And I thought well of Hank!!!

We should not let a person's present delicate mental state of dementia cause us to disregard their past stellar careers, but just consider the source: 1 of 6 people born will someday get dementia, and the % exponentially increases with age. *sigh*

I think the answer is that for people are okay, as long as they don't disagree with pseudo-conservative ideals or share their past experiences with the public. If they do, they are just whiny Negroes.

I guarantee, if Ben Carson said that racism existed in the US, all of these people who are praising him would turn on him in a second and he would be just another ****** to them. Hate is so transparent.
Speaking to USA Today Tuesday on the 40th anniversary of his then record-breaking 715th home run, the 80-year-old Aaron said that Republicans are hindering Obama’s job performance.
“Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated,” Aaron told USA Today Sports.
Aaron continued: “The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK « CBS Atlanta

Very disappointed as while I'm not a Republican but a conservative, I have a real problem with Aaron's ignorance.
I KNOW that Aaron evidently isn't aware of Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, ALL Republicans and in the words of Obama.. And did I mention (they are) black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Very disappointed because Aaron like Obama I guess is NOT very smart in trying to convince people that THEY are not racists!
Why would Aaron as Obama does constantly be devisive ???

So why should I have any respect anymore for Aaron when he obviously doesn't like people like me???
The Republican's RABID opposition started the night of his inauguration where they held a secret meeting VOWING to NOT support Obama no matter what.

Again, this was BEFORE Obama stepped foot into The Office.

Clinton got opposition, yes, but no where as bad and as vitriolic as Obama did.

Some of that is due to race.

Even you must know that.

What? The right vowed to stop Obama before he stepped one foot into The Office? Do you actually think Obama had it worst that Bush Jr. who was accused by the left of stealing the 2000 presidential election? I seem to remember the left being irate and accusing Bush Jr. of being a fake president while burning Bush effigies (before he became president). Also, Obama's approval ratings have dropped across the board. So unless you think the democrats, Obamacans, the young and independents all became racist over night then it seems clear that race has nothing to do with Obama's opposition.

Strictly speaking, the shrub didn't steal the election. His daddy did. Just like he got every other job the schrub screwed up in his long career of screw ups.

Possible exception being his asssinine paintings. Hr probably buys the blank canvases himself.

BUT, he did win the second time. Unfathomable, I know. And many threw fruits and veggies at his second inauguration. But, he had a country to screw over and hundreds of thousands of innocent people to kill for oil the idiot didn't even get.
No this thread was about one mans opinion that opposition to Obama is based on racism just because he and pretty much everyone on the left likes to parrot that talking point doesn't make it true anymore than the stupid talking point you added which is your opinion not a fact just like when people claim the far left agenda is to turn the U.S. into another failed socialist state is their opinion not a fact.

Nothing socialist or far left about Obama. He's moderate at best.
Socialist no moderate no he falls somewhere in between far left and center left.

I'd believe this if he hadn't chosen mostly conservatives and wall street types for his cabinet. Obama talks far left talking to audiences. He was going to put on some walking shoes and walk with the unions etc. Never did. He's been talking fair wages lately, knowing he has no power to get fair wages passed. When he first entered office, he had the house and the senate for a short time. That would have been a good time to ram through a lefty program or two. Instead he started appointing deficit hawks to cat food commissions and anti public school advocates like Arne Duncan. Moderate who leans right much too often I say.
The Republican's RABID opposition started the night of his inauguration where they held a secret meeting VOWING to NOT support Obama no matter what.

Again, this was BEFORE Obama stepped foot into The Office.

Clinton got opposition, yes, but no where as bad and as vitriolic as Obama did.

Some of that is due to race.

Even you must know that.

What? The right vowed to stop Obama before he stepped one foot into The Office? Do you actually think Obama had it worst that Bush Jr. who was accused by the left of stealing the 2000 presidential election? I seem to remember the left being irate and accusing Bush Jr. of being a fake president while burning Bush effigies (before he became president). Also, Obama's approval ratings have dropped across the board. So unless you think the democrats, Obamacans, the young and independents all became racist over night then it seems clear that race has nothing to do with Obama's opposition.

Strictly speaking, the shrub didn't steal the election. His daddy did. Just like he got every other job the schrub screwed up in his long career of screw ups.

Possible exception being his asssinine paintings. Hr probably buys the blank canvases himself.

BUT, he did win the second time. Unfathomable, I know. And many threw fruits and veggies at his second inauguration. But, he had a country to screw over and hundreds of thousands of innocent people to kill for oil the idiot didn't even get.

Thank you for making my point. I also forgot about the left accusing Bush of going into Iraq because of oil. Still, people think Obama has had it hard? How soon we conveniently forget.
I think the right and left should just compromise and say that Bush stole the election and Obama was born in Kenya. At least then maybe I wouldn't have to hear the same crap over and over and over and...
CaféAuLait;8910627 said:
So anyone who opposes Obama is a racist? Please. What of the democrats who opposed Bush and the republicans who opposed Clinton? Everyone acts as if the petty fights and the skirmishes of politics should have ended when Obama was elected. Well guess what, they continued, just as they had before, it does not mean racism, but partisan politics as has been the norm for years and years and years.

