and just like that, that zuckerberg fellow lost $16 billion dollars

i just use ad blockers but you are right...i hate when i leave a place and suddenly google wants me to review my experience...i prefer google not know where i am...
yes i have missed all that....selling personal info on me is not worth much....they are targeting the much younger i would guess
they're not targeting anyone per se initially - just getting all data they can and they will then filter back on it.

but regardless, facebook/google and most services "track you" and where you go. not cause they care really but if you never go to ladies dress sites, there's no point in showing you ladies dress ads. they want to know where you go so they can give you ads you have a higher chance of clicking.

on that that usually worked like this.

iceberg needs new tires.
iceberg researches for 30 minutes on what to get.
iceberg goes to discount tire and gets new tires.
google decides iceberg needs to see tire ads for the next few weeks.

there needs to be an "opt out" in ads themselves so we don't continue to get ads for things we've bought from our searches from people trying to sell us more.

And all this is why the internet is still free :p

costs me $60 a month for my connection. cut the cable and watch streaming services? you can try the droid tv boxes but those are not quite legal and not the quality people expect. so you pay netflix, hulu, amazon and other content holders for their services.

free websites? sure those will always be there as people do things for a hobby and cover the expenses. like my own radio station. but major sites either have gone subscription content or looking at it to be "ad free" and guarantee a revenue stream.

youtube also has subscription services to get rid of ads. if you want the ads to "pay" for your content then you're "selling" your time to do so and that's not free but how you choose to spend your time vs. cash.

advertising isn't going anywhere at all. but the ability to be sneaky about it has all changed and that is killing facebook right now who sold this "free" data.

Yeah, the pay to view sites are on the "usual model" of nothing is free. The ISP is also on the "usual model" of nothing is free. The sites though, most of them, have historically been mostly on the "It's free if you watch these ads" model. ~shrug~
i just use ad blockers but you are right...i hate when i leave a place and suddenly google wants me to review my experience...i prefer google not know where i am...
yea, i got a few ad blockers also and it certainly helps. then i just go to news sites that say "hey, you're using it - can you please not do that here"? and get guilted.

i think the click bait stories are dying and headlines that say "and you wont BELIEVE what happened next!" are no longer viable in getting someone to read your bullshit tear jerker stories. people care fad driven and that fad is almost done.

just depends now on what is next.
yes i have missed all that....selling personal info on me is not worth much....they are targeting the much younger i would guess
they're not targeting anyone per se initially - just getting all data they can and they will then filter back on it.

but regardless, facebook/google and most services "track you" and where you go. not cause they care really but if you never go to ladies dress sites, there's no point in showing you ladies dress ads. they want to know where you go so they can give you ads you have a higher chance of clicking.

on that that usually worked like this.

iceberg needs new tires.
iceberg researches for 30 minutes on what to get.
iceberg goes to discount tire and gets new tires.
google decides iceberg needs to see tire ads for the next few weeks.

there needs to be an "opt out" in ads themselves so we don't continue to get ads for things we've bought from our searches from people trying to sell us more.

And all this is why the internet is still free :p

costs me $60 a month for my connection. cut the cable and watch streaming services? you can try the droid tv boxes but those are not quite legal and not the quality people expect. so you pay netflix, hulu, amazon and other content holders for their services.

free websites? sure those will always be there as people do things for a hobby and cover the expenses. like my own radio station. but major sites either have gone subscription content or looking at it to be "ad free" and guarantee a revenue stream.

youtube also has subscription services to get rid of ads. if you want the ads to "pay" for your content then you're "selling" your time to do so and that's not free but how you choose to spend your time vs. cash.

advertising isn't going anywhere at all. but the ability to be sneaky about it has all changed and that is killing facebook right now who sold this "free" data.

