And I thought well of Hank!!!

Speaking to USA Today Tuesday on the 40th anniversary of his then record-breaking 715th home run, the 80-year-old Aaron said that Republicans are hindering Obama’s job performance.
“Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated,” Aaron told USA Today Sports.
Aaron continued: “The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK « CBS Atlanta

Very disappointed as while I'm not a Republican but a conservative, I have a real problem with Aaron's ignorance.
I KNOW that Aaron evidently isn't aware of Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, ALL Republicans and in the words of Obama.. And did I mention (they are) black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Very disappointed because Aaron like Obama I guess is NOT very smart in trying to convince people that THEY are not racists!
Why would Aaron as Obama does constantly be devisive ???

So why should I have any respect anymore for Aaron when he obviously doesn't like people like me???

Henry Aaron is nearly 80 years old. He is a product of the Old South.
'Nuff said...
Oh, this is one example of the reasons why I think people in the entertainment and sports business should keep their mouths shut.
He certainly nailed it with this:

“The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain aren't good enough to shine Obama's shoes. I don't know enough about J.C. Watts or Senator Tim Scott to have an opinion about them.

Oh that's right. The worst lib is always better than the best conservative...
That's why you pricks reelected Marion Barry. Screamed RACISM when Kwame Kilpatrick got sent up the river...Shut up...
I like Hank !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ame=]Hank Williams - Cold Cold Heart - YouTube[/ame]
I think Hank understands what Obama is going through

He has been there

WHAT?!!! Get the fuck outta here....Obama's upbringing was one of privilege and shelter. he went to elite schools. He's hardly familiar with Aaron's hardscrabble upbringing..Aaron should know that..
Ahh, this is a "nothing to see here".
Speaking to USA Today Tuesday on the 40th anniversary of his then record-breaking 715th home run, the 80-year-old Aaron said that Republicans are hindering Obama’s job performance.
“Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated,” Aaron told USA Today Sports.
Aaron continued: “The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK « CBS Atlanta

Very disappointed as while I'm not a Republican but a conservative, I have a real problem with Aaron's ignorance.
I KNOW that Aaron evidently isn't aware of Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, ALL Republicans and in the words of Obama.. And did I mention (they are) black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Very disappointed because Aaron like Obama I guess is NOT very smart in trying to convince people that THEY are not racists!
Why would Aaron as Obama does constantly be devisive ???

So why should I have any respect anymore for Aaron when he obviously doesn't like people like me???

"Aaron goes on to describe the racist letters he has kept for decades as he was chasing Babe Ruth’s home run record."

i bet he received many many more letters of praise over the years from people

of all walks and colors of life and the children that thought of him as a hero

sad really that this is all that he can see

and then to go off and paint a large percentage of the people

with that stripe based on a few hateful letters

what a jackass
Hank Aaron, played at the "launching pad"

Fulton County stadium ranked ninth in home runs per game (tied with Yankee Stadium)

Hmmmmmm ....

Before there was a MLB team in Denver, At a little over 1000 ft ASL, Fulton County Stadium was at the highest elevation of any MLB park. Thinner air, combined with hotter temps and higher humidity which helped the ball carry farther.
The field dimensions were 330 down the lines, 380 to the power alleys and 400 to center.
Yankee stadium had short porches in left, 318 ft and right 314 ft. The right field power alley was just 359 feet. At the end, the last center field distance was 408 ft. The left center alley which was open to the street until the remodeling in the 70's was 430 ft cut to 399 ft. Left of center was "death valley"....One of the interesting attributes of the old stadium before the 1974 renovation was the wind..From the beginning of the season the prevailing wind direction was from the north. In from center field. This was due to sea breezes off Long Island Sound which began just a few miles from the stadium to the Northeast. Also, the buildings across the street more or less channeled air flow toward the stadium.
Speaking to USA Today Tuesday on the 40th anniversary of his then record-breaking 715th home run, the 80-year-old Aaron said that Republicans are hindering Obama’s job performance.
“Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated,” Aaron told USA Today Sports.
Aaron continued: “The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK « CBS Atlanta

Very disappointed as while I'm not a Republican but a conservative, I have a real problem with Aaron's ignorance.
I KNOW that Aaron evidently isn't aware of Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, ALL Republicans and in the words of Obama.. And did I mention (they are) black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Very disappointed because Aaron like Obama I guess is NOT very smart in trying to convince people that THEY are not racists!
Why would Aaron as Obama does constantly be devisive ???

