city council elections are "at-large" elections.

So one question is, if Latinos make up more than half the population, why are none getting elected in an at-large election?

Could this be because a large part of the 54 percent are illegal immigrants and therefore ineligible to vote?

If that is the case, why would we want to change the at-large system used in most cities so that an illegal population would get a better chance at having a representative on the council who would influence taxpayer resources to be directed toward serving those illegals?

Possibly but I rather doubt it. There certainly are a large number of illegals in that are (it is southern CA after all with sanctuary cities and the like) BUT if the resident pop is over 50 percent Latino then it would go without saying that there are a large portion of legal Latinos in the area.

I think the real problem sis reflected not only in the fact Harry points out, they are not running, but that the Latinos are not voting in masse. Quite frankly, I don’t have a single concern for people that are demanding that they are underrepresented when they are not bothering with their voting rights in the first place. The solution, however, is exactly how such things should work – they are going to vote on it through a ballot measure. If they want to change the system they have ample opportunity to do so. If the courts get involved after the vote however, I would be STRONGLY against such an action. The courts do not have the right to demand that a voter be catered to because they cannot be bothered to get off their ass and vote. I personally believe one of the most twisted and asinine voting ‘rights’ concepts is trying to rig elections to cater to a specific sub group that is not taking the initiative on itself to actually vote. It is pathetic.

The outcome of the council members is not an indication of voter suppression either. I am reminded of another asinine case right here in WA where the state was sued because no black firefighters were eligible for promotion to chief in a particular year because none that were eligible through other requirements scored high enough on the test to make the cut. The proponents of the lawsuit demanded that the test itself was racist though when asked what questions or processes made it so the ONLY answer they could come up with was no one scored high enough. IOW, quotas.

I swear that most people today don’t have an inkling of what racism and suppression actually is. Outcome might be an indicator but it is not a sole determination. If the outcome is skewed then you actually have to find something that causes it to claim it is racist or suppressive of a particular minority group.
Research is your friend:

ACLU lawsuit: Anaheim 'shuts out' Latinos - The Orange County Register

The actual lawsuit was because the constituents claimed they were not being represented due to the fact that the council was not elected by district. Personally I think this should not have been in the courts – there is nothing here illegal – but should have been handled by the electorate. The fact that it went through the courts shows the problem was not enough people actually cared about the situation.

Currently, they settled out of court BY CREATING A BALLOT MEASURE that is going to be voted on in July. That is exactly how things should go. The latinos feel disenfranchised and they are going to get the chance to convince local voters that the system should be changed.

Why should I be upset OP?

The article you linked creates some questions in my mind.

It says that no Latinos are on the city council and yet it also says 54 percent of the city's residents are Latino. And it says that city council elections are "at-large" elections.

So one question is, if Latinos make up more than half the population, why are none getting elected in an at-large election?

Could this be because a large part of the 54 percent are illegal immigrants and therefore ineligible to vote?

If that is the case, why would we want to change the at-large system used in most cities so that an illegal population would get a better chance at having a representative on the council who would influence taxpayer resources to be directed toward serving those illegals?

"Latinos" have to run first to get elected.....all the people who are usually on the ballet are Anaheim Hills denizens with money.....i have only seen one Mexican name on the ballet in 10 years....and he was in the last election....lost a close one......

Better luck next time.
To be sure, these "Mexicans" in Anaheim are likely actually Americans (of Mexican heritage (or Latin)). I was just razzing the OP.

The real problem with thinking like this, IMO, is that we have changed the definition of peer. Once upon a time, Americans believed people were equal simply by virtue of their being human. It's a pillar of the natural law school. Americans, then, were peers by virtue of their being human and American.

But now, thanks to collectivist groupthink, city councils, juries, and other assemblies have to match the larger community demographically. Liberal thinking like this fosters divisiveness and multiculturalism in our country.

for one thing in this City the charges were absolutely right...the Anaheim Hills has all the reps on the Council and they all live up there and that part of the City gets a hell of a lot of things the rest of the city dont roads paved and maintained on a regular basis.....more cops and Fire Stations.....their Schools are dam nice compared to the rest of the City....and like one guy said....."when was the last time our rep came down from the hill and paid this area a visit?".....the answer was....quite a while.....

Anaheim Hills is roughly 40 years old. The rest of the city is what, 90 years old? Wouldn't Anaheim Hills have newer infrastructure?

Here's a map of Anaheim fire stations.

City of Anaheim - Station Locations Google Map

Seems to be perfectly proportioned.

Anaheim Hills gets whatever they want.....and that is what people are bitching about.....their Stations are pretty nice and big with more fire fighters.....their police station is twice as big as their Main Station downtown and they have a lot of Cops working out of i said,the streets up there are nicely taken care of,the rest of the City some of the main roads could use some paving.....the only place that gets equal or better care is the area around Disneyland,which i can understand because they bring in tourist and revenue.....
some "rights" group sued the city of Anaheim which is being re-formed.
they charged there wasn't enough Mexicans on the council per ratio.
the city of Anaheim settled out of court.

this whole thing is BS.
this is how the corrupt legal system funds radical left-wing "rights" groups with tax payer money.

