And I thought well of Hank!!!

Hank Aaron, played at the "launching pad"

Fulton County stadium ranked ninth in home runs per game (tied with Yankee Stadium)

Hmmmmmm ....

Before there was a MLB team in Denver, At a little over 1000 ft ASL, Fulton County Stadium was at the highest elevation of any MLB park. Thinner air, combined with hotter temps and higher humidity which helped the ball carry farther.
The field dimensions were 330 down the lines, 380 to the power alleys and 400 to center.
Yankee stadium had short porches in left, 318 ft and right 314 ft. The right field power alley was just 359 feet. At the end, the last center field distance was 408 ft. The left center alley which was open to the street until the remodeling in the 70's was 430 ft cut to 399 ft. Left of center was "death valley"....One of the interesting attributes of the old stadium before the 1974 renovation was the wind..From the beginning of the season the prevailing wind direction was from the north. In from center field. This was due to sea breezes off Long Island Sound which began just a few miles from the stadium to the Northeast. Also, the buildings across the street more or less channeled air flow toward the stadium.

Yes, yes all very interesting. Very interesting indeed.

Oh, by the way Fulton County stadium ranked ninth in home runs per game (tied with Yankee Stadium)
Yes we know an idiot would think he nailed it, but the reality is it's hyperbole and he's using his position as a black man who did experience real racism to apply his beliefs broadly and say whatever he wants without challenge. Then idiots like you can say it must be true because he knows what it's like. It's actually a racist pathetic statement and you should condone it as you do other racist statements.
What's hyperbole is when Carson stated that Obamacare is the WORST thing that happened to America since slavery.

Not Jim Crow, not segregation, not Prohibition, not The Depression, but Obamacare.

Yeah...he's a special breed of far RW lapdog.

Check. So any black man who disagrees with you politically is a self-loathing black. racism there....right?
Where did I state that [MENTION=45104]WelfareQueen[/MENTION]?
Yes we know an idiot would think he nailed it, but the reality is it's hyperbole and he's using his position as a black man who did experience real racism to apply his beliefs broadly and say whatever he wants without challenge. Then idiots like you can say it must be true because he knows what it's like. It's actually a racist pathetic statement and you should condone it as you do other racist statements.
What's hyperbole is when Carson stated that Obamacare is the WORST thing that happened to America since slavery.

Not Jim Crow, not segregation, not Prohibition, not The Depression, but Obamacare.

Yeah...he's a special breed of far RW lapdog.

But of course your expertise is far superior to BENJAMIN SOLOMON CARSON, SR. CURRICULUM VITAE

Current Appointments

1984 - Present Director Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

1991 - Present Co-Director of The Johns Hopkins Cleft and Craniofacial Center Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Neurological Surgery The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Oncology The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Plastic Surgery The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

Education and Training

1973 - 1977 M.D., University of Michigan School of Medicine Ann Arbor, Michigan

1969 - 1973 B.A., Yale University New Haven, Connecticut

1965 - 1969 Southwestern High School Detroit, Michigan

Previous Educational and Academic Experience

1967 - 1969 Southwestern High School Science Laboratory Assistant Detroit, Michigan

1968 Research Laboratory Assistant Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan

1974 Radiology Technician University of Michigan

1976-1977 Physical Diagnosis Instructor University of Michigan School of Medicine

1977 - 1978 Intern, Halsted Surgical Service The Johns Hopkins Hospital

1977 – 1978 Fellow in General Surgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

1978 - 1983 Fellow in Neurosurgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

1978 - 1982 Assistant Resident Neurosurgical Service The Johns Hopkins Hospital

1980 Senior Neurosurgical Resident The Loch Raven Veterans Administration Hospital Baltimore, Maryland

1981 Senior Neurosurgical Resident The Baltimore City Hospitals Baltimore, Maryland

1982 - 1983 Chief Resident and Fellow in Neurological Surgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Hospital

1983 - 1984 Senior Registrar in Neurosurgery Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Queen Elizabeth II, Medical Center Western Australia

1984 - 1991 Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery Director Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery

1984 - 1991 Assistant Professor of Oncology Co-Director of Section of Neurosurgical Oncology The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

1987 - 1996 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

1991 - 1999 Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, Oncology, Plastic Surgery, and Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland
And these are just the first 3 pages of his 84 page CURRICULUM VITAE

But I am sure your educational and work experience ARE FAR FAR superior to this "black man"!!!
Oh and by the way.. did I mention he is a brain surgeon!!!! And also as Obama said "he's black"!!!