Yeah, the pay to view sites are on the "usual model" of nothing is free. The ISP is also on the "usual model" of nothing is free. The sites though, most of them, have historically been mostly on the "It's free if you watch these ads" model. ~shrug~
yep. but even the ads are not paying for a lot anymore. if i like a site i'll donate to the cause. i think here i've given like $20. not much no, but likely more than they'd get from any ads i'd click during my entire time here as i simply wouldn't click 'em.

a dallas cowboys site i donate $20 a year to also.

i'll support private sites because i've had one since around 2003 that's always been free because i pay for all my legal fees and licensing for being an internet radio station on my own as i have fun doing it and i get to apply for photo passes to major concerts and get them. poison and cheap trick were my last ones and i'm waiting to hear for five finger death punch and nothing more next week. w/o my site i'd never be able to do that OR i'd have to do it for another site.

sites like that will forever be around. those who do it cause they thought cash would pour in - those are dying and fading away. as clickbait ads fade away those sites who live off them will too as they can no longer pay people to put up content.

it's about to become a very different internet.
yes i have missed all that....selling personal info on me is not worth much....they are targeting the much younger i would guess
they're not targeting anyone per se initially - just getting all data they can and they will then filter back on it.

but regardless, facebook/google and most services "track you" and where you go. not cause they care really but if you never go to ladies dress sites, there's no point in showing you ladies dress ads. they want to know where you go so they can give you ads you have a higher chance of clicking.

on that that usually worked like this.

iceberg needs new tires.
iceberg researches for 30 minutes on what to get.
iceberg goes to discount tire and gets new tires.
google decides iceberg needs to see tire ads for the next few weeks.

there needs to be an "opt out" in ads themselves so we don't continue to get ads for things we've bought from our searches from people trying to sell us more.

And all this is why the internet is still free :p

costs me $60 a month for my connection. cut the cable and watch streaming services? you can try the droid tv boxes but those are not quite legal and not the quality people expect. so you pay netflix, hulu, amazon and other content holders for their services.

free websites? sure those will always be there as people do things for a hobby and cover the expenses. like my own radio station. but major sites either have gone subscription content or looking at it to be "ad free" and guarantee a revenue stream.

youtube also has subscription services to get rid of ads. if you want the ads to "pay" for your content then you're "selling" your time to do so and that's not free but how you choose to spend your time vs. cash.

advertising isn't going anywhere at all. but the ability to be sneaky about it has all changed and that is killing facebook right now who sold this "free" data.

Yeah, the pay to view sites are on the "usual model" of nothing is free. The ISP is also on the "usual model" of nothing is free. The sites though, most of them, have historically been mostly on the "It's free if you watch these ads" model. ~shrug~
yep. but even the ads are not paying for a lot anymore. if i like a site i'll donate to the cause. i think here i've given like $20. not much no, but likely more than they'd get from any ads i'd click during my entire time here as i simply wouldn't click 'em.

a dallas cowboys site i donate $20 a year to also.

i'll support private sites because i've had one since around 2003 that's always been free because i pay for all my legal fees and licensing for being an internet radio station on my own as i have fun doing it and i get to apply for photo passes to major concerts and get them. poison and cheap trick were my last ones and i'm waiting to hear for five finger death punch and nothing more next week. w/o my site i'd never be able to do that OR i'd have to do it for another site.

sites like that will forever be around. those who do it cause they thought cash would pour in - those are dying and fading away. as clickbait ads fade away those sites who live off them will too as they can no longer pay people to put up content.

it's about to become a very different internet.

You could be right. I don't click on ads either and it's not free to the folks providing content for sure, the cost of using that dataspace is only getting more expensive as more consumers turn to the web too. I have a couple 100% free sites that I run too, they cost me like $300 a year. I'm not in it for money, nor do I have much traffic and data usage though, so it's a different mentality.

I send money to everyone I like online also, it's the right thing to do. I've got some private game servers I'd really love to send some financial support but they legally can't accept any money or even equipment because of copy rite shit though :/
they're not targeting anyone per se initially - just getting all data they can and they will then filter back on it.

but regardless, facebook/google and most services "track you" and where you go. not cause they care really but if you never go to ladies dress sites, there's no point in showing you ladies dress ads. they want to know where you go so they can give you ads you have a higher chance of clicking.

on that that usually worked like this.

iceberg needs new tires.
iceberg researches for 30 minutes on what to get.
iceberg goes to discount tire and gets new tires.
google decides iceberg needs to see tire ads for the next few weeks.

there needs to be an "opt out" in ads themselves so we don't continue to get ads for things we've bought from our searches from people trying to sell us more.

