And POOF, it was gone....

CO2 is a greenhouse gas and thus a harmful addition to our atmosphere. A "pollutant" is "any substance, as certain chemicals or waste products, that renders the air, soil, water, or other natural resource harmful or unsuitable for a specific purpose".

CO2 above 280 ppm fits that description. Excess CO2 is a pollutant.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas and thus a harmful addition to our atmosphere.

Yup, because an atmosphere without greenhouse gasses would be better........DERP!
Now that is a silly statement. What is being discussed is the rapid increase in GHGs. Without any GHGs, there would be glaciers at sea level at the equator.However, too fast of an increase in GHGs, and the climate changes too fast for the biosphere to adjust. And that equals periods of extinction.

So, you agree that CO2 is NOT a pollutant, and shouldn't be regulated?

Depends. Is it having an affect on greenhouse gases?

Why, are greenhouse gasses pollutants?
Because a rapid increase or rapid decrease leads to rapid climate change. Which in not at all good for the biosphere. That is clearly seen in past extinction periods.

Because a rapid increase or rapid decrease leads to rapid climate change.

And no increase or decrease leads to no climate change.....wait, what?
Todd, you are not that stupid. We have had a really remarkable period of fairly constant climate since the end of the Younger Dryas. Even the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period were minor changes. We have already surpassed, by far, on a global level, the changes experianced during those periods.

Aren't we?

I was talking pollutants. You're talking CO2

So, you agree that CO2 is NOT a pollutant, and shouldn't be regulated?
What the hell do you care about pollution in any case? You clown has just made is legal to pollute streams, rivers, and watersheds to mine dirty coal. The rate of change of the GHGs does make CO2 and CH4 a pollutant. And it is already having a negative effect on our environment.

You clown has just made is legal to pollute streams, rivers, and watersheds to mine dirty coal.

When did Obama make it illegal to do those things?
Yes, he did. And then the energy corporations squealed like stuck pigs.

So, you agree that CO2 is NOT a pollutant, and shouldn't be regulated?

Depends. Is it having an affect on greenhouse gases?

Water vapor is THE dominant GHG. Is it a pollutant?
That you ask such a question either shows that you are vastly ignorant, or a purposeful liar. Water vapor is only in the atmosphere for ten days or less, and is then rained out. The temperature of the atmosphere determines how much water vapor there is in the atmosphere, worldwide. A warmer atmosphere will have more water vapor in it. As there are 3 square meters of water for every meter of land, there is a constant addition of water vapor to the atmosphere, and a constant raining out of that water vapor. It is the GHGs with longer resident times, CO2 and CH4 that determine the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.

As for whether it is a pollutant, it is definetly not welcome in large amounts all at once. Just ask those in Southern California right now. Or those living below the Oroville dam.

So, you agree that CO2 is NOT a pollutant, and shouldn't be regulated?

Depends. Is it having an affect on greenhouse gases?

Why, are greenhouse gasses pollutants?
Because a rapid increase or rapid decrease leads to rapid climate change. Which in not at all good for the biosphere. That is clearly seen in past extinction periods.

Because a rapid increase or rapid decrease leads to rapid climate change.

And no increase or decrease leads to no climate change.....wait, what?
Todd, you are not that stupid. We have had a really remarkable period of fairly constant climate since the end of the Younger Dryas. Even the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period were minor changes. We have already surpassed, by far, on a global level, the changes experianced during those periods.

We have had a really remarkable period of fairly constant climate since the end of the Younger Dryas.

Fairly constant?

Even the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period were minor changes.

Changes....with unchanged CO2 levels.

We have already surpassed, by far, on a global level, the changes experianced during those periods.

What huge, global level changes have we seen? Be as precise as you can.

Aren't we?

I was talking pollutants. You're talking CO2

So, you agree that CO2 is NOT a pollutant, and shouldn't be regulated?
What the hell do you care about pollution in any case? You clown has just made is legal to pollute streams, rivers, and watersheds to mine dirty coal. The rate of change of the GHGs does make CO2 and CH4 a pollutant. And it is already having a negative effect on our environment.

You clown has just made is legal to pollute streams, rivers, and watersheds to mine dirty coal.

When did Obama make it illegal to do those things?
Yes, he did. And then the energy corporations squealed like stuck pigs.

Yes, he did.


The person being manipulated is you jillian. Take a look at every single global warming control piece of legislation throughout the world. Do you notice the one thing missing from all of them? That's right, and actual stop to pollution. EVERYONE is still free to pollute. You merely have to pay a tax to do it. A tax that enriches those who are already wealthy, and of course the politicians.

