And this is how the government treats it's military personnel...


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
Pentagon asks California soldiers to repay bonuses: report

Pentagon asks California soldiers to repay bonuses

After giving thousands of California soldiers bonuses for re-enlisting in the National Guard, the Pentagon is now asking soldiers to return the money they were paid almost 10 years ago, according to a new report.

The payments came during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan when the Pentagon feared a shortfall of troops, according to a Los Angeles Times investigation published Saturday.

Recently completed audits revealed that the California National Guard was overpaying bonuses due to a lack of oversight at the time, the investigation found.

Veterans who spoke to the newspaper expressed their frustration and financial difficulties with the payment demands, which include wage garnishments, interest payments and tax liens for soldiers declining to pay.

"I signed a contract that I literally risked my life to fulfill," Army Sgt. 1st Class Robert Richmond told the Times. "We want somebody in the government, anybody, to say this is wrong and we'll stop going after this money."

Soldiers have paid the Pentagon $22 million back so far, but the California Guard is working to aid soldiers in filing appeals with the Army Board for Correction of Military Records and the National Guard Bureau, according to the report.

"At the end of the day, the soldiers ended up paying the largest price," Maj. Gen. Matthew Beevers, deputy commander of the California Guard, told the newspaper.

"We'd be more than happy to absolve these people of their debts. We just can't do it. We'd be breaking the law," he said.
Ah, yes! The Ol' Carrot'nStick trick. And they trusted the government...

"I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help you... TRUST ME!"
Journalist David Cloud wrote for The Los Angeles Times 23 October 2016:
Lawmakers on Sunday condemned a Pentagon effort to recoup enlistment bonuses improperly paid to thousands of California National Guard soldiers a decade ago, saying the overpayments were not the soldiers’ fault and calling on the Pentagon or Congress to waive their debts.

You almost gotta wonder about the bureaucratic insanity in the federal government. Barry Hussein's idiotic empire shipped an estimated number of between five hundred thousand to a million dollars in cash to a radical country that supports terrorism and nobody in the freaking drone bureaucrat numbnuts ever questioned where the money went and why the hell it happened but they want to push N.G. families into the poverty level and garnish wages because they were allegedly over payed a couple of thousand dollars a freaking decade ago. Proof once more that the federal bureaucracy has no freaking sense at all.
Pentagon asks California soldiers to repay bonuses: report

Pentagon asks California soldiers to repay bonuses

After giving thousands of California soldiers bonuses for re-enlisting in the National Guard, the Pentagon is now asking soldiers to return the money they were paid almost 10 years ago, according to a new report.

The payments came during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan when the Pentagon feared a shortfall of troops, according to a Los Angeles Times investigation published Saturday.

Recently completed audits revealed that the California National Guard was overpaying bonuses due to a lack of oversight at the time, the investigation found.

Veterans who spoke to the newspaper expressed their frustration and financial difficulties with the payment demands, which include wage garnishments, interest payments and tax liens for soldiers declining to pay.

"I signed a contract that I literally risked my life to fulfill," Army Sgt. 1st Class Robert Richmond told the Times. "We want somebody in the government, anybody, to say this is wrong and we'll stop going after this money."

Soldiers have paid the Pentagon $22 million back so far, but the California Guard is working to aid soldiers in filing appeals with the Army Board for Correction of Military Records and the National Guard Bureau, according to the report.

"At the end of the day, the soldiers ended up paying the largest price," Maj. Gen. Matthew Beevers, deputy commander of the California Guard, told the newspaper.

"We'd be more than happy to absolve these people of their debts. We just can't do it. We'd be breaking the law," he said.
Were fighting this now.....sadly, the military has a poor record of fulfilling it's contracts with individual members.......this issue crosses the political aisle here.
If you sat in a meeting at the Pentagon and the question was "how do we get all of the American people to hate us?", this is what they would have come up with.

This is so beyond a slap in the face to soldiers as to be nearly comical. But it isn't comical. The easiest way for this to stop and the US Military give back that $22 million they've already collected is to melt your Congessmen and Senator's phones. Call them nonstop and tell them in no uncertained terms "if you wastes of space EVER pass a bill to do something good for any human other than yourself, this is the one. Not only pass a bill to squash whatever the Pentagon is doing, but have them pay back what they've gotten back so far and give each of those servicemembers and additional $10,000 FOR THE US GOVERNMENT BEING A GIGANTIC ASSSSSSSSSS.
I think I am mostly astounded at the fact this is happening 10 years, after the fact and to what degree they're doing it. Wage garnishment? Interest? Tax liens? The Pentagon isn't 'asking' for the monies back, they're demanding it with an or else attached. I could almost see it, if the soldiers had borrowed the money...then the responsibility would be with the soldiers to pay it.
But damn, they screwed up at the time. It's the government/Pentagon that is at fault & should bear the responsibility for their own error. Plain & simple. Suck it up Buttercup & take the hit. Then pay back whatever has been collected.
Isn't the freaking cash transfer to Iran an indication of how the Hussein administration treats American Veterans and civilians? Freaking Iranians run into the freaking desert with wagon loads of U.S. currency while American bureaucratic drones demand that Veterans who work for minimum salary get their wages garnished ? Will the freaking insanity never end?
Journalist Dave Phillipps wrote for The New York Times 26 October 2016:
Amid a furor of criticism, the Pentagon announced on Wednesday that it would suspend efforts to force thousands of California National Guard soldiers to pay back enlistment bonuses and other incentives that were improperly given during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

...Major veterans groups demanded that the Pentagon not only stop collecting on the bonuses, but also reimburse what soldiers had repaid.

“It is unthinkable that these brave Americans who stepped forward when others did not after the 9/11 attacks are being left high and dry by their leadership,” said Paul Rieckhoff, the chief executive of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. “The fact that our government would ask for it to be repaid with interest is simply unacceptable.”


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