Ann Coulter Now Suggests Ted Cruz Isn't A ‘Natural Born Citizen’

Hard to understand the nonsense about qualification for the highest office to be determined by the place of birth.

The best qualified person should win that post regardless of place of birth.

A naturalized citizen has taken an oath of loyalty to his new country. A person who was native born never did. Think about that.
So you just want to ignore the Constitution? Specifically:

Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What other parts of the United States Constitution do you want to ignore
Hell, I read where that demoRAT asshole Grayson is taking it to court... I hope he does, settle this and be done with it forever@

Grayson has no standing- it will be that RepubRINO Birther Trump if anyone takes Cruz to court.

Birthers are all idiots.

I imagine then that you think Grayson is a fucking idiot...Prick!

I wonder if any of the BRAIN TRUSTS in here realize what Trump is doing?

I think Grayson is a fucking idiot- just like Trump- all Birthers are fucking idiots.
Hard to understand the nonsense about qualification for the highest office to be determined by the place of birth.

The best qualified person should win that post regardless of place of birth.

A naturalized citizen has taken an oath of loyalty to his new country. A person who was native born never did. Think about that.

But he or she will take an oath if they become President.

So, two oaths by the non-native born - should one ever became president - to one oath by the native born.

Your archaic law is still nonsense. If you place the place of birth for the highest office, ahead of the welfare of the country, bad things are liable to happen.

The idea is, OBVIOUSLY, that they want the President to have loyalty and patriotism bred into his very bones.

They obviously failed to predict the rise of modern liberalism.

In that, I agree with you completely. The law is archaic.

It should be amended to bar both those not natural born, and liberals.

And that is of course a typical Conservative response- 'bar our political opponents'
Hard to understand the nonsense about qualification for the highest office to be determined by the place of birth.

The best qualified person should win that post regardless of place of birth.

A naturalized citizen has taken an oath of loyalty to his new country. A person who was native born never did. Think about that.

But he or she will take an oath if they become President.

So, two oaths by the non-native born - should one ever became president - to one oath by the native born.

Your archaic law is still nonsense. If you place the place of birth for the highest office, ahead of the welfare of the country, bad things are liable to happen.

The idea is, OBVIOUSLY, that they want the President to have loyalty and patriotism bred into his very bones.

They obviously failed to predict the rise of modern liberalism.

In that, I agree with you completely. The law is archaic.

It should be amended to bar both those not natural born, and liberals.

Patriotism in one's bones is not there by place of birth, but by upbringing, nurturing and education by parents and schools.
A baby or a three year old born elsewhere, but starting his/her life under American ideals will probably grow up to be a better American than native born extremists either on the Left or the Right. Or anyone misguided and under educated in the middle, none of which could not point to the United States on the globe if their lives depended on it.

Why is it that a State can have a non-native governor (California or Michigan come mind) but it is a no no on the larger scale?

A President has much more power than a governor. States can make their own requirements for governorship if they desire. On the federal level, we wouldn't want Osama Bin Laden be able to run for President if he somehow were able to become a citizen.

Or think about how a guy named Hussein might lead this country. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Hell, I read where that demoRAT asshole Grayson is taking it to court... I hope he does, settle this and be done with it forever@

Grayson has no standing- it will be that RepubRINO Birther Trump if anyone takes Cruz to court.

Birthers are all idiots.

I imagine then that you think Grayson is a fucking idiot...Prick!

I wonder if any of the BRAIN TRUSTS in here realize what Trump is doing?

I think Grayson is a fucking idiot- just like Trump- all Birthers are fucking idiots.

You really shouldn't call Hillary an idiot. She is a woman after all, show some respect.
Hard to understand the nonsense about qualification for the highest office to be determined by the place of birth.

The best qualified person should win that post regardless of place of birth.

A naturalized citizen has taken an oath of loyalty to his new country. A person who was native born never did. Think about that.

But he or she will take an oath if they become President.

So, two oaths by the non-native born - should one ever became president - to one oath by the native born.

Your archaic law is still nonsense. If you place the place of birth for the highest office, ahead of the welfare of the country, bad things are liable to happen.

The idea is, OBVIOUSLY, that they want the President to have loyalty and patriotism bred into his very bones.

They obviously failed to predict the rise of modern liberalism.

In that, I agree with you completely. The law is archaic.

It should be amended to bar both those not natural born, and liberals.

And that is of course a typical Conservative response- 'bar our political opponents'

I was not serious about amending the Constitution to bar LIberal Presidents.

It was hyperbole.
Attorney Ann Coulter is correct. Cruz is not a Article 2 Section1 natural born Citizen. He's a statutory citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).
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Attorney Ann Coulter is correct. Cruz is not a Article 2 Section natural born Citizen. He's a statutory citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
By Steve Contorno on Thursday, March 26th, 2015

"Additionally, the first Congress of the United States passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, just three years after the Constitution was written, which stated that children born abroad to U.S. citizens were, too, natural born citizens. Many members of the inaugural Congress were also authors of the Constitution."

[VIDEO]Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
Hard to understand the nonsense about qualification for the highest office to be determined by the place of birth.

The best qualified person should win that post regardless of place of birth.

