And you wonder why Americans are fat.

The reason we're obese is the availability of refined sugar, flour, and products made with those all the weird non-food crap we doctor regular food with.

Throw away table sugar, white bread, cereal, and anything with refined flour or added sugar and preservatives in it. Watch the weight fall off.

We aren't fat because we like to torture animals and eat meat. That's just silly.
Fat is a better source of energy than sugar. And I don't eat a low carb diet for weight loss but a low carb diet is certainly an excellent and healthy way to lose weight.

Fiber is an unusable form of a carbohydrate which is why when counting carbs one deducts the fiber from the gross carb count. So a person on a low carb diet does eat and in fact should eat foods that are high in fiber as it reduces the actual carb count.

Insulin especially excess insulin has more of an effect on cholesterol than fiber.

You have fallen for every lie in the book when it comes to a low carb diet

As I said you don't know what you're talking about.

So now you're saying that fiber (which is a carb) shouldn't count as a carb in a diet because it's good for you? Pretty sure I clearly said there is such thing as a "good carb" and a "bad carb".

No I said fiber is unusable by the body and id not counted as a carb. It's you who can't seem to understand that.

Where did I ever say carbs are bad for you? Please find that quote. the term is low carb diet not no carb diet

No one who is serious wold even consider eating the shit they serve at McDungswill's
You seem not to realize that fast food is extremely carb heavy.

The liver will convert the protein of a high protein low cab diet to glucose but the liver needs fuel to do this and fat is that fuel. So you see you're not getting the energy from fat but from protein that is broken down by the liver.

Fat does not spike insulin levels as sugar does and we know that insulin is a major role player in heart disease and high cholesterol and blood pressure. [/quote]

-Your body burns glycogen before it burns off anything else (including fat and protein).

-Fiber has been proven to help control blood sugar levels, lower LDL. While it's not digested that doesn't mean it's "unusable by the body".

-Fiber IS a carb...whether you chose to count it as one or not.

-Of course McDonalds is also loaded with carbs-that was my point. Because pasta is loaded with carbs as well. Yet one gives you a much better source of energy. Hence "good carbs" vs "bad carbs".

-Not all carbs spike insulin levels. White pasta does, whole wheat pasta doesn't (using pasta because I used it as an example before).

I know that the overwhelming majority of low-carb diets don't work. Diets in general don't work-because when people get off of them-they resort to the way they were before. You have to change your lifestyle-not just temporarily change what you eat.

As I said there is such things as "good carbs". Carbs are a form of energy and like protein are only 4 cals per g (fat is 9)-hence why to lose weight stay away from calories from fat. Your body doesn't want to burn off energy from protein/muscle right away-it would rather burn off your glycogen first, then your fat reserves. There's no way to "train your body to burn off protein" (which even if you could is stupid for weight loss-because you'd be burning off your muscle mass-and not fat reserves).

Fiber for example is a carb. It regulates blood sugar levels (HDL and LDL), helps your digestive system, and for weight loss leaves you feeling satisfied/full. Simple carbs should be avoided-but complex carbs are good for you.

There's a reason why professional athletes have diets high in carbs (whole wheat pasta for example)-because it's a good source of energy.

I disagree with this. Fat helps satiate your hunger and helps to keep you fuller, longer and some fats (evoo) are good for you. The 'low-fat' alternatives are usually loaded with sugar or some sugar-like substitute to compensate for the lack of fat. And they frequently taste like crap. Look at the calorie count and the 'low-fat' stuff often isn't 'low calorie'. A little of the real thing is much better and better for you than a lot of the fake thing. Just my 2 cents.