If the consequences of inaction were so dire do you not think that there would be actual draconian measures in place to stop it?

You are a lawyer. Think like one.

The tax is there to discourage pollution. And I don't know about the US, but Australia and NZ both have plenty of legislation stopping pollution. When I was growing up everybody had an incinerator in their back yard to burn shit. Now illegal. There was no constraints on car emissions. Now there is. I could go on...

The tax is there to discourage pollution.

CO2 isn't pollution.
You need salt to live. Without it, your body will die. So, knowing that, you can go ahead and just consume a quart of it, right? At that level, salt is a pollutant to your body.

CO2 at 180 ppm to 280 ppm is not a pollutant. CO2 at 800 ppm is not a pollutant. CO2, increased from 280 ppm to 800 ppm in the space of three centuries is a pollutant, in that the rate of change is much faster than the biosphere can keep up with. Especially a biosphere with over 7 billion humans living off of it. There may be a very rapid reduction of that number if the changes proceed rapidly enough.

Non sequitur out the wazoo dude. Try coming up with an argument that actually makes sense.
On the contrary, it is exactly what we have seen in paleontology. Sloths, three species of buffalo, and a great many other large mammals survived quite well in North America through several cycles of the ice ages. But, in the rapid change of the Younger Dryas, went extinct.
The extinctions seem to have occurred both at the beginning and the end of the Younger Dryas. In other words, in the periods of rapid climate change.

Why did they go extinct? Couldn't have anything to do with native Americans hunting them to the end could it? Naaaaah. That's a well established theory. Yours is a theory born of desperation.

The person being manipulated is you jillian. Take a look at every single global warming control piece of legislation throughout the world. Do you notice the one thing missing from all of them? That's right, and actual stop to pollution. EVERYONE is still free to pollute. You merely have to pay a tax to do it. A tax that enriches those who are already wealthy, and of course the politicians.

If the consequences of inaction were so dire do you not think that there would be actual draconian measures in place to stop it?

You are a lawyer. Think like one.

The tax is there to discourage pollution. And I don't know about the US, but Australia and NZ both have plenty of legislation stopping pollution. When I was growing up everybody had an incinerator in their back yard to burn shit. Now illegal. There was no constraints on car emissions. Now there is. I could go on...

The tax does nothing but take money from people who can't afford it, and give it to wealthy bankers who do nothing with it but buy fancy cars, golden thrones, private jets that they use to fly celebs around in, and all the while they laugh at the rubes, like you, who made it possible for them to pull off the greatest scam in the history of the world.
OK, then let us do it differently. Dr. Hansen proposed a carbon tax that would then be divided up among all citizens equally. So if you have a couple of 4 ton pickups with huge engines, and spend a whole lot on fuel, you would still get the same amount back as the fellow with the Prius C. An open oversight committee to see that the handling costs are not inflated. That way, you reward those that create the least CO2, and the people that create the most get to pay for it.

And let's take it a step further, the wealthy person gets compensated for his pollution, and gets to tax every poor person on the planet for their "pollution". Who wins? Oh yeah, the wealthy dude. Who gets to make billions and billions and billions of dollars for doing nothing more than shuffling a pile of paperwork from one side of his room to the other.
That wealthy person being compensated for his pollution is already a fact. And they are taxing every person on the planet for the pollution that they do by the increasing extreme weather events.

The rest of your post makes no sense whatsoever. Kind of like the orange clown's statements.

As stated, the carbon tax goes into a fund that is equally distributed to all US Citizens. So, the fellow that rides a bike almost everywhere, makes a good profit off of it. And someone like me, that goes on frequent road trips, will lose money on it. But it will provide an incentative to use less fuel for most.

What "increasing extreme weather events"? There are none. In fact the 1860's were among the worst storm decades ever recorded. And those don't hold a candle to the immense storms of the 1600's. Your statements are uninformed OPINION.
The tax does nothing but take money from people who can't afford it, and give it to wealthy bankers who do nothing with it but buy fancy cars, golden thrones, private jets that they use to fly celebs around in, and all the while they laugh at the rubes, like you, who made it possible for them to pull off the greatest scam in the history of the world.
OK, then let us do it differently. Dr. Hansen proposed a carbon tax that would then be divided up among all citizens equally. So if you have a couple of 4 ton pickups with huge engines, and spend a whole lot on fuel, you would still get the same amount back as the fellow with the Prius C. An open oversight committee to see that the handling costs are not inflated. That way, you reward those that create the least CO2, and the people that create the most get to pay for it.

