And there Obama does it again> XXXX the retirees of the military


Bear is a dumbass, can't read what is posted.

looks like Booosh was president when this was decided.
Damn that Bush was one smart fucking guy. He's still running the country even with the savior in chief in office. Is there any chance over the next four years obama will actually do something presidential or are we just going to keep blaming W?

Boosh legacy is still running some things, get over it.The DOD wrote the contract during Boosh so it was approved by Boosh.
I'm ok with that. Unless the veteran in question is seeking treating for a war wound.

You do realize that part of the contract the government entered into when these soldiers signed up was that they receive lifetime healthcare, right? Considering their wages are about 25% of private sector it was a benefit that these veterans relied on, and now our government is reneging on it.

But they can bail out the UAW while fucking over the pensions of non-union workers at Delphi...

Go find any thread about government employees needing to renegotiate and then apply that same argument here.
Rightfully so ... did you know that Barack Obama killed Osama Bin Laden? much like how Richard Nixon was actually the first man on the moon.
It's very clear that you have no idea what 20+ years in the military can do to a body. But thats ok, we do it so you don't have to.

I live 50 miles to the nearest VA. I have no problem driving to fayetteville, Arkansas to get medical treatment. You think the millitary is tough, try laying brick, block and stone for 30 years.Better yet, 12 years of football playing.

You would almost have a point if you were being shot at while laying bricks or playing football. Nice job trying to equate the two with military service.

some people are smart enough not to be grunts and gun bunnies.
I'm ok with that. Unless the veteran in question is seeking treating for a war wound.

It's very clear that you have no idea what 20+ years in the military can do to a body. But thats ok, we do it so you don't have to.

I live 50 miles to the nearest VA. I have no problem driving to fayetteville, Arkansas to get medical treatment. You think the millitary is tough, try laying brick, block and stone for 30 years.Better yet, 12 years of football playing.

military is much tougher ... not sure where you are coming from here.
Damn that Bush was one smart fucking guy. He's still running the country even with the savior in chief in office. Is there any chance over the next four years obama will actually do something presidential or are we just going to keep blaming W?

Was Bush president when it was decided or not? If he was, why should Obama take the blame?

ignorant , myopic people pointing fingers.
Damn that Bush was one smart fucking guy. He's still running the country even with the savior in chief in office. Is there any chance over the next four years obama will actually do something presidential or are we just going to keep blaming W?

Was Bush president when it was decided or not? If he was, why should Obama take the blame?

ignorant , myopic people pointing fingers.

Let's not bring the Dems in the senate into this conversation.
It's very clear that you have no idea what 20+ years in the military can do to a body. But thats ok, we do it so you don't have to.

I live 50 miles to the nearest VA. I have no problem driving to fayetteville, Arkansas to get medical treatment. You think the millitary is tough, try laying brick, block and stone for 30 years.Better yet, 12 years of football playing.

military is much tougher ... not sure where you are coming from here.

Depends on what you do, it is related to intelligence where you are put. I was a TOW missle tech, my son was a wingnut, he was an ICBM tech. I motivated him to learn electronics from me at an early age.
Damn that Bush was one smart fucking guy. He's still running the country even with the savior in chief in office. Is there any chance over the next four years obama will actually do something presidential or are we just going to keep blaming W?

Boosh legacy is still running some things, get over it.The DOD wrote the contract during Boosh so it was approved by Boosh.

Here's what I don't understand about you left wing retards.

1-Clinton was the best prez eva!
2- Bush came in and dominated Clintons policies and took control. Made the tax cuts and a few things I didn't agree with but he took control and ran the country.
3- Obama is the latest best prez eva! But can't even over rule what Bush did that needs fixed, can't take control of any phase of governing, has zero leadership. But I guess he looks good on The View.

If your fave president can't fix what you deem as Bush's failures in four years you have hinged your hopes on one pathetic piece of shit.
Damn that Bush was one smart fucking guy. He's still running the country even with the savior in chief in office. Is there any chance over the next four years obama will actually do something presidential or are we just going to keep blaming W?

Boosh legacy is still running some things, get over it.The DOD wrote the contract during Boosh so it was approved by Boosh.

