1952, 1968, 2024

Because Trumps words and actions are often different when it comes time to execute. He will sell Taiwan far more weapons and do so without any intimidation from China, he has to set the table for the negotiation. Remember when he called Taiwans PM and all of Americas media were outraged (because it would piss off Xi)? Well, Trump is a wildcard like that.

America has $36T in debt. The world seems oblivious to what this is going to lead to.

He would also sell weapons to Ukraine if needed, though I sense he would create another East/West split as that which Germany had for years. In a perfect scenario the Ukraine would take back their stolen land, as it were, their best option now seems to be to simply keep the war in a stalemate state. The average age of the Ukrainian soldier is 45, this simply isn't going to be easily maintained absent Western boots on the ground. Russia is simply employing what they did in WWII, a war of attrition.

Beyond this is Trumps ability to demand allies increase their contributions and they are already discussing this in their domestic discussions. I know this because I watch European media nightly. His demands ensure Europe will manufacture weapons again, which is to their own benefit because even England is a paper tiger now.

Where that war ends is anyones guess, but I imagine Americans will not support endless support for Ukraine as inflation destroys their lives. I am not an isolationist, I believe America needs to be a strong presence in the world. However, on the scale of importance and based on the scenario, Ukraine is not the priority over Taiwan.
Your answer was frankly lame. So, your response to Trump’s Taiwan position is don’t believe him. The better and more honest answer is if you just admitted you really don’t care about Taiwan.
Your answer was frankly lame. So, your response to Trump’s Taiwan position is don’t believe him. The better and more honest answer is if you just admitted you really don’t care about Taiwan.

Yes. Men like Rubio and others get this. He will not only sell them weapons, he will sell them a shyteload of weapons (at a premium price). The words that you refer to were already met by the Taiwanese government because I happen to follow these issues as my own personal hobby/interest. For the record, I don't dislike China, I respect their leaderships focus and drive to win through their intelligence agencies in particular, even if I don't admire their system. They've been checkmating the West for decades. Just the facts.

Taiwan didn't meet Trumps words/criticism by being angry, not at all, they welcome Trump because like myself, they know his approach keeps enemies in line. Instead, Taiwanese leaders openly replied "Taiwan is ready to do our part". That is code for, "you sell us the weapons (Trump will) and we will defend our island".

See below for what was controversial according to the idiots in MSM and some corners of failed career government officials:

In 2020, the Trump administration notified Congress that it would be selling $2.2 billion worth of tanks, missiles, and other military equipment to Taiwan.

You might remember that this move was seen as a significant escalation in the US-Taiwan military relationship and a challenge to China's territorial claims over the island. The irony right? As the same people today full praise Pelosis "strength and conviction" when she visited Taiwan.

Now her decision made Biden unhappy, I didn't find it particularly offensive (though China did), I give her some credit for character, however, what is more effective in this scenario? Going to Taiwan in a big public storm and creating an International incident for which China must save face with no benefit to that nation, or, selling Taiwan BILLIONS of dollars in advanced weapons which prevent China from taking them over? You tell me what the smart move was.

China responded with massive airflights near Taiwan. No benefit.

Over $5B of weapons were sold by Trump in 2020 and it angered China and Trumps enemies at the time. However, at least Taiwan benefited and the story didn't make front pages as Pelosi did when she visited.

The sale included:

M1A2T Abrams tanks: 108 tanks valued at around $2.2 billion
Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missiles: 100 missiles valued at around $2 billion
Stinger anti-aircraft missiles: 100 systems valued at around $400 million
Harpoon coastal defense systems: 100 systems valued at around $2.6 billion

China had strongly opposed the proposed sale, viewing it as a violation of the One China policy and a provocation. The Chinese Foreign Ministry even called on the US to cancel the sale and instead promote dialogue and negotiations between Taipei and Beijing.

The sale of course also raised concerns among some US lawmakers, who have expressed concerns about the potential impact on relations with China and the potential risks of escalating tensions in the region.

You see, Trump loves doing business and making money.
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There won't be any riots at the Democratic convention. Because there is no Vietnam that a president is send our troops to. Your party needs to remove Trump, but since the Trump family controls the RNC, you guys are just going to be made to suffer.

I could see disturbances, since there are so many pro-Palestinians now in this country. We'll see, it could be fireworks.
This feels more like 1968, for those of us old enough to remember.

Except, of course, the Wallace states will go to Trump.


I could see disturbances, since there are so many pro-Palestinians now in this country. We'll see, it could be fireworks.
The Pro Palestinians aren't the problem. Netanyahu supporters are.

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