And Now the Truth Comes Out!

I know Eric Holder, Obama's wingman, was held in contempt of congress because he ignored subpoenas regarding Fast and Furious. I know Lois Learner did testify for congress, but she simply declared herself innocent before pleading the 5th..... which wasn't really testifying. The Obama Administration was masterful at stonewalling congress when congress was led be republicans. Obama's AGs didn't let any investigation get near Obama and the fix was in concerning HRC having her own server for emails.

In reality he refused to turn over documents once. For one instance of refusing, after testifying, after turning over several rounds of Documents requested, he was Held in Contempt of Congress. One instance. Obama did try to exert Executive Privilege over them but I believe the Courts refuse to charge him with contempt of court and the issue was finally resolved by negotiation this year. Obama did not ask Lerner to plead the 5th or for her to ignore the subpoena.

Trumpybear has issued a blanket order for no one to honor any Congressional subpoena.
Exactly, so you agree that the executive branch can claim executive privilege and then the courts get to decide. This can be a great way for an administration to "stone wall".

No, I'm saying that Executive Privilege is very limited in scope and that the blanket claims of immunity from Congressional oversight will not hold up in court.
I know Eric Holder, Obama's wingman, was held in contempt of congress because he ignored subpoenas regarding Fast and Furious. I know Lois Learner did testify for congress, but she simply declared herself innocent before pleading the 5th..... which wasn't really testifying. The Obama Administration was masterful at stonewalling congress when congress was led be republicans. Obama's AGs didn't let any investigation get near Obama and the fix was in concerning HRC having her own server for emails.

In reality he refused to turn over documents once. For one instance of refusing, after testifying, after turning over several rounds of Documents requested, he was Held in Contempt of Congress. One instance. Obama did try to exert Executive Privilege over them but I believe the Courts refuse to charge him with contempt of court and the issue was finally resolved by negotiation this year. Obama did not ask Lerner to plead the 5th or for her to ignore the subpoena.

Trumpybear has issued a blanket order for no one to honor any Congressional subpoena.
Exactly, so you agree that the executive branch can claim executive privilege and then the courts get to decide. This can be a great way for an administration to "stone wall".

No, I'm saying that Executive Privilege is very limited in scope and that the blanket claims of immunity from Congressional oversight will not hold up in court.
okay, but the court gets to decide.
Yes, Washington is corrupt and was corrupt long before Donald Trump was elected. But, "Mr. Smith" goes to Washington is not who ended up sitting in the oval office. Donald Trump is dangerous! He is a joke, has made our Country a joke, and OUR Country is less secure than ever before. I have a message for Donald Trump.....President Putin called and said "Mission Accomplished Comrade, Time to Come Home." If the American people truly want change then they must remove dark money from our elections, term limits must be imposed, and the "Rule of Law" must be adhered to like super glue!

Regardless of party affiliation, if you love this Country, take action! As Americans, we must hold our elected officials to the highest moral, ethical, and legal standards. Our failure to do so, is OUR failure and WE will pay the price for generations to come.

I know Eric Holder, Obama's wingman, was held in contempt of congress because he ignored subpoenas regarding Fast and Furious. I know Lois Learner did testify for congress, but she simply declared herself innocent before pleading the 5th..... which wasn't really testifying. The Obama Administration was masterful at stonewalling congress when congress was led be republicans. Obama's AGs didn't let any investigation get near Obama and the fix was in concerning HRC having her own server for emails.

In reality he refused to turn over documents once. For one instance of refusing, after testifying, after turning over several rounds of Documents requested, he was Held in Contempt of Congress. One instance. Obama did try to exert Executive Privilege over them but I believe the Courts refuse to charge him with contempt of court and the issue was finally resolved by negotiation this year. Obama did not ask Lerner to plead the 5th or for her to ignore the subpoena.

Trumpybear has issued a blanket order for no one to honor any Congressional subpoena.
Exactly, so you agree that the executive branch can claim executive privilege and then the courts get to decide. This can be a great way for an administration to "stone wall".

No, I'm saying that Executive Privilege is very limited in scope and that the blanket claims of immunity from Congressional oversight will not hold up in court.
okay, but the court gets to decide.

Yes I agree.

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