And I thought well of Hank!!!

Nothing socialist or far left about Obama. He's moderate at best.
Socialist no moderate no he falls somewhere in between far left and center left.

I'd believe this if he hadn't chosen mostly conservatives and wall street types for his cabinet. Obama talks far left talking to audiences. He was going to put on some walking shoes and walk with the unions etc. Never did. He's been talking fair wages lately, knowing he has no power to get fair wages passed. When he first entered office, he had the house and the senate for a short time. That would have been a good time to ram through a lefty program or two. Instead he started appointing deficit hawks to cat food commissions and anti public school advocates like Arne Duncan. Moderate who leans right much too often I say.

He spent the two years his party had control of the House and Senate ramming Obamacare through which is a pretty big leftie program considering it got no Republican votes and was what in no small part cost him the House. From then to now neither party has really thrilled the people.
Socialist no moderate no he falls somewhere in between far left and center left.

I'd believe this if he hadn't chosen mostly conservatives and wall street types for his cabinet. Obama talks far left talking to audiences. He was going to put on some walking shoes and walk with the unions etc. Never did. He's been talking fair wages lately, knowing he has no power to get fair wages passed. When he first entered office, he had the house and the senate for a short time. That would have been a good time to ram through a lefty program or two. Instead he started appointing deficit hawks to cat food commissions and anti public school advocates like Arne Duncan. Moderate who leans right much too often I say.

He spent the two years his party had control of the House and Senate ramming Obamacare through which is a pretty big leftie program considering it got no Republican votes and was what in no small part cost him the House. From then to now neither party has really thrilled the people.

ACTUALLY, hater dupe, he had control for less than 6 months, and picked a GOP plan (they SAID LOL)- talked for months with the gang of six before the GOP revealed they were just stalling.... Pubs said 2010 was about Jobs, jobs, jobs. Incredible liars, and their incredible chumps...:mad:
Aaron is right: Obama is being given such a rough time because he is black, because he is a trail blazer. No matter what Obama does, good or bad, he is being crucified because the first black president is vulnerable. And look how they treat his family. Same thing. And the constant racism, the references to apes and so on. It is behavior of certain Americans that humiliates the entire country. If we are losing any face around the world, it is mainly because of how the Americans themselves treat their president. As far as Obama's performance, so far it is graded, by presidential historians, in the upper 50% of all presidents. He will go down in history as a good president.

Obama is a failure.
He certainly nailed it with this:

“The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain aren't good enough to shine Obama's shoes. I don't know enough about J.C. Watts or Senator Tim Scott to have an opinion about them.

You don't know much about anything. Herman Cain worked in the private sector as did Ben Carson.

Something Obama has never done.
I wonder if Hank the dolt Aaron thinks Dr. Ben Carson is a "white racist" for being in the GOP....

You really do assume a lot of stupid shit. You don't know what he thinks of Carson, now do you? If you do know, why not post a citation that backs you up?


1776's quote exactly you dummy was..."I wonder if Hank the dolt..."

Using YOUR logic when I say "I wonder if Pheonixops is a latent sexual deviant" makes it so!

Again Pheonixops... the operative word was "wonder" !
I wonder if Hank the dolt Aaron thinks Dr. Ben Carson is a "white racist" for being in the GOP....

You really do assume a lot of stupid shit. You don't know what he thinks of Carson, now do you? If you do know, why not post a citation that backs you up?


1776's quote exactly you dummy was..."I wonder if Hank the dolt..."

Using YOUR logic when I say "I wonder if Pheonixops is a latent sexual deviant" makes it so!

Again Pheonixops... the operative word was "wonder" !

LOL, you are a mental midget. Have you read that moron's posts in this thread?
I'd believe this if he hadn't chosen mostly conservatives and wall street types for his cabinet. Obama talks far left talking to audiences. He was going to put on some walking shoes and walk with the unions etc. Never did. He's been talking fair wages lately, knowing he has no power to get fair wages passed. When he first entered office, he had the house and the senate for a short time. That would have been a good time to ram through a lefty program or two. Instead he started appointing deficit hawks to cat food commissions and anti public school advocates like Arne Duncan. Moderate who leans right much too often I say.

He spent the two years his party had control of the House and Senate ramming Obamacare through which is a pretty big leftie program considering it got no Republican votes and was what in no small part cost him the House. From then to now neither party has really thrilled the people.

ACTUALLY, hater dupe, he had control for less than 6 months, and picked a GOP plan (they SAID LOL)- talked for months with the gang of six before the GOP revealed they were just stalling.... Pubs said 2010 was about Jobs, jobs, jobs. Incredible liars, and their incredible chumps...:mad:
why is he a "hater dupe"?.....because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you?....
Well, he's an old man and shouldn't be judged too harshly for poor judgment. It doesn't diminish the many accomplishments of his life.
You really do assume a lot of stupid shit. You don't know what he thinks of Carson, now do you? If you do know, why not post a citation that backs you up?


1776's quote exactly you dummy was..."I wonder if Hank the dolt..."

Using YOUR logic when I say "I wonder if Pheonixops is a latent sexual deviant" makes it so!

Again Pheonixops... the operative word was "wonder" !

LOL, you are a mental midget. Have you read that moron's posts in this thread?

Well you are again MAKING AN ASSUMPTION ABOUT ME and I am grossly offended!

I AM a "Short stature" person --- NOT "MIDGET"! You are making a "HATE" comment about me!
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