I didn't mean to suggest go lower calories on everything, but lower calories from fat (there's a difference). Low calories and low fat isn't the same thing. Of course you can't completely eliminate fat intake (and you shouldn't)-but if somebody's overweight-your body already has an excessive amount of fat stored in the body. And by consume less fat I meant eating other types of foods entirely not the "lower fat" substitutes (which I agree are just as bad-if not worse).[/QUOTE]

Eating fat does not make you fat. Eating eggs and meat does not raise serum cholesterol

My god the food pyramid has you brain washed doesn't it?[/QUOTE]

Eating fat doesn't make you fat. But fat that isn't burned off, or used by the body gets stored in your body as fat-as with the other forms of caloric intake.
The reason we're obese is the availability of refined sugar, flour, and products made with those all the weird non-food crap we doctor regular food with.

Throw away table sugar, white bread, cereal, and anything with refined flour or added sugar and preservatives in it. Watch the weight fall off.

We aren't fat because we like to torture animals and eat meat. That's just silly.

This. :clap2:
So now you're saying that fiber (which is a carb) shouldn't count as a carb in a diet because it's good for you? Pretty sure I clearly said there is such thing as a "good carb" and a "bad carb".

No I said fiber is unusable by the body and id not counted as a carb. It's you who can't seem to understand that.

Where did I ever say carbs are bad for you? Please find that quote. the term is low carb diet not no carb diet

No one who is serious wold even consider eating the shit they serve at McDungswill's
You seem not to realize that fast food is extremely carb heavy.

The liver will convert the protein of a high protein low cab diet to glucose but the liver needs fuel to do this and fat is that fuel. So you see you're not getting the energy from fat but from protein that is broken down by the liver.

Fat does not spike insulin levels as sugar does and we know that insulin is a major role player in heart disease and high cholesterol and blood pressure.

-Your body burns glycogen before it burns off anything else (including fat and protein).

-Fiber has been proven to help control blood sugar levels, lower LDL. While it's not digested that doesn't mean it's "unusable by the body".

-Fiber IS a carb...whether you chose to count it as one or not.

-Of course McDonalds is also loaded with carbs-that was my point. Because pasta is loaded with carbs as well. Yet one gives you a much better source of energy. Hence "good carbs" vs "bad carbs".

-Not all carbs spike insulin levels. White pasta does, whole wheat pasta doesn't (using pasta because I used it as an example before).

I know that the overwhelming majority of low-carb diets don't work. Diets in general don't work-because when people get off of them-they resort to the way they were before. You have to change your lifestyle-not just temporarily change what you eat.

As I said there is such things as "good carbs". Carbs are a form of energy and like protein are only 4 cals per g (fat is 9)-hence why to lose weight stay away from calories from fat. Your body doesn't want to burn off energy from protein/muscle right away-it would rather burn off your glycogen first, then your fat reserves. There's no way to "train your body to burn off protein" (which even if you could is stupid for weight loss-because you'd be burning off your muscle mass-and not fat reserves).

Fiber for example is a carb. It regulates blood sugar levels (HDL and LDL), helps your digestive system, and for weight loss leaves you feeling satisfied/full. Simple carbs should be avoided-but complex carbs are good for you.

There's a reason why professional athletes have diets high in carbs (whole wheat pasta for example)-because it's a good source of energy.

I disagree with this. Fat helps satiate your hunger and helps to keep you fuller, longer and some fats (evoo) are good for you. The 'low-fat' alternatives are usually loaded with sugar or some sugar-like substitute to compensate for the lack of fat. And they frequently taste like crap. Look at the calorie count and the 'low-fat' stuff often isn't 'low calorie'. A little of the real thing is much better and better for you than a lot of the fake thing. Just my 2 cents.

I didn't mean to suggest go lower calories on everything, but lower calories from fat (there's a difference). Low calories and low fat isn't the same thing. Of course you can't completely eliminate fat intake (and you shouldn't)-but if somebody's overweight-your body already has an excessive amount of fat stored in the body. And by consume less fat I meant eating other types of foods entirely not the "lower fat" substitutes (which I agree are just as bad-if not worse).[/QUOTE]

Eating fat does not make you fat. Eating eggs and meat does not raise serum cholesterol

My god the food pyramid has you brain washed doesn't it?[/QUOTE]

Eating fat doesn't make you fat. But fat that isn't burned off, or used by the body gets stored in your body as fat-as with the other forms of caloric intake.[/QUOTE]

B-b-but...the food pyramid is SCIENTIFIC!
the reason for obesity and heart disease is the Standard American Diet: too much meat, dairy, and eggs. But, we love to torture animals in factory farms and vehemently defend it so we will not give it up.


