Analysis: Senator Schumer, Do Not Invite Netanyahu. He Is Not Your Ally Or Your Friend And Never Was


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Dear majority leader, staunch friend and ally of Israel Senator Chuck Schumer, do not invite Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress. He has no business being there – not since his constitutional coup last year, and certainly not now in the midst of the war in Gaza.

Netanyahu wants to tell you that Israel is fighting a "second War of Independence." Over 50 percent of the Israeli public, in consistent polling, isn't buying that narrative. Over 70 percent want him to resign. He wants to warn you of the grave dangers of "imposing" on Israel a Palestinian state? That's a blatant lie. No one is imposing anything, and he has had 15 years to come up with an alternative model to the two-state solution. Have you heard anything from him on that? Of course not.

His plan is crystal clear: Damage Biden among Democratic voters, assist his soulmate Donald Trump and rebrand himself domestically in Israel as some kind of statesman after the catastrophic debacle of October 7 – for which he still refuses to be held responsible and accountable.

No American owes anything to Israel. America owes nothing to Israel.

Israel owes everything to America. It’s time that fact be made loud and clear. You take our aid. You dance to our tune.

Israel will pay a dear price for the years of Netanyahu and his supporters. Human beings have a shelf life. When enough of the Israel supporting Boomer generation are gone. They aren’t going to be replaced with more Israel ass kissers. And that fact has now manifested itself with what you see happening on college campuses in the US and all over the world.

Republicans will also regret allowing the influence of Saudi money in the region. It also wont be long after the disappearance of those Boomers, that the region will be dancing to their tune. Especially if they are given enough latitude to rebuild settlements in Gaza.
Something called "apple news" claims that Netanyahu wants to damage Biden's presidency. It must be true if it's on the internet.

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