Angela Merkel's Ancestors.... came from Poland


Active Member
May 30, 2021

Here the most important facts:

Angela Merkel ist born on 17 July 1956 in Hamburg Germany as daughter of a priest, who volountarly moved in the communist part of germany DDR....

Her father Herr Käsner was "Reisekader" in the DDR, and could travel without Restriction, because he was a true communist.

Angelas grandfather was polish communist as well, who volountarly fought in Worldwar 1 against germany...
Everyone is well aware Merkel is a communist.


Here the most important facts:

Angela Merkel ist born on 17 July 1956 in Hamburg Germany as daughter of a priest, who volountarly moved in the communist part of germany DDR....

Her father Herr Käsner was "Reisekader" in the DDR, and could travel without Restriction, because he was a true communist.

Angelas grandfather was polish communist as well, who volountarly fought in Worldwar 1 against germany...
Your post if stupid as fuck but no country should have a leader for as long as Merkel has been around
Your post if stupid as fuck
Well, she was raised by her father, who was a communist believer

No country should have a leader for as long as Merkel has been around

FDR was Präsident from March 1933 until April 1945.....

These are how many years..........??
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Here the most important facts:

Angela Merkel ist born on 17 July 1956 in Hamburg Germany as daughter of a priest, who volountarly moved in the communist part of germany DDR....

Her father Herr Käsner was "Reisekader" in the DDR, and could travel without Restriction, because he was a true communist.

Angelas grandfather was polish communist as well, who volountarly fought in Worldwar 1 against germany...
Your post if stupid as fuck but no country should have a leader for as long as Merkel has been around

Why not? She's been a much more competent leader than any American leaders have been. Why wouldn't you want competent leadership?

Also, German leaders can think long term. The US has presidents who only need to think four years ahead or less.
Why not? She's been a much more competent leader than any American leaders have been. Why wouldn't you want competent leadership?
Ok.... I do have some questions......

1. Do ever went to germany....?

2. If so,...... did you ever Talked to germans in germany about politics.?.......

If you can answer both questions with yes, than and only than you can give up your own opinion
About german politics.....
Also, German leaders can think long term. The US has presidents who only need to think four years ahead or less.

The last german leader who Was truly able to think long term was Helmut Schmidt,
But he left Office of Bundeskanzleramt in 1982 or 1983

Here the most important facts:

Angela Merkel ist born on 17 July 1956 in Hamburg Germany as daughter of a priest, who volountarly moved in the communist part of germany DDR....

Her father Herr Käsner was "Reisekader" in the DDR, and could travel without Restriction, because he was a true communist.

Angelas grandfather was polish communist as well, who volountarly fought in Worldwar 1 against germany...
Your post if stupid as fuck but no country should have a leader for as long as Merkel has been around

Why not? She's been a much more competent leader than any American leaders have been. Why wouldn't you want competent leadership?

Also, German leaders can think long term. The US has presidents who only need to think four years ahead or less.
competent---she brought in muslims who have formed rape gangs...........
Why not? She's been a much more competent leader than any American leaders have been. Why wouldn't you want competent leadership?
Ok.... I do have some questions......

1. Do ever went to germany....?

2. If so,...... did you ever Talked to germans in germany about politics.?.......

If you can answer both questions with yes, than and only than you can give up your own opinion
About german politics.....
Also, German leaders can think long term. The US has presidents who only need to think four years ahead or less.

The last german leader who Was truly able to think long term was Helmut Schmidt,
But he left Office of Bundeskanzleramt in 1982 or 1983

"Do ever went to germany....?" Come on, what kind of a question is that?

I'd assume it's "Have you ever been to Germany?"

Yes, I lived in German, in Augsburg and Passau. Ich spreche Deutsch, aber ich fast nie benutzt mein Deutsch.

I also took a German politics class, the dude who gave the class was a former Bavarian politician.

But you're talking crap. Just because I have done a degree in German, studied the German political system etc etc, doesn't mean only I can talk about it.

You can learn a lot from the German political system.

Why was Helmut Schmidt the last long term thinker in the German political system?

