And so it begins, as predicted.

Republican nutjobs are cheering law breaking by a foreign nation trying to influence our elections.


How very American.

Look at the commies who LOVE muslims whining about the Russians now.

Their new scapegoat...Russia. Now whenever they are caught doing anything, they just blame Russia. Russia is the new Bush. Russia is the new White Dude.
You deserve death, and nothing more. Or less.
Republican nutjobs are cheering law breaking by a foreign nation trying to influence our elections.


How very American.

Look at the commies who LOVE muslims whining about the Russians now.

Their new scapegoat...Russia. Now whenever they are caught doing anything, they just blame Russia. Russia is the new Bush. Russia is the new White Dude.

Go back to Russia. Take your insane murderous whining with you, nutjob.
Explain to me how our republican senators and congressmen let this traitor of the United States get away with all these unamerican activities?
The republican congress Not impeaching that black son of a bitch is why Mr Trump was chosen as our nominee. They can't figure that out. Now they are going to lose everything and perhaps our republic.
Our country is now (offically) a tyranny. Not a soft tyranny - a tyranny. The whore, if elected, will cement this tyranny in place.

Absolutely correct. We as a nation are at a crossroads....only the people can change the course obama has put us on.
Internet censorship.
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
14 hours ago - View on Twitter
Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.

Bye bye transparency, bye bye personal opinions and the right to express them. Hello State run internet. Thanks Obama.

Explain to me how our republican senators and congressmen let this traitor of the United States get away with all these unamerican activities?

I can see Fox caving in because they often do, but congress? Is everyone being blackmailed because of their checkered pasts?

Still the idiots of this nation praise obama and hillary.

The congress simply cares more about themselves aka their career and the perks and the money they can steal. Bunch of career politicians for the most part and that is why Trump scares them...he is not part of the system...he is the outsider.
index.jpeg hate to admit it, but Russia is kinda the white dude...
Republican nutjobs are cheering law breaking by a foreign nation trying to influence our elections.


How very American.

Look at the commies who LOVE muslims whining about the Russians now.

Their new scapegoat...Russia. Now whenever they are caught doing anything, they just blame Russia. Russia is the new Bush. Russia is the new White Dude.
Now Kosher, don't you have something important to do, like taking some ducks hostage? Wingnuts supporting the Russians against the US is something new, indeed. Well, ol' Trump said he was an agent of change. LOL
Explain to me how our republican senators and congressmen let this traitor of the United States get away with all these unamerican activities?
The republican congress Not impeaching that black son of a bitch is why Mr Trump was chosen as our nominee. They can't figure that out. Now they are going to lose everything and perhaps our republic.
Po' little cocksuck, whining is all you silly asses have left. Since there was never a reason to impeach the President, your words only demonstrate how unstable you truly are.
Our country is now (offically) a tyranny. Not a soft tyranny - a tyranny. The whore, if elected, will cement this tyranny in place.

Absolutely correct. We as a nation are at a crossroads....only the people can change the course obama has put us on.
So, if Hillary wins, you will accept that the American people wish to continue on the road that President Obama has us on? LOL
Your comment doesn't deserve any other response, you worthless piece of shit. You're a liar and a mouthpiece for a murdering, traitorous, communist regime.

You deserve death, and nothing more. Or less.

Preserved again for posterity. Behold Koshergruel's christian love.
Internet censorship.
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
14 hours ago - View on Twitter
Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.

Bye bye transparency, bye bye personal opinions and the right to express them. Hello State run internet. Thanks Obama.
Bye, bye fucking thief. Although I hear it didn't actually stop him from distributing his stolen goods.

Why would anyone be upset about secrets that our government keeps from us being revealed? You want to live in the dark or something? If the liberals are interested in honesty, integrity, transparency, then being against the Wikileaks of the DNC makes absolutely no sense, unless you are a hypocrite.
Oops. I didn't realize this thread was from 2016. :D My bad. But still, my question remains as to why anyone would be upset over learning the truth, regardless of where it comes from?
Internet censorship.
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
14 hours ago - View on Twitter
Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.

Bye bye transparency, bye bye personal opinions and the right to express them. Hello State run internet. Thanks Obama.

Explain to me how our republican senators and congressmen let this traitor of the United States get away with all these unamerican activities?

I can see Fox caving in because they often do, but congress? Is everyone being blackmailed because of their checkered pasts?

Still the idiots of this nation praise obama and hillary.


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