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Andrew Yang and Richard Ojeda: "Why wasn't there a blue wave? "

There was no blue wave because this concept was never anything more than a construct of the left, which still cannot believe it lost in 2016, learned exactly Jack Shit from that experience, lurched farther left than the policies that were rejected in 16, and are now scratching their heads as to why people that thought they were already nuts didn't vote in droves for a bigger bag of nuttery this time.

It's hilarious actually.
There was a slogan, "defund the police". What it means is reallocating funds to try to mitigate the factors that cause crime and the violent interactions between police and people of color. But what voters heard was "defund the police." Lots of liberals embraced it...and not surprisingly...that didn't go over too well with voters.
Defund police not a popular slogan with centrist and anybody on the right.
Or a lot of us on the left as well. The idea that you send a mediator out first in some cases is a good idea. Fewer arrests, less friction, less fallout from the arrests... calling it "defund the police" is dumb and democrats paid for it.
What is the %?
The issue is that almost all of the cases that a black man ended up lying on the street involve weapons already.

For every George Floyd, there are probably tens of thousands of police/offender interactions that never elevate to an arrest. And probably tens of thousands of more that do. You'd have to ask the police.

The point is that not every complaint by a citizen end up with an arresting authority going out to the scene of the disturbance.
I understand where you're coming from :) The number just don't add up. From your last pt, they are already doing that, why you need to defund the cops. Then, bact to your first pt, why is the police in the scene in the first place?
At the end, the leftist dolts believed "defund the police" is a woke slogan. Too bad, they had BLM at the same time. People were scared.

Sort of confused at the last point, first point stuff.

I'll try to catch up here:

I'll give you an example. If you have a couple of kids racing their motorcycles on the street right in front of your house at 2AM...what do you do? Call 911 or the Police non-emergency line. They send out the cops to tell the kids to knock it off. Which isn't really a problem unless there was another real crime taking place and this is sapping the resources. The idea behind "defunding the police" is to shift resources to a mediator whom can be dispatched to the scene of the race.

The police are sent to the scene of the bike racing because there is nobody else to send.
sry for not making myself clear; the first pt I mean was your first paragraph. The last pt was your last paragraph.
Anyway, I understand what your mean now. First of all, that idea was so stupid that I believed even Trump could not come up this. It may work in front of your house at San Marino. Who will protect the mediator in the middle of night at South Park?
Guys it’s super easy to understand. In the 2018 midterms the democrats cleaned up and took a bunch of moderate republican seats. The turnout in 2020 was so high that many traditionally Republican areas that went Democrat swung back even as many of those areas split their ticket and went Biden+Republican down ticket.

Trump lost the moderate Republican suburbs. The down ticket is likely to lose them next election. Moderate suburban republicans are not nuts. They like stability and low taxes with stability as the number 1. Republicans offer whackos and nuts.
There were over 400K tickets in swing states only voted for Biden, but not Dems or GOP. So, the numbers did not add up. Leaftists want Biden+Dems.
There was a slogan, "defund the police". What it means is reallocating funds to try to mitigate the factors that cause crime and the violent interactions between police and people of color. But what voters heard was "defund the police." Lots of liberals embraced it...and not surprisingly...that didn't go over too well with voters.

I agree to a point, BLM scared off some white voters.

Trump got 57% of the White vote in 2020. This is actually worse than he did in 2016, when he got 58% of the white vote.

He got 12% of the black vote (up from 8% in 2016) and 32% of the Hispanic vote (up from 28% in 2016). Both of these are trend lines, however, because Romney did better with whites and worse with minorities in 2012 than Trump did in 2016.

So if BLM really was that much of a factor, he would have done better with whites and worse with minorities, not the other way around.

I wouldn't read too much into any of this, however. The fact is, Trump had the power of incumbency. All other things being equal, people will go with the devil they know. Even Jerry Ford, who had a reputation as the bumbling fool with a WIN button who pardoned Nixon, STILL managed to squeak out 48% of the vote in 1976. Trump being a master of media manipulation, managed to dominate the conversation the whole time. Biden is going to have a serious discussion about policies, he had to contend with a bunch of crazy tweets that dominated the news cycle.

Now, on these congressional districts, again, this isn't too unusual. Most of these districts were drawn (gerrymandered) to favor Republicans. That a Democrat took some of them at all was a miracle in and of itself. What amazed me is that they managed to retain some of the ones they did.

For instance, Lauren Underwood managed to pick up Denny Hastert's old district, which is a strong R district in 2018. She was a black woman who managed to win in a district that is 85% white. She barely squeaked by to win a second term over Jim "the Milk Dud" Oberweis, who keeps running for things and losing. If I were a betting man, I wouldn't put much stock in her winning a third term in 2022. But it shows that "all politics are local". There were a whole lot of factors going on that had nothing to do with the national scene.
Trump had no power of incumbency. He could even have $1200 check passed around sept~oct. Both parties gave him the finger. In fact, I believe GOP est. want him go already. Unlike Reagan, he has a chance to take over GOP.
There wasn't a Blue Wave because the Left is only somewhat less annoying than Trump.

The loudest voices on the Left are pushing defunding the police, socialism, political correctness, identity politics and cancel culture.

Just as the GOP is stuck with Trump and his sheep, the Democrats are stuck with these people.