Obesity and heart disease is caused by our grain based diet

Carbs against Cardio: More Evidence that Refined Carbohydrates, not Fats, Threaten the Heart: Scientific American

In March the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a meta-analysis—which combines data from several studies—that compared the reported daily food intake of nearly 350,000 people against their risk of developing cardiovascular disease over a period of five to 23 years. The analysis, overseen by Ronald M. Krauss, director of atherosclerosis research at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, found no association between the amount of saturated fat consumed and the risk of heart disease.

In 2008 Stampfer co-authored a study in the New England Journal of Medicine that followed 322 moderately obese individuals for two years as they adopted one of three diets: a low-fat, calorie-restricted diet based on American Heart Association guidelines; a Mediterranean, restricted-calorie diet rich in vegetables and low in red meat; and a low-carbohydrate, nonrestricted-calorie diet. Although the subjects on the low-carb diet ate the most saturated fat, they ended up with the healthiest ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol and lost twice as much weight as their low-fat-eating counterparts.

It is the excess insulin caused by a high carb diet that causes heart disease high cholesterol and high blood pressure

We pump out so much insulin to deal with the high sugar diets that have been praised to the high heavens that our insulin receptors are desensitized and the body must produce higher levels of insulin than normal.

How Insulin Causes Heart Disease
No I said fiber is unusable by the body and id not counted as a carb. It's you who can't seem to understand that.

Where did I ever say carbs are bad for you? Please find that quote. the term is low carb diet not no carb diet

No one who is serious wold even consider eating the shit they serve at McDungswill's
You seem not to realize that fast food is extremely carb heavy.

The liver will convert the protein of a high protein low cab diet to glucose but the liver needs fuel to do this and fat is that fuel. So you see you're not getting the energy from fat but from protein that is broken down by the liver.

Fat does not spike insulin levels as sugar does and we know that insulin is a major role player in heart disease and high cholesterol and blood pressure.

-Your body burns glycogen before it burns off anything else (including fat and protein).

-Fiber has been proven to help control blood sugar levels, lower LDL. While it's not digested that doesn't mean it's "unusable by the body".

-Fiber IS a carb...whether you chose to count it as one or not.

-Of course McDonalds is also loaded with carbs-that was my point. Because pasta is loaded with carbs as well. Yet one gives you a much better source of energy. Hence "good carbs" vs "bad carbs".

-Not all carbs spike insulin levels. White pasta does, whole wheat pasta doesn't (using pasta because I used it as an example before).

I know that the overwhelming majority of low-carb diets don't work. Diets in general don't work-because when people get off of them-they resort to the way they were before. You have to change your lifestyle-not just temporarily change what you eat.

As I said there is such things as "good carbs". Carbs are a form of energy and like protein are only 4 cals per g (fat is 9)-hence why to lose weight stay away from calories from fat. Your body doesn't want to burn off energy from protein/muscle right away-it would rather burn off your glycogen first, then your fat reserves. There's no way to "train your body to burn off protein" (which even if you could is stupid for weight loss-because you'd be burning off your muscle mass-and not fat reserves).

Fiber for example is a carb. It regulates blood sugar levels (HDL and LDL), helps your digestive system, and for weight loss leaves you feeling satisfied/full. Simple carbs should be avoided-but complex carbs are good for you.

There's a reason why professional athletes have diets high in carbs (whole wheat pasta for example)-because it's a good source of energy.

