And POOF, it was gone....


And taking bows least I don't have a ghey cat in my avatar!:2up:

The crazy guy is watching the political landscape and laughing hysterically while progressive heads explode daily!! The WINNING is almost getting boring at this point.........but the fun hasn't even started.

Tomorrow starts the assault on progressivism that will be epic.........and the size of the already giant bumpy cucumbers in the progressives behinds are going to get even more bulbous. Might as well paint the ENVIRONMENT forum title red s0ns!!

Oh and Mammoth........don't forget to pick up some extra KY this weekend!:bye1:

That doesn't make his point any less so. I assume you have Kook in your user name because it about sums you up.

What about my avatar? Like getting a woodie just looking at it (after taking your viagra of course)...

Only total morons don't believe humans are causing climate change. Are you a total moron? (rhetorical question. I don't need an answer)

I love the hyperbole... no facts... just lots of unprovable BS..
Silly Billy, you have repeatedly presented 'stinky facts', that you pulled from your ass. Or, as the new admin calls them, 'alternative facts'. Hardly matters the name, they smell the same.
I can back up my facts... Funny that you still have produced no quantifiable, observed, empirical evidence to support yours...

One minute and three seconds that shows how the AGW theory has failed. Pay especial attention to second number 54 of the video.

Not a very compelling argument.

Only to a complete idiot. Feynman was one of the most renowned geniuses ever to walk this planet. It takes eloquence to make plain the scientific method in so few words.
Actually silly boy it is you who are making the laughable appeals to authority or hadn't you noticed olfrauds 98% bullshit meme. Face it junior, it's all you have. I trotted out one of the finest minds in science who, in a little over one minute shows what an abject failure AGW "science" is.

Who did you trot out? I haven't seen all the threads or posts....

One minute and three seconds that shows how the AGW theory has failed. Pay especial attention to second number 54 of the video.

This Richard Feynman lecture is from an era when no serious scientist would have resorted to the post hoc method which has been the basis for AGW. But it does lend itself as a litmus test to distinguish real science from post hoc fallacy, which has evolved into an effective marketing tool. It`s success requires a certain degree of gullibility and people in that category just can`t get a grip on reality. The only time they do is when it`s their money that has gone poof in some scam:
Markets – Carbon Trade Exchange
Following the Paris Agreement, we anticipate a growing acceptance of and appetite for regulated carbon markets.
"following the Paris agreement"...Muhahaha
Only to a complete idiot. Feynman was one of the most renowned geniuses ever to walk this planet. It takes eloquence to make plain the scientific method in so few words.

You mistake my post. I'm not saying what he is saying is wrong. I'm saying it doesn't relate to AGW. You think it does. And?
Only to a complete idiot. Feynman was one of the most renowned geniuses ever to walk this planet. It takes eloquence to make plain the scientific method in so few words.

You mistake my post. I'm not saying what he is saying is wrong. I'm saying it doesn't relate to AGW. You think it does. And?

Provide EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to support your theory. Computer models AREN'T DATA! It's that simple.
It seems the NY Times was wrong when it claimed that the trumpster was back peddling on his anti global warming mantra....

"At 11:59 am eastern, the official White House website had a lengthy information page about the threat of climate change and the steps the federal government had taken to fight it. At noon, at the instant Donald Trump took office, the page was gone, as well as any mention of climate change or global warming."

All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website

Must be Jimmy John's --- because it was "freaky fast". Wonder what's gonna replace the fairy tales? Hope it's real sciency !!!!! LOL.


Must be still hungry. Daughter stole my dinner..

Provide EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to support your theory. Computer models AREN'T DATA! It's that simple.

By the time you provide the empirical data, it's over. That's why they model.

It's like there's this 500ft tidal wave heading for LA and nobody has seen one before. You lot are saying "We don't have any empirical evidence that it will cause destruction! Let's just wait and see"

Are you gonna be the one sitting on the the Long Beach shore seeing if the empirical evidence presents itself?

Galileo didn't have empirical evidence to prove the Earth revolved around the sun (well, none that the Church believed). Who won that battle in the long run?

Provide EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to support your theory. Computer models AREN'T DATA! It's that simple.

By the time you provide the empirical data, it's over. That's why they model.

It's like there's this 500ft tidal wave heading for LA and nobody has seen one before. You lot are saying "We don't have any empirical evidence that it will cause destruction! Let's just wait and see"

Are you gonna be the one sitting on the the Long Beach shore seeing if the empirical evidence presents itself?

Galileo didn't have empirical evidence to prove the Earth revolved around the sun (well, none that the Church believed). Who won that battle in the long run?