A naturalized citizen has taken an oath of loyalty to his new country. A person who was native born never did. Think about that.
So you just want to ignore the Constitution? Specifically:

Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What other parts of the United States Constitution do you want to ignore

I read your quote and:

I see no reference to place of birth.
I see no definition of Natural born citizen.
Unless I am wrong, a naturalized citizen of the United States IS a citizen of the United States as defined in your quote of the Constitution.
I DO see requirement of age and length of residency.
I DO see that a Citizen of the United States is eligible.
I DO see that The Constitution leaves very little room for after "the time of the Adoption of this Constitution" which was well over two hundred years ago. The Founding Fathers probably could not have seen all the advances made after their passing, but neither would they have had rejected reasonable and logical changes to what they set down in the best of faith.

I have no dog in this hunt. I don't care who you elect for your President. I only care because anything that happens in the States will eventually effect Canada.

So, have at it, and hope you have better luck than you had in 2008. For 2012 you can only blame yourselves.
Attorney Ann Coulter is correct. Cruz is not a Article 2 Section natural born Citizen. He's a statutory citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
By Steve Contorno on Thursday, March 26th, 2015

"Additionally, the first Congress of the United States passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, just three years after the Constitution was written, which stated that children born abroad to U.S. citizens were, too, natural born citizens. Many members of the inaugural Congress were also authors of the Constitution."

[VIDEO]Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
The 1790 Act was repealed in 1795 with the language 'natural born citizens' removed and replaced with 'Citizens'.
  • John McCain: Ted Cruz's citizenship is "worth looking into"
    CBS ^ | 1/6/16 | Staff
    Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, who faced questions as the 2008 GOP presidential nominee about his birth abroad, is now posing the same question to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. In an interview Wednesday on Phoenix radio station 550 KFYI's Chris Merill Show, McCain said he "doesn't know" whether Cruz's birth in Canada makes him eligible to be president. Cruz, whose father was born in Cuba, asserts that he is a U.S. citizen because his mother was an American. "I know that came up in my race because I was born in Panama, but I was born in the Canal Zone which...
  • John McCain: Ted Cruz's citizenship is "worth looking into"
    CBS ^ | 1/6/16 | Staff
    Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, who faced questions as the 2008 GOP presidential nominee about his birth abroad, is now posing the same question to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. In an interview Wednesday on Phoenix radio station 550 KFYI's Chris Merill Show, McCain said he "doesn't know" whether Cruz's birth in Canada makes him eligible to be president. Cruz, whose father was born in Cuba, asserts that he is a U.S. citizen because his mother was an American. "I know that came up in my race because I was born in Panama, but I was born in the Canal Zone which...

Fuck John McCain.
Hard to understand the nonsense about qualification for the highest office to be determined by the place of birth.

The best qualified person should win that post regardless of place of birth.

A naturalized citizen has taken an oath of loyalty to his new country. A person who was native born never did. Think about that.
So you just want to ignore the Constitution? Specifically:

Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What other parts of the United States Constitution do you want to ignore

I read your quote and:

I DO see that a Citizen of the United States is eligible.
Only at time of the Adoption of the Constitution until the grandfather clause ended.
Attorney Ann Coulter is correct. Cruz is not a Article 2 Section natural born Citizen. He's a statutory citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
By Steve Contorno on Thursday, March 26th, 2015

"Additionally, the first Congress of the United States passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, just three years after the Constitution was written, which stated that children born abroad to U.S. citizens were, too, natural born citizens. Many members of the inaugural Congress were also authors of the Constitution."

[VIDEO]Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)

The consensus of early 21st-century constitutional and legal scholarship, together with relevant case law, is that "natural born" comprises all people born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, including, generally, those born in the United States, those born to U.S. citizen parents in foreign countries, and those born in other situations meeting the legal requirements for U.S. citizenship "at birth".
The key here is where it states US Citizen Parents..... Notice parents is plural
Attorney Ann Coulter is correct. Cruz is not a Article 2 Section natural born Citizen. He's a statutory citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
By Steve Contorno on Thursday, March 26th, 2015

"Additionally, the first Congress of the United States passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, just three years after the Constitution was written, which stated that children born abroad to U.S. citizens were, too, natural born citizens. Many members of the inaugural Congress were also authors of the Constitution."

[VIDEO]Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
The 1790 Act was repealed in 1795 with the language 'natural born citizens' removed and replaced with 'Citizens'.


I don't know what to tell you. The article is from Politafact which is pretty left leaning.
Attorney Ann Coulter is correct. Cruz is not a Article 2 Section natural born Citizen. He's a statutory citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
By Steve Contorno on Thursday, March 26th, 2015

"Additionally, the first Congress of the United States passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, just three years after the Constitution was written, which stated that children born abroad to U.S. citizens were, too, natural born citizens. Many members of the inaugural Congress were also authors of the Constitution."

[VIDEO]Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
Duplicate response
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He isn't. He was born somewhere other than the US, so he is not a natural born citizen.

Big deal, he wants the worst job in the world, let him run.
The San Bernardino shooters Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik have a baby born in the United States and therefore eligible to be President when he is old enough to run for the office. This baby, by the location of his birth is eligible to be President at some future date.

Now consider this: There are thousands of Muslim couples like those, going thru life without shootings and violence, but getting away with infusing the hatred and envy and religious intolerance in their brood which according to law are eligible to be president at some future date, based only on the location of their birth.

The existing law is the worst example of affirmative action. Bar the most qualified from an office in favor of some lucky bastard being lucky by the location of the accident of birth.

Some laws are inherently bad.
Cruz should ask the courts for clarification now to stop this. I am confidant he will come out on top, but still, removing all doubt would be a good thing to get this out of the way.

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