I disagree with this. Fat helps satiate your hunger and helps to keep you fuller, longer and some fats (evoo) are good for you. The 'low-fat' alternatives are usually loaded with sugar or some sugar-like substitute to compensate for the lack of fat. And they frequently taste like crap. Look at the calorie count and the 'low-fat' stuff often isn't 'low calorie'. A little of the real thing is much better and better for you than a lot of the fake thing. Just my 2 cents.

I didn't mean to suggest go lower calories on everything, but lower calories from fat (there's a difference). Low calories and low fat isn't the same thing. Of course you can't completely eliminate fat intake (and you shouldn't)-but if somebody's overweight-your body already has an excessive amount of fat stored in the body. And by consume less fat I meant eating other types of foods entirely not the "lower fat" substitutes (which I agree are just as bad-if not worse).

Eating fat does not make you fat. Eating eggs and meat does not raise serum cholesterol

My god the food pyramid has you brain washed doesn't it?[/QUOTE]

Eating fat doesn't make you fat. But fat that isn't burned off, or used by the body gets stored in your body as fat-as with the other forms of caloric intake.

B-b-but...the food pyramid is SCIENTIFIC![/QUOTE]

You're talking calories here not fat. We know that one can eat a diet that is high in fat and protein and still lose weight as long as carbs are restricted.
Skull, when you say 'as long as carbs are restricted', are you referring to processed carbs (such as pastas, breads, grains) or fruit/veggies or both?
the carbs found in processed foods, fruit and starchy veggies.

Not the carbs in dark green veggies...
Skull, when you say 'as long as carbs are restricted', are you referring to processed carbs (such as pastas, breads, grains) or fruit/veggies or both?

It really doesn't matter. All carbs are converted to sugar by the body some just faster than others.

Eating a very small potato is equivalent to eating a quarter cup of white sugar.

I eat plenty of vegetables and some fruit mostly berries. I just choose the ones that are naturally low in carbs.

It's not unusual for me to eat less than 50 grams of net carbs (total carb minus fiber) a day and some days I'll eat under 20 grams.

My blood pressure is low normal, my cholesterol is LDL/HDL is 110/ 68

While I was eating a low protein low fat high carb diet my LDL was over 160 and LDL was under 40

The reason was hyperinsulinemia caused by a high sugar diet.

This guy explains the metabolic stuff better than anyone

The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D. » Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part III
Go Vegan, for your health, animal welfare, and the environment. The reason for so much cancer, diabetes, and cancer, is the standard American Diet, which includes far too many animals products. Check out the China study and the documentary Forks Over Knives. Yeah, yeah, I know... stupid vegan and his vegan propaganda.

Calories in minus Calories out.

Factory Farming has to go, for your health, the environment, and the animals:

Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production - YouTube


Oh, brother, lol...

really? You gladly support the torture of animals in factory farms? Do you even know what goes on in factory farms? Or, do you not have the guts to look, while at the same time mocking those who do and are trying to enlighten others? Don't be so predictable.
I have tried many diet strategies in my life. (Not all the kind meant for weight loss)

I've done everything from raw foods only, vegetarianism, high carb low fat etc.

I always found that I felt something was missing, especially on the government recommended food pyramid.

Now the USDA food pyramid recommends 15% protein, 25% fats and 60% carbohydrates .

I came across anther food pyramid that illustrates why people who follow the USDA pyramid are getting fatter and fatter.

The feed lot pyramid is used as a guideline to fatten up livestock for slaughter.

It looks like this: 14% protein, 25% fats, 61% carbohydrates.

Is it any wonder Americans look like heifers and sows?
Well, the pyramid is gone because of the controversy. It's been replaced by My Plate which recommends 30% grains 30% vegetables, 20% fruit, 20% protein.

Still way too low in protein.

I have always eaten a high protein low carb diet. Low carb does not mean no carb. I also eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Until the last five years or so, I was always considered skinny or underweight. Now I am still slim but no longer skinny. I've never eaten anything that is no fat and very few low fat items. About six years ago, my cholesterol was 244. I stopped eating lunch at the fast food joints and switched to ham and turkey sandwiches. Now my cholesterol is 149.
The reason we're obese is the availability of refined sugar, flour, and products made with those all the weird non-food crap we doctor regular food with.