Here the most important facts:

Angela Merkel ist born on 17 July 1956 in Hamburg Germany as daughter of a priest, who volountarly moved in the communist part of germany DDR....

Her father Herr Käsner was "Reisekader" in the DDR, and could travel without Restriction, because he was a true communist.

Angelas grandfather was polish communist as well, who volountarly fought in Worldwar 1 against germany...
Your post if stupid as fuck but no country should have a leader for as long as Merkel has been around

Why not? She's been a much more competent leader than any American leaders have been. Why wouldn't you want competent leadership?

Also, German leaders can think long term. The US has presidents who only need to think four years ahead or less.
competent---she brought in muslims who have formed rape gangs...........

Well, there were plenty of Muslims in Germany before Merkel was leader.

And just because you disagree with a policy, doesn't mean someone is incompetent.

And maybe people make mistakes. Or maybe Germany itself has a mentality that would have led to immigrants coming in from Muslim countries no matter who the leader was.

Here the most important facts:

Angela Merkel ist born on 17 July 1956 in Hamburg Germany as daughter of a priest, who volountarly moved in the communist part of germany DDR....

Her father Herr Käsner was "Reisekader" in the DDR, and could travel without Restriction, because he was a true communist.

Angelas grandfather was polish communist as well, who volountarly fought in Worldwar 1 against germany...
Your post if stupid as fuck but no country should have a leader for as long as Merkel has been around

Why not? She's been a much more competent leader than any American leaders have been. Why wouldn't you want competent leadership?

Also, German leaders can think long term. The US has presidents who only need to think four years ahead or less.
competent---she brought in muslims who have formed rape gangs...........

Well, there were plenty of Muslims in Germany before Merkel was leader.

And just because you disagree with a policy, doesn't mean someone is incompetent.

And maybe people make mistakes. Or maybe Germany itself has a mentality that would have led to immigrants coming in from Muslim countries no matter who the leader was.
Disagree with policy? Beitch be doing all she can to hurt germany and the german people---------bringing in masses of muslims who think ALLAH has ordered them to rape infidel women and children (male and female) is evil.

Here the most important facts:

Angela Merkel ist born on 17 July 1956 in Hamburg Germany as daughter of a priest, who volountarly moved in the communist part of germany DDR....

Her father Herr Käsner was "Reisekader" in the DDR, and could travel without Restriction, because he was a true communist.

Angelas grandfather was polish communist as well, who volountarly fought in Worldwar 1 against germany...
Your post if stupid as fuck but no country should have a leader for as long as Merkel has been around

Why not? She's been a much more competent leader than any American leaders have been. Why wouldn't you want competent leadership?

Also, German leaders can think long term. The US has presidents who only need to think four years ahead or less.
competent---she brought in muslims who have formed rape gangs...........

Well, there were plenty of Muslims in Germany before Merkel was leader.

And just because you disagree with a policy, doesn't mean someone is incompetent.

And maybe people make mistakes. Or maybe Germany itself has a mentality that would have led to immigrants coming in from Muslim countries no matter who the leader was.
Disagree with policy? Beitch be doing all she can to hurt germany and the german people---------bringing in masses of muslims who think ALLAH has ordered them to rape infidel women and children (male and female) is evil.

I'm not a proponent of mass immigration.

What I'm saying is that you have your view, and Germans have their views. There will be those who support your view, the AfD especially and the fascists.

However you're assuming this is all Merkel.

And you're assuming one policy equates everything. She's done a lot of good things for Germany too. She's been a strong leader in a country which generally hates their politicians. It's why they have healthy democracy, unlike the US.

Here the most important facts:

Angela Merkel ist born on 17 July 1956 in Hamburg Germany as daughter of a priest, who volountarly moved in the communist part of germany DDR....

Her father Herr Käsner was "Reisekader" in the DDR, and could travel without Restriction, because he was a true communist.

Angelas grandfather was polish communist as well, who volountarly fought in Worldwar 1 against germany...
Your post if stupid as fuck but no country should have a leader for as long as Merkel has been around

Why not? She's been a much more competent leader than any American leaders have been. Why wouldn't you want competent leadership?

