Annual inflation hits 30-year high

I remember tramp started the birther argument. In the end he knew he was born in the USA.
Actually it was someone on the left that did it first:

So get your stories straight before making false accusations like Trump does!
We have a lot to be proud of,

We ended the war in Afghanistan. (tramp would of ended it worst)
We got the infrastructure bill passed. (something tramp forgot about)
We now hit inflation due to the pandemic, the worst its been in 30 years after 12 years of republican presidents.

107th (2001–2003)RepublicansRepublicans / Democrats12Republican (G.W. Bush)Unified / Divided
108th (2003–2005)RepublicansRepublicansRepublican (G.W. Bush)Unified

97th (1981–1983)DemocratsRepublicansRepublican (Reagan)Divided
98th (1983–1985)DemocratsRepublicansRepublican (Reagan)Divided
99th (1985–1987)DemocratsRepublicansRepublican (Reagan)Divided

Thank god we got the democrats in charge of the house and senate. Reagan blew it and Bush Jr blew it. Bush Sr.

Remember "read my lips, no new taxes"
But then he did it.
If 95% of everything you are is attacked by that percentage, what do you believe the result of views would be? In your family, if there are media, entertainers, extreme politicians, elites and more pounding them everyday that they are no good even if they live a good and honest life, what would you think? A half century ago you could make a case that minorities would have that abuse to put up with. A half century is an eternity in a nation and in generations. Especially as young as we are compared to many others. As a Prog you go straight to the President because you are massive strong central government people. Reagan ended the Cold War. Reagan reduced the Federal Taxes by 25% for the peasants. If you lived at that time, you would have celebrated from the oppressive federal taxes alone that put people into more and more tax brackets paying more without inflation hedges. The 1970's were brutal to caucasian males. Not a word about it by the commie media today. And they know it.
If 95% of everything you are is attacked by that percentage, what do you believe the result of views would be? In your family, if there are media, entertainers, extreme politicians, elites and more pounding them everyday that they are no good even if they live a good and honest life, what would you think? A half century ago you could make a case that minorities would have that abuse to put up with. A half century is an eternity in a nation and in generations. Especially as young as we are compared to many others. As a Prog you go straight to the President because you are massive strong central government people. Reagan ended the Cold War. Reagan reduced the Federal Taxes by 25% for the peasants. If you lived at that time, you would have celebrated from the oppressive federal taxes alone that put people into more and more tax brackets paying more without inflation hedges. The 1970's were brutal to caucasian males. Not a word about it by the commie media today. And they know it.
Reagan raised the lower level taxes after the initial lowing of taxes.
What did the tax reform of 1986 do?

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 lowered the top tax rate for ordinary income from 50% to 28% and raised the bottom tax rate from 11% to 15%. This was the first time in U.S. income tax history that the top tax rate was lowered and the bottom rate was increased at the same time.

Tax Reform Act of 1986 - Investopedia

he had to keep rich people happy.
Reagan raised the lower level taxes after the initial lowing of taxes.
In his administration he had RINOS/NEO CONS pushed on him. Like Trump. When deals were made, he was naive on social programs. Tip O'Neil promised social cuts and did not do it after agreements were made. A small cut would add up over years and decades. And people would not notice it. We pay people to not be responsible today. The Social Security tax was raised big time. It was raised because the oldest generation was retiring at that time and the real growth of the 1970's was not good. Medical payments grew massively. Lower Federal taxes did not rise. Especially with Inflation hedges added to the Tax code. Social Security taxes rose. And the corrupted CBO promised 4% growth annually to pay for it until the mid 2070's. Well we are a declining nation that has about 2% growth for the years since then and before.

Annual inflation hits 30-year high​

Democrats are economic menaces. Biden's policy induced inflation is bad enough without passing their totalitarian spending bill, whose passage would usher communism into this country. Democrats spit on George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. And I spit on Democrats, especially the woke ones.
the highest rate in the U.S. in 30 years. Analysts broadly expected the CPI to rise by 0.5 percent last month, up from a gain of 0.4 percent in August, and 5.8 percent over the past year.
after 2 republican president. 12 Years

For almost 2 years we have had the pandemic. The whole earth shut down for 2 years , we have an excuse for inflation this time, we have the same inflation now as 30 years ago after 12 years of republican presidents.
thanks Joe Biden and the demafascist running congress
the highest rate in the U.S. in 30 years. Analysts broadly expected the CPI to rise by 0.5 percent last month, up from a gain of 0.4 percent in August, and 5.8 percent over the past year.
after 2 republican president. 12 Years

For almost 2 years we have had the pandemic. The whole earth shut down for 2 years , we have an excuse for inflation this time, we have the same inflation now as 30 years ago after 12 years of republican presidents.
Yes, Biden has managed to preside over the worst inflationary period in decades. I am unsure of why you are ranting about 12 years of republicans...
As I recall the Reagan years were great for America after he cleaned up the mess Carter left.

As for 2008?? Loads of blame goes to both parties for that. Bush just happened to be POTUS when it all came crashing down.

You really aren't very bright. In fact you are stupid.

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