Throw away table sugar, white bread, cereal, and anything with refined flour or added sugar and preservatives in it. Watch the weight fall off.

We aren't fat because we like to torture animals and eat meat. That's just silly.

While the food we eat may help to fatten us up a little, the real reason so many Americans are fat is because they don't exercise. This starts with our kids. The little fucking rodents sit in front of the TV playing video games all day long instead of going outside and burning some of that energy off. And while they are sitting there playing their stupid games, they are snacking on bad processed foods. So yea, the sugars and all the processed flour is bad, but the real problem is these kids are lazy and parents are promoting this.
Where did I ever say carbs are bad for you? Please find that quote. the term is low carb diet not no carb diet

No one who is serious wold even consider eating the shit they serve at McDungswill's
You seem not to realize that fast food is extremely carb heavy.

The liver will convert the protein of a high protein low cab diet to glucose but the liver needs fuel to do this and fat is that fuel. So you see you're not getting the energy from fat but from protein that is broken down by the liver.

Fat does not spike insulin levels as sugar does and we know that insulin is a major role player in heart disease and high cholesterol and blood pressure.

-Your body burns glycogen before it burns off anything else (including fat and protein).

-Fiber has been proven to help control blood sugar levels, lower LDL. While it's not digested that doesn't mean it's "unusable by the body".

-Fiber IS a carb...whether you chose to count it as one or not.

-Of course McDonalds is also loaded with carbs-that was my point. Because pasta is loaded with carbs as well. Yet one gives you a much better source of energy. Hence "good carbs" vs "bad carbs".

-Not all carbs spike insulin levels. White pasta does, whole wheat pasta doesn't (using pasta because I used it as an example before).

I didn't mean to suggest go lower calories on everything, but lower calories from fat (there's a difference). Low calories and low fat isn't the same thing. Of course you can't completely eliminate fat intake (and you shouldn't)-but if somebody's overweight-your body already has an excessive amount of fat stored in the body. And by consume less fat I meant eating other types of foods entirely not the "lower fat" substitutes (which I agree are just as bad-if not worse).

Eating fat does not make you fat. Eating eggs and meat does not raise serum cholesterol

My god the food pyramid has you brain washed doesn't it?

Eating fat doesn't make you fat. But fat that isn't burned off, or used by the body gets stored in your body as fat-as with the other forms of caloric intake.

B-b-but...the food pyramid is SCIENTIFIC![/QUOTE]

You're talking calories here not fat. We know that one can eat a diet that is high in fat and protein and still lose weight as long as carbs are restricted.[/QUOTE]

If you're talking just calories and not fat. Your logic of high fat and high protein with low carbs will lose you weight....then by default you're also saying a diet high in fat and carbs but low in protein will also lose you weight? Why?


1gram of proten=4 calories
1gram of carbs=4 calorites

If your argument is that you're discussing calories-quite frankly it makes absolutely no sense.
Go Vegan, for your health, animal welfare, and the environment. The reason for so much cancer, diabetes, and cancer, is the standard American Diet, which includes far too many animals products. Check out the China study and the documentary Forks Over Knives. Yeah, yeah, I know... stupid vegan and his vegan propaganda.

Calories in minus Calories out.

Factory Farming has to go, for your health, the environment, and the animals:

Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production - YouTube


Oh, brother, lol...

really? You gladly support the torture of animals in factory farms? Do you even know what goes on in factory farms? Or, do you not have the guts to look, while at the same time mocking those who do and are trying to enlighten others? Don't be so predictable.

I get your point, but in all fairness you can just chose to buy animals that are free-range, or organic to avoid these issues. Supporting companies that don't practice in factory farms, or animal cruelty is the best way to get at those that do-not by simply purchasing no meat/animal products. And going vegan goes farther than just eating animals for meat, a true vegan stays away from all animal products (milk, honey, etc). Also a "real vegan" would use vegan shampoos/soaps (yes they exist), and clothes/shoes not derived by animals either.

