Ann Romney Makes Surprise Birthday Call to 79-Year-Old Pennsylvania Woman


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Terminal Illness

I know I should probably excerpt this but it's too good not to post the entire piece. :cool:

Breitbart News received the following from reader Eric Mercer of Malvern, PA.

This just happened this weekend. Though the Romney campaign has not asked me to do anything, I am telling everyone I know about this because I get so angry about the things that have been said about the Romneys.

On, October 20, 2012, the night of my mother’s 79th birthday, Ann Romney called, wished her a happy birthday, and thanked my mother for her support of Mitt. They chatted for a little while, as Mrs. Romney was concerned about my mother’s failing health. When their conversation was over my mother was visible moved by this act of kindness and how special she felt on her birthday.

My 79 year old mother (above, far left) is sadly in her last days, as she is losing her fight with a terminal liver disease. For the last month, she has been concerned that she would not get her absentee ballot in time to vote for what would undoubtedly be her last time. She believes this election to be very important to the future of her children and grandchildren, and wanted to be sure to do her part to change the direction of the country she loves.

Day after day she would ask about the ballot, until finally it came and she was able to vote--one last time. As I put her ballot in the mail box, I was struck by the importance she placed on electing Mitt Romney, and how I hoped that she would live long enough to see him as our next president. I thought that it would be encouraging for him to know this, so I sent an e-mail to his campaign:

My mother is 78 and sadly in her last days. She was so excited last week to get her absentee ballot, so that with her last vote on this earth she could vote for you. She is not voting for herself, but for her children and grandchildren believing that you can bring our country back from the brink. It is my hope that she will live long enough to see you win. So when you are tired of the campaign these next few weeks, please remember my mother is rooting you on and be encouraged.

Sincerely, Eric Mercer (Pennsylvania)

On Friday October 19th, I talked with a very nice woman that works on Gov. Romney’s campaign, and talked to her about my mother and her story. I was completely surprised and stunned when she suggested that either Gov. Romney or his wife would like to call her and thank her for her support I then mentioned that Saturday was my mother’s 79th birthday, and she became committed to making the call happen. I thanked her many times in disbelief that with 17 days before an election that he or his wife Ann would take the time to talk to my mother (especially since she already voted). When I expressed my thankfulness and disbelief, she said “he does these kinds of things all the time, he and Ann take time for people.” This is certainly not the Mitt Romney that is portrayed on the nightly news or on day time talk shows--a family that is caring enough to take the time to make my mother’s birthday be one of the most remarkable.

I sit here tonight writing this absolutely disgusted at the way in which the Romneys have been portrayed (rich and out of touch) by those who just want to stay in power. The Romney campaign has not asked me or my family to do anything to assist them other than to vote. But, my sister and I have decided that the voters need to who the Romneys are, and their genuine care and connection with ordinary people.

From Ann Romney Makes Surprise Birthday Call to 79-Year-Old Pennsylvania Woman with Terminal Illness

Breitbart.....I wonder if they made the whole thing up
Breitbart makes everything up. Hell, Glenn Beck is more trustworthy.

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