So why should I have any respect anymore for Aaron when he obviously doesn't like people like me???

He doesn't like racists. Are you a racist?

So anyone who opposes Obama is a racist? Please. What of the democrats who opposed Bush and the republicans who opposed Clinton? Everyone acts as if the petty fights and the skirmishes of politics should have ended when Obama was elected. Well guess what, they continued, just as they had before, it does not mean racism, but partisan politics as has been the norm for years and years and years.

Labeling partisanship as racism is pathetic and only convolutes and diminishes what racism really is.
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CaféAuLait;8910627 said:
So anyone who opposes Obama is a racist? Please. What of the democrats who opposed Bush and the republicans who opposed Clinton? Everyone acts as if the petty fights and the skirmishes of politics should have ended when Obama was elected. Well guess what, they continued, just as they had before, it does not mean racism, but partisan politics as has been the norm for years and years and years.

Labeling partisanship as racism is pathetic and only convolutes and diminishes what racism really is.

No. But a whole lot of people that oppose Obama are racist. They don't care about his policies or point of view, they do not listen to a single word he says.

No, all they do is point to him and say - "Look! There's a black man in the White House!" and every gap-toothed, banjo pickin' inbred in Fundie County will vote for the first white guy that runs against him.

That's what partisanship is. While a number of republican politicians might not be racist, they're playing every racist card in the deck, right down to trotting out their jivin' and shuckin' tokens.

Do you really want to support a party that represents its voters like this? Are you really that far down the food chain?
CaféAuLait;8910627 said:
So anyone who opposes Obama is a racist? Please. What of the democrats who opposed Bush and the republicans who opposed Clinton? Everyone acts as if the petty fights and the skirmishes of politics should have ended when Obama was elected. Well guess what, they continued, just as they had before, it does not mean racism, but partisan politics as has been the norm for years and years and years.

Labeling partisanship as racism is pathetic and only convolutes and diminishes what racism really is.

No. But a whole lot of people that oppose Obama are racist. They don't care about his policies or point of view, they do not listen to a single word he says.

No, all they do is point to him and say - "Look! There's a black man in the White House!" and every gap-toothed, banjo pickin' inbred in Fundie County will vote for the first white guy that runs against him.

That's what partisanship is. While a number of republican politicians might not be racist, they're playing every racist card in the deck, right down to trotting out their jivin' and shuckin' tokens.

Do you really want to support a party that represents its voters like this? Are you really that far down the food chain?

Hey, look there is no need for insults. Why do you feel the need to do that? Does it make you feel big or something? I see a lot of that of late and it is really uncalled for.

In the OP Hank was speaking about those in office calling every republican rep a racist when he described them in a coat and tie. Thus my reply.

"Shuck and Jive" you know who used that term first about Obama, a democrat, Cuomo then guess who? Chris Matthews and Jay Carney. So don't say that just because a politician used the term it means they are racist.

Carney: "I'm Going To Shuck And Jive" | RealClearPolitics

[ame=]Chris Matthews "Shuck and Jive" - YouTube[/ame]

Martin: ?Shucking and jiving? and the campaign trail ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

There are racists out there. It's unfortunate and down right sorry and I wish racism was a thing of the past. However, there are racists in all walks of life, not just white people or republicans. I don't believe the opposition to Obama is about race, its about partisan politics, the same partisan politics which have been going on for years.
In the OP Hank was speaking about those in office calling every republican rep a racist when he described them in a coat and tie.
But Aaron did not call all Republicans racist. And there is no denying that what he said about racists in suits and ties is true. They exist - and to claim they don't is absurd.

But as I posted before - The vast majority Republican opposition and Republican efforts to kneecap Obama are not based on race but on party loyalty.
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In the OP Hank was speaking about those in office calling every republican rep a racist when he described them in a coat and tie.
But Aaron did not call all Republicans racist. And there is no denying that what he said about racists in suits and ties is true. They exist - and to claim they don't is absurd.