I'm willing to bet if someone looked around your house, they'd find at least on item/product that's not really "vegan".
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They key to maintaining weight and health is to expend as much energy, in buying, preparing, serving and eating the meals you you want to eat.
If you can get fresh corn, maters etc. Spend the time needed to fuck with it and forget the cans.
Make your own bread. Grow some things.Buy whole chickens and cut them up yourself. Buy a grain mill and grind your own grits(coffee too !).
Get an ole fashioned crank grinder and grind your own ground meats. Wash the fucking dishes instead of stuffing them in a machine.Wash your own car. Cut your own grass. Split your own wood (buy it unsplit-if applicable.)
Clean your own gutters, paint your own shit, change your own oil and rake your own leaves. Throw the fucking TV away.
If The Speedy is a 15 minute walk leave the cars in the driveway and walk, or jump on the bike(in my case-horse)
In short ?
Put an A back in front of murkin and act like your ancestors.They made America. You(we) lost the A and became murka
Your great, or great great grandparents would look at you idiots and say... What the FUCK is that !

I corrected my life. Mine would be cool with what I have been up to the lat 10 or 12 years.
OK . I'm still a party animal slut dog but I'm doing it right ! :lol::eusa_shhh:
-Your body burns glycogen before it burns off anything else (including fat and protein).

-Fiber has been proven to help control blood sugar levels, lower LDL. While it's not digested that doesn't mean it's "unusable by the body".

-Fiber IS a carb...whether you chose to count it as one or not.

-Of course McDonalds is also loaded with carbs-that was my point. Because pasta is loaded with carbs as well. Yet one gives you a much better source of energy. Hence "good carbs" vs "bad carbs".

-Not all carbs spike insulin levels. White pasta does, whole wheat pasta doesn't (using pasta because I used it as an example before).

I didn't mean to suggest go lower calories on everything, but lower calories from fat (there's a difference). Low calories and low fat isn't the same thing. Of course you can't completely eliminate fat intake (and you shouldn't)-but if somebody's overweight-your body already has an excessive amount of fat stored in the body. And by consume less fat I meant eating other types of foods entirely not the "lower fat" substitutes (which I agree are just as bad-if not worse).

Eating fat does not make you fat. Eating eggs and meat does not raise serum cholesterol

My god the food pyramid has you brain washed doesn't it?

Eating fat doesn't make you fat. But fat that isn't burned off, or used by the body gets stored in your body as fat-as with the other forms of caloric intake.

B-b-but...the food pyramid is SCIENTIFIC!

You're talking calories here not fat. We know that one can eat a diet that is high in fat and protein and still lose weight as long as carbs are restricted.

If you're talking just calories and not fat. Your logic of high fat and high protein with low carbs will lose you weight....then by default you're also saying a diet high in fat and carbs but low in protein will also lose you weight? Why?


1gram of proten=4 calories
1gram of carbs=4 calorites

If your argument is that you're discussing calories-quite frankly it makes absolutely no sense.

I'm not discussing calories. I'm discussing metabolic processes.

The calories from protein and fat do not raise insulin levels.

High fasting insulin is caused by a desensitization of insulin receptors that is a direct result of a high sugar diet. This desensitization makes it necessary for the body to produce more and more insulin to deal with the sugar from a high carb diet.

I've already posted links to how high insulin levels contribute to heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Last edited:
I didn't mean to suggest go lower calories on everything, but lower calories from fat (there's a difference). Low calories and low fat isn't the same thing. Of course you can't completely eliminate fat intake (and you shouldn't)-but if somebody's overweight-your body already has an excessive amount of fat stored in the body. And by consume less fat I meant eating other types of foods entirely not the "lower fat" substitutes (which I agree are just as bad-if not worse).

Eating fat does not make you fat. Eating eggs and meat does not raise serum cholesterol

My god the food pyramid has you brain washed doesn't it?