This isn't all that complicated. But both parties refuse to look in the mirror, and they both feed into the worst impulses of the other.

Ho-hum... only a matter of time before Mitlaufer Mac managed to whine about his lost white privilege.

Hey, we are probably going to end up defunding the police, not because BLM screamed for it, but because the economic wreckage from Trump Plague means states and cities are going to have a lot less revenue to work with in the next year.

As for "Cancel Culture", I'm still waiting for the example of that actually happening where it wasn't deserved. Yes, we have cancelled people like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. Um, why is this a bad thing, exactly.
Completely OT: I have a really problem with this "Cancel Culture" #metoo (beside 70 % of the money went to pay the admins salary). First of all, they don't canacel the culture. They cancel the men. The culture is still here. Hey, I am from canada, so you know I am for multiculturalism :cool: . Anyway, here is the deal: can you tell the difference between the following.
(1) A guy runs a company out of his own pocket.
(2) A guy manages a company that runs on other people $
(3) A guy manages company that runs on other people $, and the company is sort of monopoly.
(4) A guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy
(5) A guy just in the right place.

#metoo should take care #5, #4 to change the culture first, instead that they go for the #3
There was a slogan, "defund the police". What it means is reallocating funds to try to mitigate the factors that cause crime and the violent interactions between police and people of color. But what voters heard was "defund the police." Lots of liberals embraced it...and not surprisingly...that didn't go over too well with voters.
Defund police not a popular slogan with centrist and anybody on the right.
Or a lot of us on the left as well. The idea that you send a mediator out first in some cases is a good idea. Fewer arrests, less friction, less fallout from the arrests... calling it "defund the police" is dumb and democrats paid for it.
What is the %?
The issue is that almost all of the cases that a black man ended up lying on the street involve weapons already.

For every George Floyd, there are probably tens of thousands of police/offender interactions that never elevate to an arrest. And probably tens of thousands of more that do. You'd have to ask the police.

The point is that not every complaint by a citizen end up with an arresting authority going out to the scene of the disturbance.
I understand where you're coming from :) The number just don't add up. From your last pt, they are already doing that, why you need to defund the cops. Then, bact to your first pt, why is the police in the scene in the first place?
At the end, the leftist dolts believed "defund the police" is a woke slogan. Too bad, they had BLM at the same time. People were scared.

Sort of confused at the last point, first point stuff.

I'll try to catch up here:

I'll give you an example. If you have a couple of kids racing their motorcycles on the street right in front of your house at 2AM...what do you do? Call 911 or the Police non-emergency line. They send out the cops to tell the kids to knock it off. Which isn't really a problem unless there was another real crime taking place and this is sapping the resources. The idea behind "defunding the police" is to shift resources to a mediator whom can be dispatched to the scene of the race.

The police are sent to the scene of the bike racing because there is nobody else to send.
sry for not making myself clear; the first pt I mean was your first paragraph. The last pt was your last paragraph.
Anyway, I understand what your mean now. First of all, that idea was so stupid that I believed even Trump could not come up this. It may work in front of your house at San Marino. Who will protect the mediator in the middle of night at South Park?

That is a good point.

The mediation initiative won't work for all communities. Police keep statistics on which addresses and neighborhoods have more crime. You likely wouldn't want to send a mediator into those neighborhoods where it's known high crime area.

Remember the guy who fell asleep at the Wendy's restaurant in Atlanta? He got into a fight with the cops and was killed (rightfully so in my view) when he pointed a taser at the cops? Set aside the events that lead to his death for a moment and reflect on what might (we don't know) have happened if you had sent someone out there to just talk to the guy and tell him to move it along or call someone to come drive him home if he's drunk. And lets say he has a crack pipe on his passenger side seat. A cop sees that and he has to investigate. What I would want the mediator to do is just ignore the crack pipe or the open misdemeanor warrants they may have open. That is probably never going to happen--it amounts to adult baby sitting. Its shitty that we have to do this but the alternative is to send the police everywhere as we have been doing for years. I think we could benefit from having a few more tools in the toolbox.
Ojeda says Trump used his Latino heritage and last name to scare West Virginia voters, and it worked, Ojeda's poll numbers dropped and he lost his congressional race

Yang laments Democrats losing ground and forfeiting ex-swing states like Iowa and Ohio

Trash poster, stirring the pot ^^^^^

Who you pretending to side with this time troll?
There was a slogan, "defund the police". What it means is reallocating funds to try to mitigate the factors that cause crime and the violent interactions between police and people of color. But what voters heard was "defund the police." Lots of liberals embraced it...and not surprisingly...that didn't go over too well with voters.
But we control all three houses now.
There was a slogan, "defund the police". What it means is reallocating funds to try to mitigate the factors that cause crime and the violent interactions between police and people of color. But what voters heard was "defund the police." Lots of liberals embraced it...and not surprisingly...that didn't go over too well with voters.
But we control all three houses now.

"all three houses" ... :rolleyes:

Holy crap, you're stupid.
White, senate and hor
There was a slogan, "defund the police". What it means is reallocating funds to try to mitigate the factors that cause crime and the violent interactions between police and people of color. But what voters heard was "defund the police." Lots of liberals embraced it...and not surprisingly...that didn't go over too well with voters.
But we control all three houses now.
Having majorities is great from the standpoint of the democrats.

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