And this man wanted to be President.."plants need sunlight" says Gore!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Ellen: “Mm hmm.”
Gore: “And of course, there are a lot of problems with what they’re proposing.
It turns out plants need sunlight,”
» Al Gore Talks About Chemtrails on Ellen Show Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Really Al?

Grade schoolers learn how plants using a process known as photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is generally taught in late
elementary/middle school. By the time students have reached these grades, they’ve
developed several misconceptions about how plants convert solar
energy from the sun into useful chemical energy for food

So Where is the laughter? Why are comedians letting this major GAFFE go?

If this had been conservative.. or say "Rubio water bottle" 141,000 results since Tuesday night!
Gore though... darling of MSM who sold his unwatched network to Al-Jazeera... he just know understands that???

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