And you want $15 an hour?

The problem is not the employee, its her boss. She would have been told to try and sell you something extra - I hate it, and I refuse to do it, because I know that if a customer wanted an apple pie, they would ask for one.
But we are expected to try and 'add value' - which is just a bullshit way of trying to get more money out of you - which means trying to flog you stuff you haven't asked for.

So don't blame the girl, blame her bosses who are so desperate for cash they harass customers for a few extra dollars.

If they're so desperate for cash,how do you expect them to ass up 15 bucks an hour for work thats barely worth half that?

Or in your case they may be desperate for cash because you're overpaid.
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Sales 101...upselling. I don't see any thing wrong with offering customers upgrades, add-ons, etc. to boost company profits. Then again, I am a corporate sales trainer.:eusa_whistle:

I have a problem with it when I am expected to ask the hugely obese person in front of me if they would like a large meal instead of the small they have requested.

If you ask for a small, I am not asking if you want to upsize.

I think I am the only person in my workplace who refuses to upsell.

If the expectation isn't enforced, then lucky you. There are plenty of businesses that if an employee refuses to to comply with the job description, it could result in a write up and/or termination...then someone else is happy to take their place. BTW, a person in sales is the hardest person to sell, but I certainly don't hold it against people in the service industry for attempting to be in compliance with their job duties.

Nor do I hold it against anyone trying to do the job for which they are trained and being paid to perform.

It is called "suggesting selling" and you are working the numbers as the more people you ask who say, "no" the sooner you come to one who will say, "yes." It often reminds someone of something they are hungry for and those of us in retail, who are doing our jobs the way we are being paid to do, will not base the suggestive selling on another's looks.

I think predfan was addressing the manner in which he was asked, which I had to agree with. The cashier may have been new, and not yet accustomed to the order of suggesting OR the cashier may have just been inept. Time will tell whether he keeps his job.

The more revenue a company makes, the longer they stay in business, and the more ppl they can afford to hire.
Sorry that your cashier wasn't up to your standards...

I, on the other hand, had great experience at the market the other day, and I had a terrific cashier. She was quick, efficient, a true professional.

I was in the self-checkout lane...

I heard she was well groomed, attractive and smartly dressed as well.
The problem is not the employee, its her boss. She would have been told to try and sell you something extra - I hate it, and I refuse to do it, because I know that if a customer wanted an apple pie, they would ask for one.
But we are expected to try and 'add value' - which is just a bullshit way of trying to get more money out of you - which means trying to flog you stuff you haven't asked for.

So don't blame the girl, blame her bosses who are so desperate for cash they harass customers for a few extra dollars.

Damn those businesses out to make an evil profit from customers frequenting their establishment! DAMN THEM I say!!!
Me at McDonalds yesterday:

"I'll have a number 7 with a medium Diet Coke please."
"Would you like anything else?"
"No, thank you."
"Would you like an apple pie?"

In what world is an apple pie not included in "Everything else"?

If you were even worth the money you make right now, you'd ask:

"Would you like an apple pie with that?"
"No, thank you."
"Would you like anything else?"
"No, thank you."


A hasty generalization fallacy, incidental, anecdotal, and irrelevant – the individual you encountered is not representative of all fast food workers.

And I’ve encountered fast food workers who have done an excellent job, indeed deserving of $15 an hour.

I'm sure you tipped them an extra $7 to make up the difference of what you believe they deserve. :eusa_whistle:
I'm sure the employee would just as soon take your order and move on to the next customer

But it is corporate doing the "you must push apple pies" crap. Do you think the employee actually gets a bonus for selling more apple pies?

No.....but they do get paid to do their job......which is in part to push the apple pies. I've known a few peiple who thought they could pick and choose the parts of a job they would or would not do. They got fired.
A good employee is supposed to make suggestions. It's called good customer service. The customer might think "gee maybe I do want an apple pie, it sounds good".

Of course there are idiots who should be fired, when they tell an obese customer who just ordered a banana split they are too fat for that, have a single scoop of sherbet instead. You are not hired to make health care decisions for customers.
Attitude from a fast food worker....imagine that.
The arrogance is astounding. You can bet she'll never make it past the register,because she obviously doesnt have what it takes for management.
What is that echo??? Oh. Damn. Again, take your head out of your ass.

Weakest smack ever.......
How about a little content next time. It really has no meaning when you just call someone a poopy head.

And besides..everything I said is true. Sorry you cant deal with it.
As a former food service employee in my youth (yeah, I said it) I do have some sympathy for these employees, because they have to deal with the worst lot of people on earth. As much as it sucks, it isn't worth it to creating self-perpetual problems by distorting market forces.

Please stop destroying entry level jobs. The self-checkout lane is one thing, but if this keeps up they're going to promote me to Manager pretty soon...
The entire process could be automated. Just a drive-up kiosk on one side and a walk-up kiosk on the other with basic seating.
I think I am the only person in my workplace who refuses to upsell.

Sounds like you should be fired.

Sounds like you should be fired.

no kidding, with her attitude I can't see why anyone would hire her...
she is in Fast Food and then does nothing but bitch about it

Sounds like you should be fired.

Attitude from a fast food worker....imagine that.
The arrogance is astounding. You can bet she'll never make it past the register,because she obviously doesnt have what it takes for management.

WTF people...don't keep quoting a fucked up quote.:lol: I didn't say that shit, Noomi did.:D

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