But as I posted before - The vast majority Republican opposition and Republican efforts to kneecap Obama are not based on race but on party loyalty.

I can't speak for GOP party officials as they don't seem to care if it is party loyalty BUT as far as I'm concerned ANY American much less a President would NOT hold these beliefs!

Believes in a .."single payer health system"... but is OK that physicians attest they order $850 billion a year in wasted claims because of fear of lawyers.
And in doing so NO President would ever want 400,000 people to be laid off and $100 billion a year in taxes be eliminated as would happen to the 1,300 health insurance companies.

Believes in bankrupting ANY company..much less electric utilities"!"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"

Believes that "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Believes gas prices should go up... rather I think we should open more Federal leases to more oil exploration and become the world's #1 oil producer!"

Believes that our military should be demeaned by statements that call our troops nazis or that they methodically bomb villages killing civilians"!
Believes that all corporations are evil or capitalism is bad. Without taxes from jobs and companies we couldn't run our governments!"

Believes our EPA should be involved in managing dust on country roads or fining a Wyoming welder $75,000 a day for building pond on his property"

Believes his Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Believes in LYING to pass legislation"..Remember "you can keep your doctor"??

Believes there were 46 million uninsured as the facts point out there were less then 4 million"!
Hank Aaron is well of poseurs like healthmyths and fellow self loathers such as Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, etc.

Blacks not on the Dem Public Housing and public school plantation are "Self-loathers"

That's so sweet, Jake
Hank Aaron, played at the "launching pad", was maybe 10% of the home run hitter Babe Ruth was and is a racist scumbag to boot.

Who the fuck cares what he says?

Damn Frank. Do you have to prove yourself stupid about baseball too?

Hank Aaron 385 home runs at the "Launching Pad" and 370 home runs at away parks.

Really Frank. Shut the fuck up about Hall of Fame baseball players. Not even 10% the hitter Ruth was eh? You that old that you saw Ruth play? Back in the good ole days eh. Before they let the black guys play. You probably know Josh Gibson. Could he hit ok Frank?

Aaron went into the Hall first ballot 406/415 cast.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasr Ruth started as a Hall of Fame pitcher whose records would only be broken by White Ford (Racist name, no?) 2 generation later.

Ruth hit more home runs than entire teams. He was the Wayne Gretzky of his era an athlete a whole order of magnitude above his peers. Hank Aaron, meh.

Babe Ruth AB/HR = 11.76

Hank Aaron AB/HR = 16.4

LOL No comparison at all.
CaféAuLait;8910627 said:
So anyone who opposes Obama is a racist? Please. What of the democrats who opposed Bush and the republicans who opposed Clinton? Everyone acts as if the petty fights and the skirmishes of politics should have ended when Obama was elected. Well guess what, they continued, just as they had before, it does not mean racism, but partisan politics as has been the norm for years and years and years.

Labeling partisanship as racism is pathetic and only convolutes and diminishes what racism really is.

No. But a whole lot of people that oppose Obama are racist. They don't care about his policies or point of view, they do not listen to a single word he says.

No, all they do is point to him and say - "Look! There's a black man in the White House!" and every gap-toothed, banjo pickin' inbred in Fundie County will vote for the first white guy that runs against him.

That's what partisanship is. While a number of republican politicians might not be racist, they're playing every racist card in the deck, right down to trotting out their jivin' and shuckin' tokens.

Do you really want to support a party that represents its voters like this? Are you really that far down the food chain?

Let's see.. what was Obama's qualifications to be an executive. Executives generally are able to make decisions based on people they've hired and then provided unbiased information the executive makes million dollar decisions affecting thousands of peoples lives.
Read Obama's Resume and tell me if there were any other factors electing Obama OTHER then people had NO reasons to vote for Obama i.e. NO experiences other then these idiots that voted for Obama did so because THEY didn't want think they were racists! In other words there were NO reasons to vote for him OTHER then the voter did NOT want to appear racist because THAT was only reason they would vote for him..i.e. he was BLACK!!!

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The odd thing is that Dems had a KKK Grand Kleage as Senate Majority Whip when Hammering Hank was hitting a HR every 16 at bats

Weird, no?


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