Angry white man threatened to call ICE because employees were speaking Spanish in restaurant.

Well, until English is established as the National language, (which it should be)

things like this have no bearing.
Well, until English is established as the National language, (which it should be)

things like this have no bearing.
Oh yes they do:

ssac Saul, an editor at the publication A Plus, saw a man who appeared to be Schlossberg last year at a protest, standing with people carrying pro-Donald Trump signs. The rally was held to oppose a speech by the Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour and to support far-right counter-speakers, who included Islamophobic activist Pamela Geller and commentator Milo Yiannopoulos, best known for appearing to condone pedophilia and coining phrases like "feminism is cancer."


English established as the National Language?

What if you are caught speaking something else in your future English only America? Do you get your tongue chopped off?
An angry white man threatened to call ICE because employees were speaking Spanish in a restaurant

I love the woman at the end who calls him a sh!t.

Oh these fuking racist right wingers. They are trying so hard to ruin this country but they won't get away with it.

Really? What is wrong with expecting Americans to speak ...English? Kind of like we are doing right NOW? How despicable, we are speaking one certain language NOW. Totally evil and inexcusable. Calling him a "shit" in English...OH, what an outrage.
Well, until English is established as the National language, (which it should be)

things like this have no bearing.
Oh yes they do:

ssac Saul, an editor at the publication A Plus, saw a man who appeared to be Schlossberg last year at a protest, standing with people carrying pro-Donald Trump signs. The rally was held to oppose a speech by the Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour and to support far-right counter-speakers, who included Islamophobic activist Pamela Geller and commentator Milo Yiannopoulos, best known for appearing to condone pedophilia and coining phrases like "feminism is cancer."


English established as the National Language?

What if you are caught speaking something else in your future English only America? Do you get your tongue chopped off?


Why don't you ask the US citizens of German or Japanese descent whether you can be thrown in prison for speaking another language even though you're second, third, or more, generations from immigrating to the United States?


An angry white man threatened to call ICE because employees were speaking Spanish in a restaurant

I love the woman at the end who calls him a sh!t.

Oh these fuking racist right wingers. They are trying so hard to ruin this country but they won't get away with it.

Really? What is wrong with expecting Americans to speak ...English? Kind of like we are doing right NOW? How despicable, we are speaking one certain language NOW. Totally evil and inexcusable. Calling him a "shit" in English...OH, what an outrage.

Because this is a nation of immigrants and he's a sh!t.

And he walked in to where they were working and accused them of being on welfare.

That makes him a double sh!t.

Too bad he's also a typical Republican right winger. That's how low they've become.
Damn, I have had Mexicans ask what a gringa is doing among them in Spanish in Denver in a city they were never born in. Irony of ironies. Who gave them sanctuary and this chutzpah?Who gave illegal aliens sanctuary anyway? I am told, "We" did...we, whom? Who got to vote on whether or not your home city was given to illegal aliens. Anyone?
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Damn, I have had Mexicans ask what a gringa is doing among them in Spanish in Denver in a city they were never born in. Irony of ironies. Who gave them sanctuary and this chutzpah?Who gave illegal aliens sanctuary anyway?

Reagan, H.W., Not Clinton, W., then Obama.

Reagan only did it in exchange for a wall being built. (The Democrat Congress promised)

Only pres to build any wall AFAIK is Billy Clinton.
Oh these fuking racist right wingers. They are trying so hard to ruin this country but they won't get away with it.

Almost as bad as the racist left wingers, hey?
Hmmm, yea, let's look at that.

On one side, we have Republicans who are 90% white and hate just about every minority.

On the other side, we have just about every minority and they are a coalition and work together.

So who are the racists? Oh, it must the coalition.

English established as the National Language?

What if you are caught speaking something else in your future English only America? Do you get your tongue chopped off?


GFY with that stupid shite.

English absolutely should be established as the National language.

Naturalized Mexicans get it. Why don't you?[/QUOTE]
National Language?
Why not German?
Or Russian?
English established as the National Language?

What if you are caught speaking something else in your future English only America? Do you get your tongue chopped off?


GFY with that stupid shite.

English absolutely should be established as the National language.

Naturalized Mexicans get it. Why don't you?
National Language?
Why not German?
Or Russian?[/QUOTE]

What language is The Constitution written in, faggot?

There you go.
Oh these fuking racist right wingers. They are trying so hard to ruin this country but they won't get away with it.

Almost as bad as the racist left wingers, hey?
Hmmm, yea, let's look at that.

On one side, we have Republicans who are 90% white and hate just about every minority.

On the other side, we have just about every minority and they are a coalition and work together.

So who are the racists? Oh, it must the coalition.


People as individuals are racist. Not "groups". I personally know "liberal" racist.

SO.... :yes_text12:
I get angry too. When I hear Spanish as if it's always been spoken in Denver. Spanish offends me. And we have to pay taxes to help Spanish speakers only that just recently came here. Si haba Espanol? I recognize the Hispanics that created Colorado or California and were here way before the English , but Spaniards were European and Caucasian as well. Spanish is a European Anglo language.
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I get angry too. When I hear Spanish as if it's always been spoken in Denver. Spanish offends me. And we have to pay taxes to help Spanish speakers only that just recently came here. Si haba Espanol? I recognize the Hispanics that created Colorado or California and were here way before the English , but Spaniards were European and Caucasian as well.

You know, it wouldn't hurt somebody to learn how to speak Spanish when there's a Spanish part of town.

However, this is America, and English is spoken here.
I get angry too. When I hear Spanish as if it's always been spoken in Denver. Spanish offends me. And we have to pay taxes to help Spanish speakers only that just recently came here. Si haba Espanol? I recognize the Hispanics that created Colorado or California and were here way before the English , but Spaniards were European and Caucasian as well.

You know, it wouldn't hurt somebody to learn how to speak Spanish when there's a Spanish part of town.

However, this is America, and English is spoken here.
Agreed. When in Rome..Spanish speakers only...but who is making this an issue? Why do we NOW have this ?...30 years ago we never needed Spanish-English interpreters in our judicial system, but we need them NOW. How is that GOOD? Having done jury duty 30 years ago vs NOW? We always had a common language before, what is wrong with that?
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Weren't Spaniards white Catholic colonialist, Spanish is as White AND EUROPEAN as any Englishmen? So Mexicans think they can sneak into America, ignore American culture, well boo hoo...they can't. But they speak SPANISH! So?
I get angry too. When I hear Spanish as if it's always been spoken in Denver. Spanish offends me. And we have to pay taxes to help Spanish speakers only that just recently came here. Si haba Espanol? I recognize the Hispanics that created Colorado or California and were here way before the English , but Spaniards were European and Caucasian as well.

You know, it wouldn't hurt somebody to learn how to speak Spanish when there's a Spanish part of town.

However, this is America, and English is spoken here.
So is Spanish.
I've heard Chinese in Chinatown.
I've heard Greek in the Greek part of Chicago.
Yesterday, in Starbucks, I heard French.

Not a single time was I insulted.

Not until Republicans show their racism. They show that a lot.
Trump talking about Mexicans:

“You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people, these are animals, and we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before.”

Trump Calls Some Unauthorized Immigrants ‘Animals’ in Rant

And then he blames his policies on Democrats:

“I know what you’re going through right now with families is very tough, but those are the bad laws that the Democrats gave us,” Mr. Trump said. “We have to break up families. The Democrats gave us that law.”


There is nothing Democrats can do. The GOP controls the entire government. Why blame their inability to do anything good on Democrats?

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