Ann Coulter Now Suggests Ted Cruz Isn't A ‘Natural Born Citizen’

the United States passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, just three years after the Constitution was written, which stated that children born abroad to U.S. citizens were, too, natural born citizens.


Grammar check time. See that (s) on the end of citizens? That means TWO US citizen parents.

Of which Ted has ONE. His mother. His Dad was Cuban.
Using the birther standards he's not a natural born citizen.

Using reality and the law he is a natural born citizen.

Personally, I don't want a president who wasn't born in America, who has a birth certificate from another country and was a citizen of another country up until over a year ago.

I think the president of the United States should have a birth certificate from America and no other nation. I also believe that the president should not have citizenship to any other country at any time in their lives.

That being said, cruz is totally nuts. There's absolutely no way I would ever even consider him for the presidency.
Dana, how to you get to the idea that Ted is a natural born citizen of the USA?

Need two American parents for that to be the case IF born out of the country.
Hard to understand the nonsense about qualification for the highest office to be determined by the place of birth.

The best qualified person should win that post regardless of place of birth.

A naturalized citizen has taken an oath of loyalty to his new country. A person who was native born never did. Think about that.

But he or she will take an oath if they become President.

So, two oaths by the non-native born - should one ever became president - to one oath by the native born.

Your archaic law is still nonsense. If you place the place of birth for the highest office, ahead of the welfare of the country, bad things are liable to happen.

The idea is, OBVIOUSLY, that they want the President to have loyalty and patriotism bred into his very bones.

They obviously failed to predict the rise of modern liberalism.

In that, I agree with you completely. The law is archaic.

It should be amended to bar both those not natural born, and liberals.

And that is of course a typical Conservative response- 'bar our political opponents'

It always surprises me when I see RWs saying the opposition should be silenced. I've also read them saying that only property owners should be allowed to vote.

Its true that if they could, they would take us back to the Dark Ages.
Who cares ... beyond it's sort of strange that she's not behind the one candidate who wants to blow it all up who has the better chance of beating Frau Blucher
Attorney Ann Coulter is correct. Cruz is not a Article 2 Section natural born Citizen. He's a statutory citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
By Steve Contorno on Thursday, March 26th, 2015

"Additionally, the first Congress of the United States passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, just three years after the Constitution was written, which stated that children born abroad to U.S. citizens were, too, natural born citizens. Many members of the inaugural Congress were also authors of the Constitution."

[VIDEO]Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
The 1790 Act was repealed in 1795 with the language 'natural born citizens' removed and replaced with 'Citizens'.


I don't know what to tell you. The article is from Politafact which is pretty left leaning.

"The article is from Politafact
[sic] which is pretty left leaning."

Only when RWs don't like what they say.

If you don't agree, post proof they're wrong.
Hell, I read where that demoRAT asshole Grayson is taking it to court... I hope he does, settle this and be done with it forever@

Grayson has no standing- it will be that RepubRINO Birther Trump if anyone takes Cruz to court.

Birthers are all idiots.

I imagine then that you think Grayson is a fucking idiot...Prick!

I wonder if any of the BRAIN TRUSTS in here realize what Trump is doing?

I think Grayson is a fucking idiot- just like Trump- all Birthers are fucking idiots.

You really shouldn't call Hillary an idiot. She is a woman after all, show some respect.

I was speaking of Birthers- you know people who have said that a candidate is not eligible because of the conditions of his birth- so no- I am not speaking of Hilary- since she has never once made that claim.

Trump of course- is an idiot Birther- like Coulter.
Dana, how to you get to the idea that Ted is a natural born citizen of the USA?

Need two American parents for that to be the case IF born out of the country.

His mom was a citizen.

But Ted himself was not born in America. He had to turn his back on his own country denounce his citizenship to run in America, I still feel it is not ok for him to run.
Attorney Ann Coulter is correct. Cruz is not a Article 2 Section1 natural born Citizen. He's a statutory citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Statutory citizen is never mentioned in the Constitution.

There are naturalized citizens- and natural born citizens- and no others- despite what idiot Birthers try to invent.
Dana, how to you get to the idea that Ted is a natural born citizen of the USA?

Need two American parents for that to be the case IF born out of the country.

His mom was a citizen.

But Ted himself was not born in America. He had to turn his back on his own country denounce his citizenship to run in America, I still feel it is not ok for him to run.

Well as a voter- you can vote according to that feeling.

But if Cruz is nominated- and the voters choose to ignore his Canadian birth and vote for him- I predict the Electoral College will elect him, and Congress will confirm him.
  • John McCain: Ted Cruz's citizenship is "worth looking into"
    CBS ^ | 1/6/16 | Staff
    Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, who faced questions as the 2008 GOP presidential nominee about his birth abroad, is now posing the same question to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. In an interview Wednesday on Phoenix radio station 550 KFYI's Chris Merill Show, McCain said he "doesn't know" whether Cruz's birth in Canada makes him eligible to be president. Cruz, whose father was born in Cuba, asserts that he is a U.S. citizen because his mother was an American. "I know that came up in my race because I was born in Panama, but I was born in the Canal Zone which...

Yep- RINO's like Trump do love this shit.
Dana, how to you get to the idea that Ted is a natural born citizen of the USA?

Need two American parents for that to be the case IF born out of the country.

Why do you think that you need two American parents if born out of the United States?
Dana, how to you get to the idea that Ted is a natural born citizen of the USA?

Need two American parents for that to be the case IF born out of the country.

His mom was a citizen.

But Ted himself was not born in America. He had to turn his back on his own country denounce his citizenship to run in America, I still feel it is not ok for him to run.

Well as a voter- you can vote according to that feeling.

But if Cruz is nominated- and the voters choose to ignore his Canadian birth and vote for him- I predict the Electoral College will elect him, and Congress will confirm him.
No that you mention it, he does have sort of a weak chin and lax skin tone in his face, as well as greasy unwashed hair common to French men. So gross. (-:
Dana, how to you get to the idea that Ted is a natural born citizen of the USA?

Need two American parents for that to be the case IF born out of the country.

His mom was a citizen.

But Ted himself was not born in America. He had to turn his back on his own country denounce his citizenship to run in America, I still feel it is not ok for him to run.

Well as a voter- you can vote according to that feeling.

But if Cruz is nominated- and the voters choose to ignore his Canadian birth and vote for him- I predict the Electoral College will elect him, and Congress will confirm him.

You are right, unless if they find a law that shows it is not legal..I am sure Trump is already looking into it.. This is not the first time these voters have cried about things until it is their candidate..

The San Bernardino shooters Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik have a baby born in the United States and therefore eligible to be President when he is old enough to run for the office. This baby, by the location of his birth is eligible to be President at some future date.

Now consider this: There are thousands of Muslim couples like those, going thru life without shootings and violence, but getting away with infusing the hatred and envy and religious intolerance in their brood which according to law are eligible to be president at some future date, based only on the location of their birth.

The existing law is the worst example of affirmative action. Bar the most qualified from an office in favor of some lucky bastard being lucky by the location of the accident of birth.

Some laws are inherently bad.

Ted Bundy is a natural born citizen.
The Oklahoma City bombers were both natural born citizens.

The natural born citizenship requirement doesn't ensure that every person who is a natural born citizen is a good person. It only ensures a minimal connection with the United States. Just as the minimum age of 35 doesn't ensure wisdom- but hopes for a certain measure of maturity.

In the end, it is still up to the voters.
if ted cruz was an American citizen AT BIRTH, then he is a Natural Born citizen....

and ted cruz WAS an American citizen at BIRTH.
Yet another example of how the GOP is effectively two parties at this point.

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