You sure? Remember, this is lily white Republican Orange County where they make you pay for Paramedics TWICE!

really?.....we had called the Paramedics quite a few times for my dad....never got a bill....
some "rights" group sued the city of Anaheim which is being re-formed.
they charged there wasn't enough Mexicans on the council per ratio.
the city of Anaheim settled out of court.

this whole thing is BS.
this is how the corrupt legal system funds radical left-wing "rights" groups with tax payer money.

You sure? Remember, this is lily white Republican Orange County where they make you pay for Paramedics TWICE!

really?.....we had called the Paramedics quite a few times for my dad....never got a bill....

Yeah, really.

City of Anaheim - Anaheim Fire & Rescue Paramedic Membership Program

Also note that number 7 in the article is a lie. Insurance companies pay for paramedic response and treatment, but law states that taxpayer paid entities are not allowed to collect insurance payments.
You sure? Remember, this is lily white Republican Orange County where they make you pay for Paramedics TWICE!

really?.....we had called the Paramedics quite a few times for my dad....never got a bill....

Yeah, really.

City of Anaheim - Anaheim Fire & Rescue Paramedic Membership Program

Also note that number 7 in the article is a lie. Insurance companies pay for paramedic response and treatment, but law states that taxpayer paid entities are not allowed to collect insurance payments.

yeah really.....if you pay your $3.00 a month with your Electric bill you dont get charged for the Paramedics coming out....a Private carrier is different.....the AFD Paramedics came out to get my dad at least 4 times over the course of a year and we never got billed....nor did he.....
really?.....we had called the Paramedics quite a few times for my dad....never got a bill....

Yeah, really.

City of Anaheim - Anaheim Fire & Rescue Paramedic Membership Program

Also note that number 7 in the article is a lie. Insurance companies pay for paramedic response and treatment, but law states that taxpayer paid entities are not allowed to collect insurance payments.

yeah really.....if you pay your $3.00 a month with your Electric bill you dont get charged for the Paramedics coming out....a Private carrier is different.....the AFD Paramedics came out to get my dad at least 4 times over the course of a year and we never got billed....nor did he.....

But you already pay for fire/paramedic service via taxes.

I have three homes; Vegas, Coronado, and NYC. All have fire Paramedics, but no subscription programs. Seems like you guys are getting ripped-off in good 'ole Republican land.
Research is your friend:

ACLU lawsuit: Anaheim 'shuts out' Latinos - The Orange County Register

The actual lawsuit was because the constituents claimed they were not being represented due to the fact that the council was not elected by district. Personally I think this should not have been in the courts – there is nothing here illegal – but should have been handled by the electorate. The fact that it went through the courts shows the problem was not enough people actually cared about the situation.

Currently, they settled out of court BY CREATING A BALLOT MEASURE that is going to be voted on in July. That is exactly how things should go. The latinos feel disenfranchised and they are going to get the chance to convince local voters that the system should be changed.

Why should I be upset OP?

So, if I am a Latino that votes for a Vietnamese candidate, my vote will no longer count.

Democracy in action.
Research is your friend:

ACLU lawsuit: Anaheim 'shuts out' Latinos - The Orange County Register

The actual lawsuit was because the constituents claimed they were not being represented due to the fact that the council was not elected by district. Personally I think this should not have been in the courts – there is nothing here illegal – but should have been handled by the electorate. The fact that it went through the courts shows the problem was not enough people actually cared about the situation.

Currently, they settled out of court BY CREATING A BALLOT MEASURE that is going to be voted on in July. That is exactly how things should go. The latinos feel disenfranchised and they are going to get the chance to convince local voters that the system should be changed.

Why should I be upset OP?

So, if I am a Latino that votes for a Vietnamese candidate, my vote will no longer count.

Democracy in action.

It's the lily white Republican OC! Do you expect anything less?

Besides, the powers already gave the Latinos Santa Ana, and the boat people got Garbage Grove.
Yeah, really.

City of Anaheim - Anaheim Fire & Rescue Paramedic Membership Program

Also note that number 7 in the article is a lie. Insurance companies pay for paramedic response and treatment, but law states that taxpayer paid entities are not allowed to collect insurance payments.

yeah really.....if you pay your $3.00 a month with your Electric bill you dont get charged for the Paramedics coming out....a Private carrier is different.....the AFD Paramedics came out to get my dad at least 4 times over the course of a year and we never got billed....nor did he.....

But you already pay for fire/paramedic service via taxes.

I have three homes; Vegas, Coronado, and NYC. All have fire Paramedics, but no subscription programs. Seems like you guys are getting ripped-off in good 'ole Republican land.

Anaheim is not the only city in this State or Country doing this......since a hell of a lot of Cal cities are doing this im sure Coronado aint far behind.....and lots of these Subscription programs are in good 'ole Democrat if it happens in your 3 cities what are you going to do? sister lives in Vegas and she said doing a Subscription service has been discussed there....i was just reading about a city in Virginia that does long as the revenue is down could be the coming thing to offset costs....

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