You're talking calories here not fat. We know that one can eat a diet that is high in fat and protein and still lose weight as long as carbs are restricted.

If you're talking just calories and not fat. Your logic of high fat and high protein with low carbs will lose you weight....then by default you're also saying a diet high in fat and carbs but low in protein will also lose you weight? Why?


1gram of proten=4 calories
1gram of carbs=4 calorites

If your argument is that you're discussing calories-quite frankly it makes absolutely no sense.

I'm not discussing calories. I'm discussing metabolic processes.

The calories from protein and fat do not raise insulin levels.

High fasting insulin is caused by a desensitization of insulin receptors that is a direct result of a high sugar diet. This desensitization makes it necessary for the body to produce more and more insulin to deal with the sugar from a high carb diet.

I've already posted links to how high insulin levels contribute to heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Not all sugar affects the body the same way. I don't know what about that is so hard to understand. You are aware that there are many different types of sugar right? You can't just look at all sugars in the same way-because they don't effect your body in the same way. And you provided links? Fine.

Carbohydrates: Good Carbs Guide the Way - What Should I Eat? - The Nutrition Source - Harvard School of Public Health

There's a reason why low carb diets aren't that successful and were fads (Atkins) and why a plan like Weight Watchers is and has been very successful.

The bottom line with losing weight is simple:

For ever 3,500 calories you eat you gain a pound, for every 3,500 calories you burn-you lose a weight. And you cannot train your body to burn off any type of energy over another, or "spot" reduce weight either.
Last edited:
Eating fat does not make you fat. Eating eggs and meat does not raise serum cholesterol

My god the food pyramid has you brain washed doesn't it?

If you're talking just calories and not fat. Your logic of high fat and high protein with low carbs will lose you weight....then by default you're also saying a diet high in fat and carbs but low in protein will also lose you weight? Why?


1gram of proten=4 calories
1gram of carbs=4 calorites

If your argument is that you're discussing calories-quite frankly it makes absolutely no sense.

I'm not discussing calories. I'm discussing metabolic processes.

The calories from protein and fat do not raise insulin levels.

High fasting insulin is caused by a desensitization of insulin receptors that is a direct result of a high sugar diet. This desensitization makes it necessary for the body to produce more and more insulin to deal with the sugar from a high carb diet.

I've already posted links to how high insulin levels contribute to heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Not all sugar affects the body the same way. I don't know what about that is so hard to understand. You are aware that there are many different types of sugar right? You can't just look at all sugars in the same way-because they don't effect your body in the same way. And you provided links? Fine.

Carbohydrates: Good Carbs Guide the Way - What Should I Eat? - The Nutrition Source - Harvard School of Public Health

There's a reason why low carb diets aren't that successful and were fads (Atkins) and why a plan like Weight Watchers is and has been very successful.

The bottom line with losing weight is simple:

For ever 3,500 calories you eat you gain a pound, for every 3,500 calories you burn-you lose a weight. And you cannot train your body to burn off any type of energy over another, or "spot" reduce weight either.

ALL sugar raises insulin levels. Why can't you understand that?

More and more people are eating Primal and low carb than ever before and are thriving.

The problem with people going on a low carb diet is that they view it as temporary and as soon as they start eating like cows again they get fat yet again and often fatter than they were before.

You do realize that one can be at a good weight and still have a fucked up body chemistry don't you? I know plenty of people who eat like cows and even though they are slim are on blood pressure and cholesterol medication.

There is a reason for that and I have given you scientific evidence and you have given me nothing but so called conventional wisdom which is failing because it is inherently flawed.

And I mentioned in my first post that diet does not necessarily a mean weight loss program.

But then again you have not refuted that those who pursue a low carb high protein high fat program to lose weight not only lose more weight but also have better blood chemistry than those who pursue a low protein low fat high carb plan.

There is a reason for that and it is that we were not meant to eat like cows.
Last edited:
I'm not discussing calories. I'm discussing metabolic processes.