Labeling partisanship as racism is pathetic and only convolutes and diminishes what racism really is.

No. But a whole lot of people that oppose Obama are racist. They don't care about his policies or point of view, they do not listen to a single word he says.

No, all they do is point to him and say - "Look! There's a black man in the White House!" and every gap-toothed, banjo pickin' inbred in Fundie County will vote for the first white guy that runs against him.

That's what partisanship is. While a number of republican politicians might not be racist, they're playing every racist card in the deck, right down to trotting out their jivin' and shuckin' tokens.

Do you really want to support a party that represents its voters like this? Are you really that far down the food chain?

i have been called a bigot here by lefties just because i said i thought Obama was a piss poor leader.....i never call him names ....i just said i think he sucks as a should i support the Democrats when many of its voters are like this?.....
Hank Aaron is well of poseurs like healthmyths and fellow self loathers such as Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, etc.
Blacks can't think for themselves, huh? Self loathers? That code talk for racists. You Democrats haven't changed at all since Jim Crowe laws, have you?
We should not let a person's present delicate mental state of dementia cause us to disregard their past stellar careers, but just consider the source: 1 of 6 people born will someday get dementia, and the % exponentially increases with age. *sigh*

This is not "dementia", nor is it a "new development"; "For more than three decades, Hank Aaron has been best known for hitting more home runs than any other baseball player in history. However, the baseball icon also spoke out against pervasive racism in major league baseball and broke racial barriers throughout his career. Despite hate mail, death threats against him and a plan to kidnap one of his daughters, Aaron broke Babe Ruth's homerun record on April 8, 1974 when he hit his 715th homerun."

"Aaron is a longtime supporter of civil rights organizations such as the NAACP. He co-founded with his wife, educator Billye, the Hank Aaron Chasing the Dream Foundation to help children develop their potential. "

"In 2002, President George W. Bush awarded Aaron the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his philanthropy and humanitarian endeavors. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund awarded him the Thurgood Marshall Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005; the organization also established the Hank Aaron Humanitarian in Sports Award. "
Hank Aaron = washed up, fat baseball player
Ben Carson = world famous surgeon.

Enough said about liberal vs conservative.

Hank Aaron is your typical black liberal....stupid, arrogant and ungrateful.

Do you even know who Hank Aaron is and what he accomplished.

Washed up? He is 80 years old. He is world famous and will be remembered long after you and probably Ben Carson.

Arrogant? He is a baseball and AMERICAN living legend!

Ungrateful? Explain.

Hank Aaron is an American matter what his politics.
and since your age has a lot to do with how long you can play....while he was playing he was never washed up....he knew when to quit....
Speaking to USA Today Tuesday on the 40th anniversary of his then record-breaking 715th home run, the 80-year-old Aaron said that Republicans are hindering Obama’s job performance.
“Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated,” Aaron told USA Today Sports.
Aaron continued: “The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK « CBS Atlanta

Very disappointed as while I'm not a Republican but a conservative, I have a real problem with Aaron's ignorance.
I KNOW that Aaron evidently isn't aware of Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, ALL Republicans and in the words of Obama.. And did I mention (they are) black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Very disappointed because Aaron like Obama I guess is NOT very smart in trying to convince people that THEY are not racists!
Why would Aaron as Obama does constantly be devisive ???

So why should I have any respect anymore for Aaron when he obviously doesn't like people like me???
The Republican's RABID opposition started the night of his inauguration where they held a secret meeting VOWING to NOT support Obama no matter what.

Again, this was BEFORE Obama stepped foot into The Office.

Clinton got opposition, yes, but no where as bad and as vitriolic as Obama did.

Some of that is due to race.

Even you must know that.
. It couldn't have anything to do with his plan to fundamentally change America, could it?'s just because he's black.

Get a freaking clue. That shit don't cut it anymore and it never did.
Dr Carson and I have done more this country than a piece of shit like you and Hank Aaron combined.

Aaron is an old piece of shit baseball player pontificating about politics based on his ability to hit a baseball...decades ago and about 50 lbs later.

Legend my ass....he tarnished anything he had before he opened his mouth, but in your case, you've never had anything.....Nut.

Do you even know who Hank Aaron is and what he accomplished.

Washed up? He is 80 years old. He is world famous and will be remembered long after you and probably Ben Carson.

Arrogant? He is a baseball and AMERICAN living legend!

Ungrateful? Explain.

Hank Aaron is an American matter what his politics.

LMAO...what have YOU accomplished that will be discussed 50 years from now? People will remember and adore Hank Aaron 50 years after you are pushing up crabgrass.

People might talk shit about you 5 minutes after you post your nonsense...then you will be forgotten about.

lots of the little leaguers today dont know who any of the guys from that era are so i dont know if it will be any better 50 years from now....
Liberals look to athletes, actors and musicians for policy advice.

That about sums up their stupidity.

Hank Aaron has no clue about foreign policy, obamacare, the IRS scandal, Fast & Furious, etc....he is a race baiting piece of shit that wants the spotlight again. Hell, he is probably broke and wants some of that Democrap money thrown his way for making up lies for obama.

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