Carson was a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, and he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital.[3] At age 33, he became the youngest major division director in Johns Hopkins history, as director of pediatric neurosurgery. He was also a co-director of the Johns Hopkins Craniofacial Center.
According to Johns Hopkins Hospital literature, "Dr. Carson focuses on traumatic brain injuries, brain and spinal cord tumors, achondroplasia, neurological and congenital disorders, craniosynostosis, epilepsy, and trigeminal neuralgia. He is also interested in maximizing the intellectual potential of every child."[3
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I met the man, at age 14 back in 1990, shook his hand and had him sign a copy of my book. This was in Indianapolis, IN at a huge religious event.

Yes, he's a childhood hero of mine, so you're not telling me anything new here.

I'm saddened that he's become a rabid RWer today.
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I found it interesting that he would compare the GOP to the KKK, and then in the same breath say that we have a long way to go in terms of race relations.

Do you think comments like yours are helping, Hank?

So you're expressing rage, or at least anger, enough to engender bad race-relations. And this is just for him stating his feelings.

Now compare his experience in America, as far as race is concerned, and yours.

How do the two of them stack up?

Who has LEGITIMATE cause for anger, resentment, etc. for their or him?

Think before you post.

I found it interesting that he would compare the GOP to the KKK, and then in the same breath say that we have a long way to go in terms of race relations.

Do you think comments like yours are helping, Hank?

So you're expressing rage, or at least anger, enough to engender bad race-relations. And this is just for him stating his feelings.

Now compare his experience in America, as far as race is concerned, and yours.

How do the two of them stack up?

Who has LEGITIMATE cause for anger, resentment, etc. for their or him?

Think before you post.

Nice attempt at deflection.

I'm used to that here.

That doesn't answer my direct question.

Think before you post.


I found it interesting that he would compare the GOP to the KKK, and then in the same breath say that we have a long way to go in terms of race relations.

Do you think comments like yours are helping, Hank?

So you're expressing rage, or at least anger, enough to engender bad race-relations. And this is just for him stating his feelings.

Now compare his experience in America, as far as race is concerned, and yours.

How do the two of them stack up?

Who has LEGITIMATE cause for anger, resentment, etc. for their or him?

Think before you post.

NO ONE should have cause for anger, resentment,etc... i.e. feeling sorry for yourself and blaming others for your failures???

Ask Herman Cain about how his dad being a driver for the President of Coca Cola in the 40s felt!
Ask Condolezza Rice if she had any anger,resentment,etc. growing up in Birmingham AL.. would all her anger,resentment, help her
in becoming a concert level pianist, the Provost from 1993 to 1999 at Stanford, the first BLACK women Secretary of State under that EviL GWB.. did
her anger,resentment.. get her into those positions?

Ask any ANY successful black Justice Thomas, Dr. Carson, Senator Scott... did resentment anger over being BLACK help them??

I had a black cousin in Iowa in the 50s! I had a black business partner in Dallas in the 70s!
I am part indian and do I have anger , resentment against the White Man? Hell no I'm too busy as were the other successful minorities I know!
They are too busy to be making anger resentment statements like Aaron, or Obama or anyone else who looks to the race card to help them!
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Aaron is right: Obama is being given such a rough time because he is black, because he is a trail blazer. No matter what Obama does, good or bad, he is being crucified because the first black president is vulnerable. And look how they treat his family. Same thing. And the constant racism, the references to apes and so on. It is behavior of certain Americans that humiliates the entire country. If we are losing any face around the world, it is mainly because of how the Americans themselves treat their president. As far as Obama's performance, so far it is graded, by presidential historians, in the upper 50% of all presidents. He will go down in history as a good president.
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CaféAuLait;8910627 said:
So anyone who opposes Obama is a racist? Please. What of the democrats who opposed Bush and the republicans who opposed Clinton? Everyone acts as if the petty fights and the skirmishes of politics should have ended when Obama was elected. Well guess what, they continued, just as they had before, it does not mean racism, but partisan politics as has been the norm for years and years and years.

Labeling partisanship as racism is pathetic and only convolutes and diminishes what racism really is.