Also, German leaders can think long term. The US has presidents who only need to think four years ahead or less.
competent---she brought in muslims who have formed rape gangs...........
Änd in Court, they get Probation
"Do ever went to germany....?" Come on, what kind of a question is that?

I'd assume it's "Have you ever been to Germany?
Ok,.... ich habe das "you" vergessen zu schreiben....
Von daher hast du Recht, der Satz hört sich doof an
Yes, I lived in German, in Augsburg and Passau.
I dont know Augsburg, but PA = passau, die 3 Flüsse Stadt: Donau, Inn and a 3. River.....
Schärnding in Österreich is close by.....
Ich spreche Deutsch, aber ich fast nie benutzt mein Deutsch.
Come on, what kind of German is that?
I'd assume its: ich spreche deutsch, aber ich benutze fast nie mein Deutsch.
also took a German politics class, the dude who gave the class was a former Bavarian politician.

But you're talking crap. Just because I have done a degree in German, studied the German political system etc etc, doesn't mean only I can talk about it.
Oh my dear god..... Freistaat Bayern
You can learn a lot from the German political system
Yeah, but this only goes for the years 1949 until 1982/83
Why was Helmut Schmidt the last long term thinker in the German political system
Ok, i write it in German, and if you study politics in germany, you are able to unverstand it...

Helmut Schmidt war ein Sozialdemokrat, der wirklich die soziale Marktwirtschaft verstanden hatte. Unter seiner Regierung von 1974 bis 1982 oder 1983 hatten wir eine wirklich gute Wirtschaft in Deutschland und wirklich ein gutes Sozialsystem Punkt beides war ein Einklang, und es ging allen gut, vom Arbeiter bis zum Unternehmer und Selbstständigen.
And just because you disagree with a policy, doesn't mean someone is incompetent
Dont get me wrong.
Merkel is very intelligent, very much so....

I would rather wish, she isnt so intelligent, so therefore she would gone a long time ago

And maybe people make mistakes. Or maybe Germany itself has a mentality that would have led to immigrants coming in from Muslim countries no matter who the leader was
Well,..... every migrant likes Germany änd their money, the economy, and the welfare Systems....

It doesnt matter If moslem, christians, katholics, jews, hindu or what else.....
?......There will be those who support your view, the AfD especially and the fascists

I for myself dont know Facists

I have no contact to Italian politics

She's done a lot of good things for Germany too.
Nope..... she's done a lot of Things AGAINST germany (not for)

For or "für" is something positive

Ich habe ein Geburtstagsgeschenk FÜR dich
I have a birthday present FOR you
She's been a strong leader in a country which generally hates their politicians.
I agree.... she is the strong leader, But Helmut Schmidt was a strong leader too

But i guess, Angela Merkel would not like the Titel leader....

No politican in Germany since 1946 likes this Titel
It's why they have healthy democracy, unlike the US.
A healthy democracy is in a country, where you can vote your Polizeipräsident (sheriff)
Staatsanwalt, Richter, And
Leiter des Ordnungsamtes (license commissioner)

Helmut Schmidt war ein Sozialdemokrat, der wirklich die soziale Marktwirtschaft verstanden hatte. Unter seiner Regierung von 1974 bis 1982 oder 1983 hatten wir eine wirklich gute Wirtschaft in Deutschland und wirklich ein gutes Sozialsystem Punkt beides war ein Einklang, und es ging allen gut, vom Arbeiter bis zum Unternehmer und Selbstständigen.

Well, Helmut Schmidt became Chancellor in 1974 and unemployment has never been as low as it was in that year. By the time he left office unemployment was rising and would rise for another two years.

Merkel on the other hand got into power with an 11% unemployment rate that was down to 6.9% after five years and down to 3.4% after 13 years in power. That seems pretty long sighted to me.

Also Schmidt started as chancellor being a Keynes follower, and by the end was cutting welfare spending.

So, I really don't see it.
Helmut Schmidt became Chancellor exactly on the day, when I celebrated my 10.birthday
On may 06, 1974 when Herbert Frahm alias Willy Brandt resigned

He was the only Sozialdemokrat, who done a really good job

Matterfact along with the former Kölner Bürgermeister konrad Adenauer the best chancellor we ever had

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