Ann Romney Has Never Worked? Well Has Obama Ever Worked A Day Of His Life ?

Mar 16, 2012

This would make another great RNC/Romney Ad. So Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life? Has Obama ever gone to work, punch in and get anything accomplished? NO. Has Obama ever even managed a business, oversee payroll, etc. etc. ? NO !
Big Deal, he became senator, yet did nothing but vote Present.
Even as President, his main priorities were to steal from the rich (who actually work for a living) and use millions of thier dollars to pay for all of his vacations and golf outings.
And taking long vacations in Marha's Vinyard and Hawaii is actually working? Moochelle spending a fortune on a Spain vacation is working too?
At least Mitt did work for a living and as President will not likely spend millions of dollars on expensive vacations to the most lavish places on earth!

This would make another great RNC/Romney Ad. So Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life? Has Obama ever gone to work, punch in and get anything accomplished? NO. Has Obama ever even managed a business, oversee payroll, etc. etc. ? NO !
Big Deal, he became senator, yet did nothing but vote Present.
Even as President, his main priorities were to steal from the rich (who actually work for a living) and use millions of thier dollars to pay for all of his vacations and golf outings.
And taking long vacations in Marha's Vinyard and Hawaii is actually working? Moochelle spending a fortune on a Spain vacation is working too?
At least Mitt did work for a living and as President will not likely spend millions of dollars on expensive vacations to the most lavish places on earth!

USMB welcomes another troll. Yay!
With a near 16 trillion in debt, who is going to pay for Obama's next 2 or 3 week vacation to Marthas Vinyard?
I don't think Barry has ever had a real job in his entire life.

We all know he knows absolutely nothing about businesss.

Nuff said.

This would make another great RNC/Romney Ad. So Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life? Has Obama ever gone to work, punch in and get anything accomplished? NO. Has Obama ever even managed a business, oversee payroll, etc. etc. ? NO !
Big Deal, he became senator, yet did nothing but vote Present.
Even as President, his main priorities were to steal from the rich (who actually work for a living) and use millions of thier dollars to pay for all of his vacations and golf outings.
And taking long vacations in Marha's Vinyard and Hawaii is actually working? Moochelle spending a fortune on a Spain vacation is working too?
At least Mitt did work for a living and as President will not likely spend millions of dollars on expensive vacations to the most lavish places on earth!

USMB welcomes another troll. Yay!

Pot meet kettle
He did take a $100,000 stipend from a Chicago area university, for which he was to teach, write, and lecture on Constitutional Law, which he used, instead, to write his autobiography. Young man in a hurry I guess. Couldn't be bothered to earn his spurs before moving on to fulfill his destiny.
Lame. No matter how you feel about the prez, he is the personification of The Great American Dream. Broken home, very modest background and, through his own hard work, has made it to the top. Same with the First Lady who is now doing quite a bit more than her role calls for.

As president, he has kept up a schedule that would kill most of us. And, there doesn't seem to be much he does not do extremely well including the creation of mre than 4 million jobs while the pubs have fought against any and all job creation.

As far as I know from published news, Ann Romney has never worked at a paying job. Personally, I don't think that means anything at all. We've had other presidents whose wives didn't work, although I don't know if we've ever had a firstblady as wealthy and privileged as she has always been. I don't know if that's important but it doesn't matter to me.

Mittens has worked as a corporate raider. AFTER he left, Bain did change to saving some companies but Mittens can't take credit for that. But, he certainly can take "credit" for being a failure as a governor, a bust as a job creator and for getting the biggest bailout in Olympics history, thereby getting the tax payers to do his job for him.

This would make another great RNC/Romney Ad. So Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life? Has Obama ever gone to work, punch in and get anything accomplished? NO. Has Obama ever even managed a business, oversee payroll, etc. etc. ? NO !
Big Deal, he became senator, yet did nothing but vote Present.
Even as President, his main priorities were to steal from the rich (who actually work for a living) and use millions of thier dollars to pay for all of his vacations and golf outings.
And taking long vacations in Marha's Vinyard and Hawaii is actually working? Moochelle spending a fortune on a Spain vacation is working too?
At least Mitt did work for a living and as President will not likely spend millions of dollars on expensive vacations to the most lavish places on earth!

Stupid ass, he has been President of the US of A for about three years now. That qualifies as major work. And has been far more successful than his predecessor. After all, the indictors are on the rise, rather than falling and failing precipitously as they were under Bushie Baby.
Lame. No matter how you feel about the prez, he is the personification of The Great American Dream. Broken home, very modest background and, through his own hard work, has made it to the top. Same with the First Lady who is now doing quite a bit more than her role calls for.

As president, he has kept up a schedule that would kill most of us. And, there doesn't seem to be much he does not do extremely well including the creation of mre than 4 million jobs while the pubs have fought against any and all job creation.

As far as I know from published news, Ann Romney has never worked at a paying job. Personally, I don't think that means anything at all. We've had other presidents whose wives didn't work, although I don't know if we've ever had a firstblady as wealthy and privileged as she has always been. I don't know if that's important but it doesn't matter to me.

Mittens has worked as a corporate raider. AFTER he left, Bain did change to saving some companies but Mittens can't take credit for that. But, he certainly can take "credit" for being a failure as a governor, a bust as a job creator and for getting the biggest bailout in Olympics history, thereby getting the tax payers to do his job for him.

and with this post, I have decided you are no longer worthy of my time reading your partisan drivel...your lame attmepts to be "above the fray" and your outright niave are now on my ignore list.

Only two of and Sharman. Heck, even TM isnt on my ignore list.
and yet the left bashes Sean Hannity? who had to work and work hard for years to acquire what he owns? did nancy pelosi ever spend a few years working in a restaurant/office/ construction to get to where she is today?
and yet the left bashes Sean Hannity? who had to work and work hard for years to acquire what he owns? did nancy pelosi ever spend a few years working in a restaurant/office/ construction to get to where she is today?

Nobody "bashes" Hannity over never having a job. He's bashed for having a huge Fred Flintstone head and a tiny tic tac brain.

Serving your constituents as a public servant IS a job. Nancy Pelosi obviously does that or she would not have continued to be re-elected every four years since 1987.
Lame. No matter how you feel about the prez, he is the personification of The Great American Dream. Broken home, very modest background and, through his own hard work, has made it to the top. Same with the First Lady who is now doing quite a bit more than her role calls for.

As president, he has kept up a schedule that would kill most of us. And, there doesn't seem to be much he does not do extremely well including the creation of mre than 4 million jobs while the pubs have fought against any and all job creation.

As far as I know from published news, Ann Romney has never worked at a paying job. Personally, I don't think that means anything at all. We've had other presidents whose wives didn't work, although I don't know if we've ever had a firstblady as wealthy and privileged as she has always been. I don't know if that's important but it doesn't matter to me.

Mittens has worked as a corporate raider. AFTER he left, Bain did change to saving some companies but Mittens can't take credit for that. But, he certainly can take "credit" for being a failure as a governor, a bust as a job creator and for getting the biggest bailout in Olympics history, thereby getting the tax payers to do his job for him.

For what country did he create the four million jobs? It wasn't here.
The point is is that Obama has never had a job where he had to perform manual labor. Like getting up 5 days a week at 6/7 oclock to support himself and/or a family. Just like all our parents did in the 40s 50's and 60's. He pretty much worked as less as possible and lived off the tax payers.

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