No. But a whole lot of people that oppose Obama are racist. They don't care about his policies or point of view, they do not listen to a single word he says.

No, all they do is point to him and say - "Look! There's a black man in the White House!" and every gap-toothed, banjo pickin' inbred in Fundie County will vote for the first white guy that runs against him.

That's what partisanship is. While a number of republican politicians might not be racist, they're playing every racist card in the deck, right down to trotting out their jivin' and shuckin' tokens.

Do you really want to support a party that represents its voters like this? Are you really that far down the food chain?

Let's see.. what was Obama's qualifications to be an executive. Executives generally are able to make decisions based on people they've hired and then provided unbiased information the executive makes million dollar decisions affecting thousands of peoples lives.
Read Obama's Resume and tell me if there were any other factors electing Obama OTHER then people had NO reasons to vote for Obama i.e. NO experiences other then these idiots that voted for Obama did so because THEY didn't want think they were racists! In other words there were NO reasons to vote for him OTHER then the voter did NOT want to appear racist because THAT was only reason they would vote for him..i.e. he was BLACK!!!

View attachment 29863

View attachment 29864

Obama's Resume: Barack Obama?s Resume Challenge

That's a pretty impressive resume.

BTW, do you know what magna cum laude means? Seems that a lot of people don't...
CaféAuLait;8910627 said:
Speaking to USA Today Tuesday on the 40th anniversary of his then record-breaking 715th home run, the 80-year-old Aaron said that Republicans are hindering Obama’s job performance.
“Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated,” Aaron told USA Today Sports.
Aaron continued: “The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK « CBS Atlanta

Very disappointed as while I'm not a Republican but a conservative, I have a real problem with Aaron's ignorance.
I KNOW that Aaron evidently isn't aware of Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, ALL Republicans and in the words of Obama.. And did I mention (they are) black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Very disappointed because Aaron like Obama I guess is NOT very smart in trying to convince people that THEY are not racists!
Why would Aaron as Obama does constantly be devisive ???

So why should I have any respect anymore for Aaron when he obviously doesn't like people like me???

He doesn't like racists. Are you a racist?

So anyone who opposes Obama is a racist? Please. What of the democrats who opposed Bush and the republicans who opposed Clinton? Everyone acts as if the petty fights and the skirmishes of politics should have ended when Obama was elected. Well guess what, they continued, just as they had before, it does not mean racism, but partisan politics as has been the norm for years and years and years.

Labeling partisanship as racism is pathetic and only convolutes and diminishes what racism really is.

Funny, I don't recall any cartoons at all that portrayed any other President and First Lady as apes.

Saying that there's no racism is like saying Glen Beck is truthful.
No. But a whole lot of people that oppose Obama are racist. They don't care about his policies or point of view, they do not listen to a single word he says.

No, all they do is point to him and say - "Look! There's a black man in the White House!" and every gap-toothed, banjo pickin' inbred in Fundie County will vote for the first white guy that runs against him.

That's what partisanship is. While a number of republican politicians might not be racist, they're playing every racist card in the deck, right down to trotting out their jivin' and shuckin' tokens.

Do you really want to support a party that represents its voters like this? Are you really that far down the food chain?

Let's see.. what was Obama's qualifications to be an executive. Executives generally are able to make decisions based on people they've hired and then provided unbiased information the executive makes million dollar decisions affecting thousands of peoples lives.
Read Obama's Resume and tell me if there were any other factors electing Obama OTHER then people had NO reasons to vote for Obama i.e. NO experiences other then these idiots that voted for Obama did so because THEY didn't want think they were racists! In other words there were NO reasons to vote for him OTHER then the voter did NOT want to appear racist because THAT was only reason they would vote for him..i.e. he was BLACK!!!

View attachment 29863

View attachment 29864

Obama's Resume: Barack Obama?s Resume Challenge

That's a pretty impressive resume.

BTW, do you know what magna cum laude means? Seems that a lot of people don't...

By the way do you know what Tu, ut plenum sit amet mauris means??
Or do you know what ..Melius est ergo aperiat os stulti et proba videri means or this one is really appropriate for you..
superbia, et pulicem unum amni deflueret, assequi clamabant suscitat Olaphi

Obama had not one year of any executive experience.
At least Clinton,Bush,Carter,Reagan almost every president was either a governor or executive i.e. experiences in management of people and organizations!