They've had 35 damned years dude. How many more do you need.
Only to a complete idiot. Feynman was one of the most renowned geniuses ever to walk this planet. It takes eloquence to make plain the scientific method in so few words.

You mistake my post. I'm not saying what he is saying is wrong. I'm saying it doesn't relate to AGW. You think it does. And?

Then perhaps you would care to listen to Freeman Dyson FRS, who has more awards and theoretical achievements than probably all of the so-called "97% of all climatologists" combined, opinion on AGW.
Only to a complete idiot. Feynman was one of the most renowned geniuses ever to walk this planet. It takes eloquence to make plain the scientific method in so few words.

You mistake my post. I'm not saying what he is saying is wrong. I'm saying it doesn't relate to AGW. You think it does. And?

Then perhaps you would care to listen to Freeman Dyson FRS, who has more awards and theoretical achievements than probably all of the so-called "97% of all climatologists" combined, opinion on AGW.

This Freeman Dyson:
Dyson agrees that anthropogenic global warming exists, and has written that
[one] of the main causes of warming is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from our burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal and natural gas."[61] However, he believes that existing simulation models of climate fail to account for some important factors, and hence the results will contain too much error to reliably predict future trends

Freeman Dyson - Wikipedia

Sure, I'll listen to him
If carbon dioxide increases the temperature of the earth, then the solution is the cause, solar and wind manufacture requires heavy industry, building more, building bigger, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The Solution is the problem.

Provide EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to support your theory. Computer models AREN'T DATA! It's that simple.

By the time you provide the empirical data, it's over. That's why they model.

It's like there's this 500ft tidal wave heading for LA and nobody has seen one before. You lot are saying "We don't have any empirical evidence that it will cause destruction! Let's just wait and see"

Are you gonna be the one sitting on the the Long Beach shore seeing if the empirical evidence presents itself?

Galileo didn't have empirical evidence to prove the Earth revolved around the sun (well, none that the Church believed). Who won that battle in the long run?

They've had 35 damned years dude. How many more do you need.
No, silly ass, we have had over 150 years, ever since Tyndall. And the Arrnhenius did an excellent job of quantifying the effects of CO2 in 1896. And the effects we are seeing today vindicate their work. From the cryosphere to the acidifying of the oceans. That yokels like you try to deny all of this with 'alternative facts' shows how pathetic your arguments are.
Only to a complete idiot. Feynman was one of the most renowned geniuses ever to walk this planet. It takes eloquence to make plain the scientific method in so few words.

You mistake my post. I'm not saying what he is saying is wrong. I'm saying it doesn't relate to AGW. You think it does. And?

Then perhaps you would care to listen to Freeman Dyson FRS, who has more awards and theoretical achievements than probably all of the so-called "97% of all climatologists" combined, opinion on AGW.

This Freeman Dyson:
Dyson agrees that anthropogenic global warming exists, and has written that
[one] of the main causes of warming is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from our burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal and natural gas."[61] However, he believes that existing simulation models of climate fail to account for some important factors, and hence the results will contain too much error to reliably predict future trends

Freeman Dyson - Wikipedia

Sure, I'll listen to him

And when you have this

and this


Which none of the models predicted, you can understand Dyson's distrust of the models. None of the models predicted the extent of the warming at either pole. Empirical observations show the warming exceeding almost all of the models.
If carbon dioxide increases the temperature of the earth, then the solution is the cause, solar and wind manufacture requires heavy industry, building more, building bigger, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The Solution is the problem.
LOL Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you are truly and idiot? LOL
If carbon dioxide increases the temperature of the earth, then the solution is the cause, solar and wind manufacture requires heavy industry, building more, building bigger, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The Solution is the problem.

Dear elektra
If you know anyone who's ever been through chemo or through heart surgery,
the process of saving their lives almost kills them, and sometimes it does. They can die from the
same things used to kill the cancer cells that also kills the rest of them, too!
Clearly we need more natural methods and not more dangerous solutions than the original problem.

I have heard from a retired college professor who has researched all the ins and outs
of material consumption and solutions. He confirms the math alone, the rate of consumption
and producing waste and pollutants EXCEEDS any efforts to stop, reduce or prevent these.
Humanity would all have to simultaneously agree across the planet to go back to natural living,
restricting activity to sun up and sun down, and quit straining and maximizing all resource consumption.

Other sources I checked with said similar:
1. the tilling of soil and release of CO2 from just the activities
needed to GROW food to FEED the population is causing more of this effect
than can be stopped or else people would starve
2. the ratio of manmade causes to natural causes (such as volcanic/radioactivity)
is estimated about 20:80 and of the 20 that man effects, all the prescribed
solutions to corporate and capitalistic reforms would only affect 2% at the most,
at the cost of billions if not trillions. So the resources may be better invested otherwise.
Computer models AREN'T DATA! It's that simple.