Here's what I don't understand about you left wing retards.

1-Clinton was the best prez eva!
2- Bush came in and dominated Clintons policies and took control. Made the tax cuts and a few things I didn't agree with but he took control and ran the country.
3- Obama is the latest best prez eva! But can't even over rule what Bush did that needs fixed, can't take control of any phase of governing, has zero leadership. But I guess he looks good on The View.

If your fave president can't fix what you deem as Bush's failures in four years you have hinged your hopes on one pathetic piece of shit.

Bush was a good president, he allowed me and many other vets to get healthcare and GI bill benefits that Reagan cut us off from.
I'm ok with that. Unless the veteran in question is seeking treating for a war wound.

It's very clear that you have no idea what 20+ years in the military can do to a body. But thats ok, we do it so you don't have to.

I spent 20 years in the military, use Tricare Prime and live more than 40 miles from a military treatment facility and I have no problem with losing prime.
171,000 Retirees Likely To Lose Tricare Prime

171,000 Retirees Likely To Lose Tricare Prime

171,000 Retirees Likely To Lose TRICARE Prime Option

With the presidential election over, Defense officials are expected to announce soon that military retirees and their dependents living more than 40 miles from a military treatment facility or base closure site will lose access to TRICARE Prime, the military's managed care option.

These beneficiaries would be expected to shift to TRICARE Standard, their fee-for-service insurance option, which would mean an increase in out-of-pocket costs for beneficiaries who are frequent users of health services.

A total of 171,000 retirees and dependents are expected to have to shift coverage when remote Prime networks go away. Tentative plans are for this to occur April 1 in the West Region, which would coincide with UnitedHealth Military and Veterans Services taking over the region's support contract from TriWest Healthcare Alliance after 16 years.

Aren't these the same people the CONS have been calling "takers" because they're part of the 47%? :eusa_eh:

No, the takers are those who never paid into any system and never earned their benefits.

I think congress should have the exact same benefits as our military. They should never have better for themselves while they make the people settle for less.
We were cut off from meals after a fasting appointment, but Congress did get to keep their fine dining, free, eatery, and free booze.
"Aren't these the same people the CONS have been calling "takers" because they're part of the 47%? "

Actually, no, that's not the 47% that Romney was referring to. You liberals have a silly way of trying to characterize anyone who doesn't agree with your extreme views of life as "takers". Romney was not referring to anyone who was retired/veterans/children/truly disabled/severe medical or mental illness as the "takers"....that's pure fantasy and perversion on your part. What he meant as the "takers" were the people who deliberately remain on welfare for decades at a time and refuse to take any responsiblity for themselves. It's counter-productive to feed the generational welfare population and that's exactly what Obama does......he has no morals when it comes to that population. He'd rather buy their votes rather than make them take responsibility for their own lives. In my opinon....and it's only my opinion.....but welfare should be provided for no more than 5 years and then people are off the dole, total. No you're on welfare for 5 years, get a job for 3 months, then get fired and go back on welfare for another 5 years, only to repeat itself ad nauseum.
Under TRICARE Standard, beneficiaries can choose their own physicians and pay no annual enrollment fee. But when they need care, retirees must cover 25 percent of allowable charges. Retirees also have an annual deductible of $150 for the individual or $300 per family. Total out-of-pocket costs, however, are capped at $3000 per family.

In most Prime service areas, about half of eligible retirees already choose to use Standard rather than enroll in the network.

The end of Prime outside of 40-mile "catchment" areas of military treatment facilities has been anticipated since 2007, when Defense officials drafted the third generation of TRICARE support contracts. It called for returning the managed care option to its original concept of being a backup network to military clinics and hospitals when they can't provide managed care to all beneficiaries living nearby or in areas where bases have been closed and military health facilities shuttered.

adding a little bit more to Moon's post. This shows just how fucking retarded the Op is. This is why i skip most people's links. They never say what the Op wants them to say and it gets old proving them wrong.

Dead lovebear, go back to school, maybe first grade and learn how to read before posting here again. As you can tell you , can't read.

Im not really sure what cons have a problem with the BOLD part. That is more in line with Private insurance anyways. They should be happy about this. Or are they advocating for Government healthcare?

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