anity: CNN Doctors Photograph of Moore Accuser's Yearbook

This kind of shit is the reason no one believes this phone jihad against Moore:

Here's exhibit 1. CNN's link to an image of the Moore accuser's yearbook. Look at the color of the writing.

But (exhibit 2) click on the image in the link. You can clearly see two different color ink pens were used.


I put up that in another posters thread last night and asked for feedback on how many colors posters saw because I saw black and blue. But I lost the thread.


So it's good that you see black and blue too. YAY! I'm not losing it.
This kind of shit is the reason no one believes this phony jihad against Moore:

Here's exhibit 1. CNN's link to an image of the Moore accuser's yearbook. Look at the color of the writing.

But (exhibit 2) click on the image in the link. You can clearly see two different color ink pens were used.


Have you been drinking again? There is no difference between the CNN pic and the second one except the angle of the picture.
This kind of shit is the reason no one believes this phony jihad against Moore:

Here's exhibit 1. CNN's link to an image of the Moore accuser's yearbook. Look at the color of the writing.

But (exhibit 2) click on the image in the link. You can clearly see two different color ink pens were used.


Have you been drinking again? There is no difference between the CNN pic and the second one except the angle of the picture.

What? You can’t tell the difference in the ink color? Don’t you know that CNN is so poorly run that they’d try to forge a document that will be subjected to intense scrutiny? You must be a lefty dupe.

Bri’s issue isn’t alcohol. He’s just really stupid and angry.
This kind of shit is the reason no one believes this phony jihad against Moore:

Here's exhibit 1. CNN's link to an image of the Moore accuser's yearbook. Look at the color of the writing.

But (exhibit 2) click on the image in the link. You can clearly see two different color ink pens were used.


It looks like "Ray" signed it then someone added Moore in blue ink, different handwriting, different ink. Worst forgery ever

This will be where the shooting starts
CNN photo was in black and white.

There should be serious consequences for whoever is lying and right now it looks like it's the accusers, the media and the Republican Establishment
This kind of shit is the reason no one believes this phony jihad against Moore:

Here's exhibit 1. CNN's link to an image of the Moore accuser's yearbook. Look at the color of the writing.

But (exhibit 2) click on the image in the link. You can clearly see two different color ink pens were used.


It looks like "Ray" signed it then someone added Moore in blue ink, different handwriting, different ink. Worst forgery ever

This will be where the shooting starts

What? The shooting?
“Once truth had become oracular rather than factual, evidence was irrelevant.” Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny


Why do righties cling to straws? Conspiratorial thought is so odd, all these women are lying because? They are all in cahoots? That would be because? I think deep down most people know they are telling the truth, but the thought isn't allowed as it would conflict with personal bias and even the childish wish to belong. One must be a part of something even if the something is wrong or contrary to their best values. In this case it is the right wing represented by Moore, Bannon, Fox and it's apologists. Belonging matters, individual conscience not so much. The herd is a place for the weak to feel strong.

The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"The main hypothesis concerning group-think is this: the more amiability and espirt de corps among the members of an in-group of policymakers the greater the danger that independent critical thinking will be replaced by groupthink, which is likely to result in irrational and the dehumanizing actions directed at out-groups." Irving L. Janis in 'Sanctions for Evil'

This is the herd mentality at work. 8 Symptoms of Groupthink

What to read if you still think. On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
Think about this, the yearbook was held up in a press conference full of people and none of them noticed two different colors but now a week later some Twitter account does?
Smells like BS to me

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I don't see 2 colors..they both look black to me.

they both look black to me but the "add on" (and his signature doesn't seem a natural part of teh entire pic, it does seem added on) is interesting. no idea why people are putting specific dates on there and locations. not something i normally do when i sign things or on my yearbook.
Think about this, the yearbook was held up in a press conference full of people and none of them noticed two different colors but now a week later some Twitter account does?
Smells like BS to me

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Hannity is as annoying as Sheppard Smith. Hope he gos when Shep does.
This kind of shit is the reason no one believes this phony jihad against Moore:

Here's exhibit 1. CNN's link to an image of the Moore accuser's yearbook. Look at the color of the writing.

But (exhibit 2) click on the image in the link. You can clearly see two different color ink pens were used.

/-----/ From the "For whatever it's worth Department"
I don't think for a moment that Moore is 100% innocent. The temptation by powerful people is great. That being said, 40 years is a long time to remain silent and memories fade as does evidence. It wouldn't surprise me if the year book was tampered with and there are inconsistencies and issues with the multiple dates in an attempt to make a case.
This kind of shit is the reason no one believes this phony jihad against Moore:

Here's exhibit 1. CNN's link to an image of the Moore accuser's yearbook. Look at the color of the writing.

But (exhibit 2) click on the image in the link. You can clearly see two different color ink pens were used.

/-----/ From the "For whatever it's worth Department"
I don't think for a moment that Moore is 100% innocent. The temptation by powerful people is great. That being said, 40 years is a long time to remain silent and memories fade as does evidence. It wouldn't surprise me if the year book was tampered with and there are inconsistencies and issues with the multiple dates in an attempt to make a case.

Yup, and I’m thinking that the lady who came out with Gloria Allred likely sucked him off between the dumpsters willingly, and was expecting her divorce to go good for her in court because of it.
This kind of shit is the reason no one believes this phony jihad against Moore:

Here's exhibit 1. CNN's link to an image of the Moore accuser's yearbook. Look at the color of the writing.

But (exhibit 2) click on the image in the link. You can clearly see two different color ink pens were used.


Have you been drinking again? There is no difference between the CNN pic and the second one except the angle of the picture.
You're a blind idiot. The second one is in color, and it shows two different colors of ink.

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