Directly measured evidence shows the human-caused warming. The stratospheric cooling, increase in backradiation, and the decrease in outgoing longwave are all measured directly, no models involved. There is no natural explanations for those things. They are smoking guns for human-caused global warming.

And we've told you that before, and shown you the evidence many times before, yet you still proudly use your "IT'S ALL MODELS" lie. That's a fine use of the Stalinist big lie tactic.

Your Stalinist heroes have also ordered censorship of the EPA. I'll pause now, to give you time to roll on the floor in ecstasy, enjoying that Stalinist tingle going up your leg.

EPA Freezes Grants, Tells Employees Not To Talk About It, Sources Say | The Huffington Post
I just returned from a briefing for Communication Directors where the following information was provided. These restrictions are effective immediately and will remain in place until further direction is received from the new Administration’s Beach Team. Please review this material and share with all appropriate individuals in your organization. If anyone on your staff receives a press inquiry of any kind, it must be referred to me so I can coordinate with the appropriate individuals in OPA.
  • No press releases will be going out to external audiences.
  • No social media will be going out. A Digital Strategist will be coming on board to oversee social media. Existing, individually controlled, social media accounts may become more centrally controlled.
  • No blog messages.
  • The Beach Team will review the list of upcoming webinars and decide which ones will go forward.
  • Please send me a list of any external speaking engagements that are currently scheduled among any of your staff from today through February.
  • Incoming media requests will be carefully screened.
  • No new content can be placed on any website. Only do clean up where essential.
  • List servers will be reviewed. Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press.
Computer models AREN'T DATA! It's that simple.

Directly measured evidence shows the human-caused warming. The stratospheric cooling, increase in backradiation, and the decrease in outgoing longwave are all measured directly, no models involved. There is no natural explanations for those things. They are smoking guns for human-caused global warming.

And we've told you that before, and shown you the evidence many times before, yet you still proudly use your "IT'S ALL MODELS" lie. That's a fine use of the Stalinist big lie tactic.

Your Stalinist heroes have also ordered censorship of the EPA. I'll pause now, to give you time to roll on the floor in ecstasy, enjoying that Stalinist tingle going up your leg.

EPA Freezes Grants, Tells Employees Not To Talk About It, Sources Say | The Huffington Post
I just returned from a briefing for Communication Directors where the following information was provided. These restrictions are effective immediately and will remain in place until further direction is received from the new Administration’s Beach Team. Please review this material and share with all appropriate individuals in your organization. If anyone on your staff receives a press inquiry of any kind, it must be referred to me so I can coordinate with the appropriate individuals in OPA.
  • No press releases will be going out to external audiences.
  • No social media will be going out. A Digital Strategist will be coming on board to oversee social media. Existing, individually controlled, social media accounts may become more centrally controlled.
  • No blog messages.
  • The Beach Team will review the list of upcoming webinars and decide which ones will go forward.
  • Please send me a list of any external speaking engagements that are currently scheduled among any of your staff from today through February.
  • Incoming media requests will be carefully screened.
  • No new content can be placed on any website. Only do clean up where essential.
  • List servers will be reviewed. Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press.

Provide links to what you are claiming silly boy. We have been asking you to do this for well over a year. All you ever trot out are your failed models. So, HOP TO IT!

Provide EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to support your theory. Computer models AREN'T DATA! It's that simple.

By the time you provide the empirical data, it's over. That's why they model.

It's like there's this 500ft tidal wave heading for LA and nobody has seen one before. You lot are saying "We don't have any empirical evidence that it will cause destruction! Let's just wait and see"

Are you gonna be the one sitting on the the Long Beach shore seeing if the empirical evidence presents itself?

Galileo didn't have empirical evidence to prove the Earth revolved around the sun (well, none that the Church believed). Who won that battle in the long run?

They've had 35 damned years dude. How many more do you need.
No, silly ass, we have had over 150 years, ever since Tyndall. And the Arrnhenius did an excellent job of quantifying the effects of CO2 in 1896. And the effects we are seeing today vindicate their work. From the cryosphere to the acidifying of the oceans. That yokels like you try to deny all of this with 'alternative facts' shows how pathetic your arguments are.

Boy, you are dumb. All those gentlemen did was confirm the fact that CO2 is a GHG. That's it. They provided an estimate (which was then retracted) of how much warming CO2 could cause. That, has never been tested in a lab experiment, nor has it been measured in the real world observations that we make. In other words this post of yours is an epic fail. It failed in every case to answer the question I posed, nor did it address the fact that no measurable human impact has ever been accomplished.

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