OBAMA had not one single executive experience. The ONLY qualification he had ... he was black!
No. But a whole lot of people that oppose Obama are racist. They don't care about his policies or point of view, they do not listen to a single word he says.

No, all they do is point to him and say - "Look! There's a black man in the White House!" and every gap-toothed, banjo pickin' inbred in Fundie County will vote for the first white guy that runs against him.

That's what partisanship is. While a number of republican politicians might not be racist, they're playing every racist card in the deck, right down to trotting out their jivin' and shuckin' tokens.

Do you really want to support a party that represents its voters like this? Are you really that far down the food chain?

Let's see.. what was Obama's qualifications to be an executive. Executives generally are able to make decisions based on people they've hired and then provided unbiased information the executive makes million dollar decisions affecting thousands of peoples lives.
Read Obama's Resume and tell me if there were any other factors electing Obama OTHER then people had NO reasons to vote for Obama i.e. NO experiences other then these idiots that voted for Obama did so because THEY didn't want think they were racists! In other words there were NO reasons to vote for him OTHER then the voter did NOT want to appear racist because THAT was only reason they would vote for him..i.e. he was BLACK!!!

View attachment 29863

View attachment 29864

Obama's Resume: Barack Obama?s Resume Challenge

That's a pretty impressive resume.

BTW, do you know what magna cum laude means? Seems that a lot of people don't...

Oh by the way.. do you know what "magna cum laude" means in arabic??

مكدسة الدكتوراه أعلى وأعمق

You really are a pompam parat ORCA
What's hyperbole is when Carson stated that Obamacare is the WORST thing that happened to America since slavery.

Not Jim Crow, not segregation, not Prohibition, not The Depression, but Obamacare.

Yeah...he's a special breed of far RW lapdog.

But of course your expertise is far superior to BENJAMIN SOLOMON CARSON, SR. CURRICULUM VITAE

Current Appointments

1984 - Present Director Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

1991 - Present Co-Director of The Johns Hopkins Cleft and Craniofacial Center Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Neurological Surgery The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Oncology The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Plastic Surgery The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

Education and Training

1973 - 1977 M.D., University of Michigan School of Medicine Ann Arbor, Michigan

1969 - 1973 B.A., Yale University New Haven, Connecticut

1965 - 1969 Southwestern High School Detroit, Michigan

Previous Educational and Academic Experience

1967 - 1969 Southwestern High School Science Laboratory Assistant Detroit, Michigan

1968 Research Laboratory Assistant Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan

1974 Radiology Technician University of Michigan

1976-1977 Physical Diagnosis Instructor University of Michigan School of Medicine

1977 - 1978 Intern, Halsted Surgical Service The Johns Hopkins Hospital

1977 – 1978 Fellow in General Surgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

1978 - 1983 Fellow in Neurosurgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

1978 - 1982 Assistant Resident Neurosurgical Service The Johns Hopkins Hospital

1980 Senior Neurosurgical Resident The Loch Raven Veterans Administration Hospital Baltimore, Maryland

1981 Senior Neurosurgical Resident The Baltimore City Hospitals Baltimore, Maryland

1982 - 1983 Chief Resident and Fellow in Neurological Surgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Hospital

1983 - 1984 Senior Registrar in Neurosurgery Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Queen Elizabeth II, Medical Center Western Australia

1984 - 1991 Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery Director Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery

1984 - 1991 Assistant Professor of Oncology Co-Director of Section of Neurosurgical Oncology The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

1987 - 1996 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

1991 - 1999 Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, Oncology, Plastic Surgery, and Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland
And these are just the first 3 pages of his 84 page CURRICULUM VITAE

But I am sure your educational and work experience ARE FAR FAR superior to this "black man"!!!
Oh and by the way.. did I mention he is a brain surgeon!!!! And also as Obama said "he's black"!!!

Carson was a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, and he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital.[3] At age 33, he became the youngest major division director in Johns Hopkins history, as director of pediatric neurosurgery. He was also a co-director of the Johns Hopkins Craniofacial Center.
According to Johns Hopkins Hospital literature, "Dr. Carson focuses on traumatic brain injuries, brain and spinal cord tumors, achondroplasia, neurological and congenital disorders, craniosynostosis, epilepsy, and trigeminal neuralgia. He is also interested in maximizing the intellectual potential of every child."[3
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I met the man, at age 14 back in 1990, shook his hand and had him sign a copy of my book. This was in Indianapolis, IN at a huge religious event.

