Anderson Pooper apologizes for saying, "If he (Trump) took a dump on his desk, you would defend it"

Who knows, the smarmy rich pervert might be well acquainted with pooping on desks.CNN fired Juan Williams for being too fair and balanced but you can bet your ass(ets) they won't get rid of Cooper.
Ah, it's so good to have R-Derp back!

Nothing like another liberal shill spewing the far left's talking points!

Here's reality, kiddies...the Democratic Party's leaders and the main stream media are both waving a shiny object in your faces...trying to distract you from the fact that progressives are lost in the wilderness. They don't REALLY think the Russian influenced our election! The failure of progressive policy did that. You have no new ideas. You have no new candidates. The Middle Class doesn't believe you're there for them anymore. Blacks and the poor are slowly coming to understand that you see them as slaves to be kept on a welfare plantation...useful for votes but otherwise ignored.

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