The calories from protein and fat do not raise insulin levels.

High fasting insulin is caused by a desensitization of insulin receptors that is a direct result of a high sugar diet. This desensitization makes it necessary for the body to produce more and more insulin to deal with the sugar from a high carb diet.

I've already posted links to how high insulin levels contribute to heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Not all sugar affects the body the same way. I don't know what about that is so hard to understand. You are aware that there are many different types of sugar right? You can't just look at all sugars in the same way-because they don't effect your body in the same way. And you provided links? Fine.

Carbohydrates: Good Carbs Guide the Way - What Should I Eat? - The Nutrition Source - Harvard School of Public Health

There's a reason why low carb diets aren't that successful and were fads (Atkins) and why a plan like Weight Watchers is and has been very successful.

The bottom line with losing weight is simple:

For ever 3,500 calories you eat you gain a pound, for every 3,500 calories you burn-you lose a weight. And you cannot train your body to burn off any type of energy over another, or "spot" reduce weight either.

ALL sugar raises insulin levels. Why can't you understand that?

More and more people are eating Primal and low carb than ever before and are thriving.

The problem with people going on a low carb diet is that they view it as temporary and as soon as they start eating like cows again they get fat yet again and often fatter than they were before.

You do realize that one can be at a good weight and still have a fucked up body chemistry don't you? I know plenty of people who eat like cows and even though they are slim are on blood pressure and cholesterol medication.

There is a reason for that and I have given you scientific evidence and you have given me nothing but so called conventional wisdom which is failing because it is inherently flawed.

And I mentioned in my first post that diet does not necessarily a mean weight loss program.

But then again you have not refuted that those who pursue a low carb high protein high fat program to lose weight not only lose more weight but also have better blood chemistry than those who pursue a low protein low fat high carb plan.

There is a reason for that and it is that we were not meant to eat like cows.

I gave you Harvard as a resource-you're using doctors who own diet programs that they want to sell to people. Talk to your own doctor or a nutritionist-that's what I suggest everybody do. I did (my doctor-not a nutritionist), and lost tons of weight-and have kept it off, I'm in better shape than I was in high school, my blood pressure is always perfect (and I'm at a high risk-as my father has high blood pressure). It's not hard to figure out (but does take dedication).

For full disclosure, I will say that I do go workout everyday (weight 5 days a week, and cardio everyday), and have played ice-hockey my whole life. After everytime I lift weights I do also take a protein shake. So I'm not anti-protein, of course it's important. But carbs are extremely important.

But as I said before-go eat a meal high in protein and fat, low in carbs and workout. Then eat a meal high in carbs (whole wheat, fruits/veges), moderate in protein and low in fat (not without fat)-and see how you perform. Go running, or lift weight, or anything that you can track how well you do. I guarantee you'll have more energy and will be more productive with the second option.

And the difference between you and me in this thread is simple-anybody can go back and read. I'm staying on the same topic and the same view. In some posts you talk about weight loss, in others you say you're not talking about weight loss. In one paragraph you'll say yes that fiber is a carb-but that you don't count it as a carb (openling choosing to neglect a fact is astonishing to me). You then say that fat is a better source of energy than carbs are.

So here's a few basic points I'll make that you've been avoiding throughout the thread:

-If fat is a better source of energy than carbs-than why does your body chose to burn off glycogen off before burning off fat (hence ketosis)?

-How is eating more fat than carbs going to lose you more weight in the long run when 1gm of fat=9cals and 1gram of carbs=4cals?

-Explain how fiber is "unusable" by the body-other than not being digestible. If not being able to be physical digestible means it's "unusable"-then why does eating corn give you cals?

There's a lot of flaws in your logic, and you haven't backed it up with "science". Actually you even claimed that I had fallen for lies of "the books". You keep posting information from organizations selling fad diets (or affiliated with them), I'd love to see an unbiased source that claims that diets consuming low carbs are healthy for you.

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