And all this is why the internet is still free :p

costs me $60 a month for my connection. cut the cable and watch streaming services? you can try the droid tv boxes but those are not quite legal and not the quality people expect. so you pay netflix, hulu, amazon and other content holders for their services.

free websites? sure those will always be there as people do things for a hobby and cover the expenses. like my own radio station. but major sites either have gone subscription content or looking at it to be "ad free" and guarantee a revenue stream.

youtube also has subscription services to get rid of ads. if you want the ads to "pay" for your content then you're "selling" your time to do so and that's not free but how you choose to spend your time vs. cash.

advertising isn't going anywhere at all. but the ability to be sneaky about it has all changed and that is killing facebook right now who sold this "free" data.

Yeah, the pay to view sites are on the "usual model" of nothing is free. The ISP is also on the "usual model" of nothing is free. The sites though, most of them, have historically been mostly on the "It's free if you watch these ads" model. ~shrug~
yep. but even the ads are not paying for a lot anymore. if i like a site i'll donate to the cause. i think here i've given like $20. not much no, but likely more than they'd get from any ads i'd click during my entire time here as i simply wouldn't click 'em.

a dallas cowboys site i donate $20 a year to also.

i'll support private sites because i've had one since around 2003 that's always been free because i pay for all my legal fees and licensing for being an internet radio station on my own as i have fun doing it and i get to apply for photo passes to major concerts and get them. poison and cheap trick were my last ones and i'm waiting to hear for five finger death punch and nothing more next week. w/o my site i'd never be able to do that OR i'd have to do it for another site.

sites like that will forever be around. those who do it cause they thought cash would pour in - those are dying and fading away. as clickbait ads fade away those sites who live off them will too as they can no longer pay people to put up content.

it's about to become a very different internet.

You could be right. I don't click on ads either and it's not free to the folks providing content for sure, the cost of using that dataspace is only getting more expensive as more consumers turn to the web too. I have a couple 100% free sites that I run too, they cost me like $300 a year. I'm not in it for money, nor do I have much traffic and data usage though, so it's a different mentality.

I send money to everyone I like online also, it's the right thing to do. I've got some private game servers I'd really love to send some financial support but they legally can't accept any money or even equipment because of copy rite shit though :/
hell paying the pros for a radio station can cost over $100 a month in legal fees depending on who you're actually paying. if you pay sound exchange, bmi, ascap and seasac that's around $1400 a year and even then if you have enough listeners to do advertising to get $ back, that means your fees go up also. add in website hosting, equipment and so forth, it's an expensive hobby and i've never charged anyone a dime.
Facebook won't last to much longer. It'll go the way of MySpace. There's only so much of looking at other people's phony lives one can take. I have my account set to view certain pages first like news, music personalities, etc first. Then when I get to the shit "people I personally know" I log out.

That said, I have an account on Instagram which IMO is much better. I follow only people I don't personally know. But the same damn people from Facebook keep following me (I guess assuming I'll follow them back). Like I need to see their pictures on Facebook AND Instagram. smh...
IDK some folks get off on... what living vicariously through their friends or something. I've never really understood the draw either personally.

That said, FB shot themselves in the foot when they decided to sweep ban accounts - their entire business model is based on butts in the seat and eyes on the screen after all. It was their choice to chose SJW over money though so they'll have to live with the consequences of lost income/investments. We'll have too see if it kills them or if they can afford to slum it as little more than the message board they really are.
Hahah this is what happens when you FK with AMERICAN FREEDOM and your not a pathetic LEFTIST DEMOCRAT

First Facebook . now .............

BREAKING: Twitter plunges 20.5 percent after reporting decline in monthly users, second-biggest loss since going public in 2013.

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