And Here We Go Again. In The Spring/Early Summer,Democrat Ahead By 10 To 15 Points!,It's Over For Reagan,Bush,Trump!!Now,Trump Is Ahead!


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
we see this BS from the main stream media every four years. The Democrat is always way ahead right after his primary win, all networks keep him/her ahead by about 12 points right into early October. And then, OMG! all of a sudden its a two point race?
Are we supposed to believe this again? Look what happened last time! Hillary is ahead bigtime! Its Over! Hillary will win big tonight! maybe even 400 electoral votes!
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laugh: :aargh: :oops8:
I just don't even know the methodology. Do they call people? If so, who picks up the phone? Who is responding?

I've never seen this kind of loud, expression of support for a president. Closest I have seen is Obama in 2008 and that was with full support of Global Socialists and media. Trump is pulling in massive numbers who are even LOUDER and more determined than in 2016.

I'm sorry, I'm a data guy and I know just seeing isn't telling the whole story, however, his challenger isn't even pulling in 100 people. He needs celebrities and former presidents to get any eyes. Trump is doing multiple events and people are waiting for hours. These people will be in line tomorrow and they aren't moving until they pull the lever.
Polls are Lucy & Dems are Charlie Brown

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i am sick of dumb asses that have been claiming that Biden is way ahead in all swing states all year
i am sick of dumb asses that have been claiming that Biden is way ahead in all swing states all year

then you should NOT listen to MSM should know by now that they are fake news. ;)

President Trump already won this election. That's all you need to know:banana::banana::banana:
well i often poll rodents at many pet stores, its usually 95% for Trump

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