And I thought well of Hank!!!

Hank Aaron is well of poseurs like healthmyths and fellow self loathers such as Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, etc.
We're at the point where a charge of racism really means nothing any longer. Disagree with a minority, it's racism. Do something a minority doesn't like, it's racism. The only reason it even gets mentioned in politics is because it throws the other guy on the defensive because whites are afraid of being perceived as racist.
We're at the point where a charge of racism really means nothing any longer. Disagree with a minority, it's racism. Do something a minority doesn't like, it's racism. The only reason it even gets mentioned in politics is because it throws the other guy on the defensive because whites are afraid of being perceived as racist.

Birthers ARE Bigots.
Hank Aaron is well of poseurs like healthmyths and fellow self loathers such as Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, etc.

Curious why you would think such successful men are self-loathing. Please be specific in your comments. This should be fascinating. :eusa_shifty:
Speaking to USA Today Tuesday on the 40th anniversary of his then record-breaking 715th home run, the 80-year-old Aaron said that Republicans are hindering Obama’s job performance.
“Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated,” Aaron told USA Today Sports.
Aaron continued: “The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK « CBS Atlanta

Very disappointed as while I'm not a Republican but a conservative, I have a real problem with Aaron's ignorance.
I KNOW that Aaron evidently isn't aware of Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, ALL Republicans and in the words of Obama.. And did I mention (they are) black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Very disappointed because Aaron like Obama I guess is NOT very smart in trying to convince people that THEY are not racists!
Why would Aaron as Obama does constantly be devisive ???

So why should I have any respect anymore for Aaron when he obviously doesn't like people like me???
The Republican's RABID opposition started the night of his inauguration where they held a secret meeting VOWING to NOT support Obama no matter what.

Again, this was BEFORE Obama stepped foot into The Office.

Clinton got opposition, yes, but no where as bad and as vitriolic as Obama did.

Some of that is due to race.

Even you must know that.
Hank Aaron is entitled to his opinion. He's still one hell of a man. I judge him for what he did on the field, not for his political opinions now. When he broke the home run record that night, it was amidst a lot of death threats and racially charged hate mail. I was watching an interview with Dusty Baker (one of Aaron's teammates) that the Atlanta station managed to do, Hank told him "Let's get this over with."

So, he speaks from experience, what have we to chastise him?
Hank Aaron's statement is the kind of stuff that drives white people to turn against blacks.
We're at the point where a charge of racism really means nothing any longer. Disagree with a minority, it's racism. Do something a minority doesn't like, it's racism. The only reason it even gets mentioned in politics is because it throws the other guy on the defensive because whites are afraid of being perceived as racist.

Ahh that sort of gives racists free reign to do and say whatever they want without consequence. Nice try.

Yes, there is a cottage industry of screaming "racist" like the little boy who cried wolf. But that doesn't mean that real racism doesn't exist.

Just like so many other political tactics. It just requires a little checking under the hood to find out who is talking trash and who is on target.
Hank Aaron, played at the "launching pad", was maybe 10% of the home run hitter Babe Ruth was and is a racist scumbag to boot.

Who the fuck cares what he says?

Damn Frank. Do you have to prove yourself stupid about baseball too?

Hank Aaron 385 home runs at the "Launching Pad" and 370 home runs at away parks.

Really Frank. Shut the fuck up about Hall of Fame baseball players. Not even 10% the hitter Ruth was eh? You that old that you saw Ruth play? Back in the good ole days eh. Before they let the black guys play. You probably know Josh Gibson. Could he hit ok Frank?

Aaron went into the Hall first ballot 406/415 cast.
Hank Aaron, played at the "launching pad", was maybe 10% of the home run hitter Babe Ruth was and is a racist scumbag to boot.

Who the fuck cares what he says?

Damn Frank. Do you have to prove yourself stupid about baseball too?

Hank Aaron 385 home runs at the "Launching Pad" and 370 home runs at away parks.

Really Frank. Shut the fuck up about Hall of Fame baseball players. Not even 10% the hitter Ruth was eh? You that old that you saw Ruth play? Back in the good ole days eh. Before they let the black guys play. You probably know Josh Gibson. Could he hit ok Frank?

Aaron went into the Hall first ballot 406/415 cast.

well not to mention that "the Launching Pad" is tied for ninth among major league stadiums for home run frequency. It's tied with Yankee Stadium where Babe Ruth played.
He certainly nailed it with this:

“The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain aren't good enough to shine Obama's shoes. I don't know enough about J.C. Watts or Senator Tim Scott to have an opinion about them.

Yes we know an idiot would think he nailed it, but the reality is it's hyperbole and he's using his position as a black man who did experience real racism to apply his beliefs broadly and say whatever he wants without challenge. Then idiots like you can say it must be true because he knows what it's like. It's actually a racist pathetic statement and you should condone it as you do other racist statements.
What's hyperbole is when Carson stated that Obamacare is the WORST thing that happened to America since slavery.

Not Jim Crow, not segregation, not Prohibition, not The Depression, but Obamacare.