Yes, he's a childhood hero of mine, so you're not telling me anything new here.

I'm saddened that he's become a rabid RWer today.

Don't be. Einstein was a mathematical genius, but lacked in other social and intuitive skills.

Being a great surgeon is one thing. It certainly doesn't qualify one to be an expert in other areas.
Speaking to USA Today Tuesday on the 40th anniversary of his then record-breaking 715th home run, the 80-year-old Aaron said that Republicans are hindering Obama’s job performance.
“Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated,” Aaron told USA Today Sports.
Aaron continued: “The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK « CBS Atlanta

Very disappointed as while I'm not a Republican but a conservative, I have a real problem with Aaron's ignorance.
I KNOW that Aaron evidently isn't aware of Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, ALL Republicans and in the words of Obama.. And did I mention (they are) black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Very disappointed because Aaron like Obama I guess is NOT very smart in trying to convince people that THEY are not racists!
Why would Aaron as Obama does constantly be devisive ???

So why should I have any respect anymore for Aaron when he obviously doesn't like people like me???

LOL, I saw this story a few days ago, I was wondering when someone was going to make a thread about it. He called it as he sees it, he has 80 years of experience, he grew up in Mobile, Alabama, so I am pretty sure he knows how to identify bigots.
Hank Aaron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This whole if you disagree with the Obama agenda your racist is beyond old and pathetic. Reagan and Clinton two of the most popular Presidents in my life to date did not get unwavering support from the other party but both managed to get things done because they understood they were not going to get everything they wanted all the time something it seems Obama has still not come to terms with.
He certainly nailed it with this:

“The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain aren't good enough to shine Obama's shoes. I don't know enough about J.C. Watts or Senator Tim Scott to have an opinion about them.

Here's what J.C. Watts thinks of the Republicans:

"Republicans don’t treat blacks any better than Democrats. The so-called “establishment” doesn’t bother with engaging blacks, particularly black Republicans, until elections roll around and candidates need some votes. And even then the GOP barely fakes its “minority outreach,” by creating “advisory councils.” That’s what former Congressman JC Watts said September 19, 2013 in rousing remarks during the Republicans for Black Empowerment Annual Gathering in Washington, DC."

"Watts told many of us what we already knew “the Republican National Committee really isn’t interested in outreach.” Watts said he’s heard lots of promises from the RNC that it plans welcome more minority voters to the party but has seen no action to back up Chairman Reince Priebus’ words"
Conservative Black Chick » Blog Archive » JC Watts Tells RNC Enough with Phony Outreach; Try Inclusion

Now we may see some of the conservatives and republican treat Mr. Watts the same way they treat General Powell and Michael Steel. :)
Hank Aaron = washed up, fat baseball player
Ben Carson = world famous surgeon.

Enough said about liberal vs conservative.

Hank Aaron is your typical black liberal....stupid, arrogant and ungrateful.
This whole if you disagree with the Obama agenda your racist is beyond old and pathetic. Reagan and Clinton two of the most popular Presidents in my life to date did not get unwavering support from the other party but both managed to get things done because they understood they were not going to get everything they wanted all the time something it seems Obama has still not come to terms with.

Except that this thread is specifically about racism.

But if you want to derail it, the republicans' hard swerve to a far-right agenda aimed at turning the US into an oligarchy contains ideals that specifically exclude women, children, racial minorities, and non-christians.

This whole if you disagree with the Obama agenda your racist is beyond old and pathetic. Reagan and Clinton two of the most popular Presidents in my life to date did not get unwavering support from the other party but both managed to get things done because they understood they were not going to get everything they wanted all the time something it seems Obama has still not come to terms with.

Except that this thread is specifically about racism.

But if you want to derail it, the republicans' hard swerve to a far-right agenda aimed at turning the US into an oligarchy contains ideals that specifically exclude women, children, racial minorities, and non-christians.

No this thread was about one mans opinion that opposition to Obama is based on racism just because he and pretty much everyone on the left likes to parrot that talking point doesn't make it true anymore than the stupid talking point you added which is your opinion not a fact just like when people claim the far left agenda is to turn the U.S. into another failed socialist state is their opinion not a fact.

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