And let's take it a step further, the wealthy person gets compensated for his pollution, and gets to tax every poor person on the planet for their "pollution". Who wins? Oh yeah, the wealthy dude. Who gets to make billions and billions and billions of dollars for doing nothing more than shuffling a pile of paperwork from one side of his room to the other.
That wealthy person being compensated for his pollution is already a fact. And they are taxing every person on the planet for the pollution that they do by the increasing extreme weather events.

The rest of your post makes no sense whatsoever. Kind of like the orange clown's statements.

As stated, the carbon tax goes into a fund that is equally distributed to all US Citizens. So, the fellow that rides a bike almost everywhere, makes a good profit off of it. And someone like me, that goes on frequent road trips, will lose money on it. But it will provide an incentative to use less fuel for most.

increasing extreme weather events.

Sounds scary! Tell me more.

Extreme weather events – Signs of climate change? | Munich Re

Loss trends

“Our database clearly indicates a sharp rise in the number of weather-related natural catastrophes per year, in terms of overall and insured losses. For instance, there has been a threefold increase in floods since 1980. There has also been a rise in the number of windstorm losses, Atlantic hurricanes being particularly destructive.”

“In Germany, extreme precipitation resulting in floods is becoming increasingly common. This affects not only people living on rivers: there are more and more cases of heavy rain and flash floods. Anyone may be affected.”

“Both the hundred-year flood in 2002 and the current flooding on the River Neisse were caused by what are referred to as Vb weather conditions, that is to say, a low-pressure system from the Mediterranean region which passes to the east of the Alps and then heads south again. This produces extreme precipitation on the northern slopes of the Alps and low mountain ranges. This situation has occurred much more often in recent years – and explains a substantial proportion of the many floods in Poland, the Czech Republic, eastern Germany and parts of the Alpine Foreland.”

Current weather extremes and climate change
“Climate change cannot be identified from individual events but our figures, backed by verifiable changes in meteorological data, indicate a trend towards an increase in extreme weather events that can only be fully explained by climate change.”

“The current state of knowledge leaves no doubt about the existence of anthropogenic climate change. Whether the current weather extremes are caused or intensified by climate change is uncertain, but there is considerable evidence indicating that climate change is involved at least to some extent.”

Swiss RE calls for adaptation drive as extreme weather events rise | Climate Home - climate change news


Number of weather-related catastrophes, 1970–2013 (Swiss RE)

The people who insure the insurance companies have a very good grasp on the increase in extreme weather events. That chart is number of events, not the cost of the events.

The COSTS have gone up due to there being more people, thus more targets, and the fact that with inflation a storm back in the 1960's would be far more expensive than one from today if corrected properly. Yet another loser dude. And these facts have been pointed out to you many times before. Why do you continue to trot out crap that has already been shown to be false?
Extreme weather as related to "climate change" has been debunked......have posted many links on this. Have posted up THE CHRONOLOGY OF EXTREME WEATHER link a million times. Waaaaaaaaaaaay too tired now. Interested parties should google it......provides hundreds and hundreds of extreme weather events going back about 1300AD.

Only the hard core religion gives credence to an extreme weather/climate change link.:2up:

Everybody knows that.
I like it when people like you give up and can't answer a direct question. I'll take that win thanks.

I haven't given up pointing out SSDD's errors. You can take that for a win all you want. LOL!

LOL.. That is all you have..

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.
Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.

Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

239.7 from the sun...and 239.7 from the atmosphere....two radiators...both radiating ...239.7wm^2 equates to a radiating temperature of -18 they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees and suddenly you have a temperature of 29.85 degrees...

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

No clue. Moron.
I don't see how since he never made that claim! You ok? I think you have a screw liose
I haven't given up pointing out SSDD's errors. You can take that for a win all you want. LOL!

LOL.. That is all you have..

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.
Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.

Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

239.7 from the sun...and 239.7 from the atmosphere....two radiators...both radiating ...239.7wm^2 equates to a radiating temperature of -18 they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees and suddenly you have a temperature of 29.85 degrees...

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

No clue. Moron.
I don't see how since he never made that claim! You ok? I think you have a screw liose

I don't see how since he never made that claim!