Yeah...he's a special breed of far RW lapdog.
We're at the point where a charge of racism really means nothing any longer. Disagree with a minority, it's racism. Do something a minority doesn't like, it's racism. The only reason it even gets mentioned in politics is because it throws the other guy on the defensive because whites are afraid of being perceived as racist.

Ahh that sort of gives racists free reign to do and say whatever they want without consequence. Nice try.

Yes, there is a cottage industry of screaming "racist" like the little boy who cried wolf. But that doesn't mean that real racism doesn't exist.

Just like so many other political tactics. It just requires a little checking under the hood to find out who is talking trash and who is on target.

Real racism is stuff like making laws that segregate populations, or laws that dictate where one may work or in which jobs, or where one's kids are allowed to go to school. It isn't just not liking someone based on skin color or saying something offensive or wearing blackface at a costume party. It's treating people like they are subhuman because they are different and using the law to do it.

You want to see real racism, go overseas for a bit. What they have there is racism. What we have here is a political tactic.
He certainly nailed it with this:

Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain aren't good enough to shine Obama's shoes. I don't know enough about J.C. Watts or Senator Tim Scott to have an opinion about them.

Yes we know an idiot would think he nailed it, but the reality is it's hyperbole and he's using his position as a black man who did experience real racism to apply his beliefs broadly and say whatever he wants without challenge. Then idiots like you can say it must be true because he knows what it's like. It's actually a racist pathetic statement and you should condone it as you do other racist statements.
What's hyperbole is when Carson stated that Obamacare is the WORST thing that happened to America since slavery.

Not Jim Crow, not segregation, not Prohibition, not The Depression, but Obamacare.

Yeah...he's a special breed of far RW lapdog.

Check. So any black man who disagrees with you politically is a self-loathing black. racism there....right?
He certainly nailed it with this:

Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain aren't good enough to shine Obama's shoes. I don't know enough about J.C. Watts or Senator Tim Scott to have an opinion about them.

Yes we know an idiot would think he nailed it, but the reality is it's hyperbole and he's using his position as a black man who did experience real racism to apply his beliefs broadly and say whatever he wants without challenge. Then idiots like you can say it must be true because he knows what it's like. It's actually a racist pathetic statement and you should condone it as you do other racist statements.
What's hyperbole is when Carson stated that Obamacare is the WORST thing that happened to America since slavery.

Not Jim Crow, not segregation, not Prohibition, not The Depression, but Obamacare.

Yeah...he's a special breed of far RW lapdog.

But of course your expertise is far superior to BENJAMIN SOLOMON CARSON, SR. CURRICULUM VITAE

Current Appointments

1984 - Present Director Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

1991 - Present Co-Director of The Johns Hopkins Cleft and Craniofacial Center Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Neurological Surgery The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Oncology The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Plastic Surgery The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

June, 1999 - Present Professor of Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

Education and Training

1973 - 1977 M.D., University of Michigan School of Medicine Ann Arbor, Michigan

1969 - 1973 B.A., Yale University New Haven, Connecticut

1965 - 1969 Southwestern High School Detroit, Michigan

Previous Educational and Academic Experience

1967 - 1969 Southwestern High School Science Laboratory Assistant Detroit, Michigan

1968 Research Laboratory Assistant Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan

1974 Radiology Technician University of Michigan

1976-1977 Physical Diagnosis Instructor University of Michigan School of Medicine

1977 - 1978 Intern, Halsted Surgical Service The Johns Hopkins Hospital

1977 – 1978 Fellow in General Surgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

1978 - 1983 Fellow in Neurosurgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

1978 - 1982 Assistant Resident Neurosurgical Service The Johns Hopkins Hospital

1980 Senior Neurosurgical Resident The Loch Raven Veterans Administration Hospital Baltimore, Maryland

1981 Senior Neurosurgical Resident The Baltimore City Hospitals Baltimore, Maryland

1982 - 1983 Chief Resident and Fellow in Neurological Surgery The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Hospital

1983 - 1984 Senior Registrar in Neurosurgery Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Queen Elizabeth II, Medical Center Western Australia

1984 - 1991 Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery Director Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery

1984 - 1991 Assistant Professor of Oncology Co-Director of Section of Neurosurgical Oncology The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

1987 - 1996 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland

1991 - 1999 Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, Oncology, Plastic Surgery, and Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland
And these are just the first 3 pages of his 84 page CURRICULUM VITAE

But I am sure your educational and work experience ARE FAR FAR superior to this "black man"!!!
Oh and by the way.. did I mention he is a brain surgeon!!!! And also as Obama said "he's black"!!!

Carson was a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, and he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital.[3] At age 33, he became the youngest major division director in Johns Hopkins history, as director of pediatric neurosurgery. He was also a co-director of the Johns Hopkins Craniofacial Center.
According to Johns Hopkins Hospital literature, "Dr. Carson focuses on traumatic brain injuries, brain and spinal cord tumors, achondroplasia, neurological and congenital disorders, craniosynostosis, epilepsy, and trigeminal neuralgia. He is also interested in maximizing the intellectual potential of every child."[3
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I wonder if Hammering Hank knows about Obama's "my brother's keeper" hypocrisy especially where Obama's brother lives... what a shameful excuse for a person LET ALONE THE PRESIDENT of the USA!!!

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