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

Who made that claim?
Doubling the flux doesn't result in a higher can prove it with any two radiating objects....including ice cubes....Using the SB equation, you subtract the fluxes to get the radiating temperature of two do not add...
Todd very correctly and succinctly answered your post.
The subtraction in the S-B equation is a difference: output radiation from a surface minus input radiation to the same surface.
Thinking that you can plug in two ice cubes in that equation and get anything better than insanity is, for lack of a better word.... WOW.

LOL.. That is all you have..

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.
Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.

Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

239.7 from the sun...and 239.7 from the atmosphere....two radiators...both radiating ...239.7wm^2 equates to a radiating temperature of -18 they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees and suddenly you have a temperature of 29.85 degrees...

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

No clue. Moron.
I don't see how since he never made that claim! You ok? I think you have a screw liose

I don't see how since he never made that claim!

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

Who made that claim?
The university. As I've stated probably ten times now. But you stay sleeping
Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.
Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.

Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

239.7 from the sun...and 239.7 from the atmosphere....two radiators...both radiating ...239.7wm^2 equates to a radiating temperature of -18 they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees and suddenly you have a temperature of 29.85 degrees...

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

No clue. Moron.
I don't see how since he never made that claim! You ok? I think you have a screw liose

I don't see how since he never made that claim!

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

Who made that claim?
The university. As I've stated probably ten times now. But you stay sleeping

The university. As I've stated probably ten times now.

Wrong. SSDD said the following.

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

The university never said this. So unless you can produce a link where the university did, your lie is noted.

LOL.. That is all you have..

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.
Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.

Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

239.7 from the sun...and 239.7 from the atmosphere....two radiators...both radiating ...239.7wm^2 equates to a radiating temperature of -18 they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees and suddenly you have a temperature of 29.85 degrees...

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

No clue. Moron.
I don't see how since he never made that claim! You ok? I think you have a screw liose

I don't see how since he never made that claim!

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

Who made that claim?
For the eleventh time , the university do you know what that is.
Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.

Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

239.7 from the sun...and 239.7 from the atmosphere....two radiators...both radiating ...239.7wm^2 equates to a radiating temperature of -18 they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees and suddenly you have a temperature of 29.85 degrees...

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

No clue. Moron.
I don't see how since he never made that claim! You ok? I think you have a screw liose

I don't see how since he never made that claim!

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

Who made that claim?
The university. As I've stated probably ten times now. But you stay sleeping

The university. As I've stated probably ten times now.

Wrong. SSDD said the following.

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

The university never said this. So unless you can produce a link where the university did, your lie is noted.
The university claimed it, it's posted over multiple times
Yes, his claim that the Sun radiates at -18C is an error.

Still talking that lie. No class and no backup! Loser

239.7 from the sun...and 239.7 from the atmosphere....two radiators...both radiating ...239.7wm^2 equates to a radiating temperature of -18 they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees and suddenly you have a temperature of 29.85 degrees...

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

No clue. Moron.
I don't see how since he never made that claim! You ok? I think you have a screw liose

I don't see how since he never made that claim!

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

Who made that claim?
The university. As I've stated probably ten times now. But you stay sleeping

The university. As I've stated probably ten times now.

Wrong. SSDD said the following.

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

The university never said this. So unless you can produce a link where the university did, your lie is noted.
The university claimed it, it's posted over multiple times

Every time it was posted, it was SSDD.
The university never made that claim.
Learn how to read. Moron.
I don't see how since he never made that claim! You ok? I think you have a screw liose

I don't see how since he never made that claim!

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

Who made that claim?
The university. As I've stated probably ten times now. But you stay sleeping

The university. As I've stated probably ten times now.

Wrong. SSDD said the following.

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

The university never said this. So unless you can produce a link where the university did, your lie is noted.
The university claimed it, it's posted over multiple times

Every time it was posted, it was SSDD.
The university never made that claim.
Learn how to read. Moron.
Too funny! Sure it did read their equations derp
I don't see how since he never made that claim!

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

Who made that claim?
The university. As I've stated probably ten times now. But you stay sleeping

The university. As I've stated probably ten times now.

Wrong. SSDD said the following.

so they combine the radiation from these two radiators which are radiating at -18 degrees

The university never said this. So unless you can produce a link where the university did, your lie is noted.
The university claimed it, it's posted over multiple times

Every time it was posted, it was SSDD.
The university never made that claim.
Learn how to read. Moron.
Too funny! Sure it did read their equations derp

Too funny, it didn't.

P.S. Just because SSDD misinterprets the university info doesn't make them responsible for his idiocy.

Once again, your failure to post the university saying the two radiators are radiating at -18C, is proof of your lie.

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