Annual interest on our debt will pass $ 1 trillion this year.

Like i said.all Trump normal yrs made an effort ~0.5T below any Obiden despite 2% inflation + out of control DEM Congress.

Congress causes high over-spending. Your TDS is disgusting.
Lol. Black gater thinks Trump proposal spending caused it. Dems tossed that in the trash and loaded up spending OR caused shutdown. Case closed.

All American troubles caused by Congress, mostly by DEMs with complicit phony R.
Biden is twice as bad as Trump. You want $1T in student loans paid off too?

I opposed the Trump tax cuts when the deficit was $1T, now its fucking $2T and climbing. Biden is a disaster.
Neither party wants to fix SS/Medicare, or raise taxes to balance the Budget. Here is Trump's last Budget. Post Bidens 2023 Budget for comparison
2021 Federal Budget
Outlays $4.88T
Receipts $3.86T
Deficit $1.02T
Discretionary Spending
Defense $753b
Non-defense $733b
Total $1.49T

Mandatory Spending
Social Security $1,115b
Medicare 746b
Medicaid 452b
Other 660b
Interest on Debt 379b
Total $3.39T
I oppose Democrats refusing to cut spending unless it involves Defense or Intelligence yet somehow Democrats are more concerned about $10M for gender programs in Pakistan.
I know if I do a search of your post for the word "debt" or "spending" I do not find one time where you complained about Trump
Trump is irrelevant to this discussion, except to highlight the symptoms of your TDS.

The US National Debt was $900 billion in 1980, before Reagan and the neoconservatives swooped in. It rose as follows;
Reagan '81 to 88 ---$3 trillion
Ghw Bush to '92 ---$4.5 trillion
Clinton 93 to 2000 ----$5 trillion
Gw Bush 01 to '08 ----$12 trillion
Obama '09 to 2016---$21 trillion

Trump kept the debt under $24 trillion until the planDemic. He had nearly erased the trade deficit with China.....a trillion when he first took office.

Back up to a trillion again under baby nibbler.
Trump is irrelevant to this discussion, except to highlight the symptoms of your TDS.

The US National Debt was $900 billion in 1980, before Reagan and the neoconservatives swooped in. It rose as follows;
Reagan '81 to 88 ---$3 trillion
Ghw Bush to '92 ---$4.5 trillion
Clinton 93 to 2000 ----$5 trillion
Gw Bush 01 to '08 ----$12 trillion
Obama '09 to 2016---$21 trillion

Trump kept the debt under $24 trillion until the planDemic. He had nearly erased the trade deficit with China.....a trillion when he first took office.

Back up to a trillion again under baby nibbler.

The debt was more than 28T when Trump left office.

He did not fight the COIVD spending ,he asked for more, wanted bigger checks going out.

You do not get to ignore his last year in office just because it is inconvenient for you.
Trump is irrelevant to this discussion, except to highlight the symptoms of your TDS.

The US National Debt was $900 billion in 1980, before Reagan and the neoconservatives swooped in. It rose as follows;
Reagan '81 to 88 ---$3 trillion
Ghw Bush to '92 ---$4.5 trillion
Clinton 93 to 2000 ----$5 trillion
Gw Bush 01 to '08 ----$12 trillion
Obama '09 to 2016---$21 trillion

Trump kept the debt under $24 trillion until the planDemic. He had nearly erased the trade deficit with China.....a trillion when he first took office.

Back up to a trillion again under baby nibbler.

Dems stuck stimulus in GWB last year to make it charged to GWB. Nary a peep outa R or GWB about that. Congress Dems added $11.5T during 09-16 yrs or however they figure it? Been all over this BS long ago.
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Still blaming Trump for the national debt is just silly.

If anything the turning point for the debt spiraling up was 9/11 when it went from 5 trillion to what it is now in Our Endless Wars

Which Trump did more than anyone president in my lifetime to end
Isn't it just amazing watching the tards working so hard to excuse or ignore Republican overspending?


No wonder they can be so easily conned. They do all the heavy-lifting inside their heads for the propagandists and mountebanks who lie to them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Its all on Congress. They actually try to overspend MAX when they have a President they hate. Knowing the loons will lap it up.
Trump and Mnuchin tried the old "tried and true" GOP policy of cutting taxes to spur growth.
Fau-Chi's pandemic got in the way and shut down the economy, causing the massive Debt.

Yes we can complain that Biden throwing money around like candy is not helping the fiscal mess.
We need both parties to sit down and negotiate a fiscal strategy.
McCarthy already admitted that only 11% of the Budget can have any cuts, the 89% is mandatory spending.

So if we can't cut our way back to sanity we need to raise taxes, otherwise the US becomes Greece/Venezuela.

Here are my fiscal recommendations:
1. Hire a new Grace Commission to study all government spending and eliminate duplication & waste. Did this in 1982 but never passed any of the recommendations.
2. Implement a new 4% Federal sales tax, excluding food. Raises over $1T
3. Implement a new financial transaction tax of ~0.50%. Raises over $1T
4. Implement a new Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US, Raises over $150b, enough to pay for the wall and DHS
5. Implement a new 1% annual reduction in all government spending for the next 10 years, including headcount.
6. Implement a new fix for SS, raise ages from 62/67 to 63/68 for those under 50, and to 64/69 for those under 30, since we live longer and collect longer, also raise the cap.
7. Implement a new fix for Medicare.
At some point taxes destroy growth. It's an irrevocable fact. Having said that tax cuts are just as deadly once you apply them to an entrenched system.

The only sure fire method is a national sales tax and no payroll tax. Granted it's not perfect but 100 times better than the crap system we have now
Wow. You are willfully blind. Trump's last deficit was $3.13 trillion. Biden's first deficit was $2.77 trillion. Biden's most recent deficit is $1.38 trillion.
What brand of crack are you smoking to not see that is a downward trend!?!? Wow. You are even more willfully blind!
Trump's deficits rose BEFORE the pandemic! It's right there in the chart I posted. Did you have to stab your eyes to not see that?
And then there's this, which I have already posted at least twice:
Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for fiscal 2019, highest in 7 years
That's BEFORE the pandemic. Take your damned blinders off.
OK, Trump cut taxes and the Debt grew.
Biden is on track to grow the Debt too.
Both parties grew the Debt. Now the Debt is becoming unmanageable due to higher interest rates.
How do you want to save the US economy? Just print money?
Like i said.all Trump normal yrs made an effort ~0.5T below any Obiden despite 2% inflation + out of control DEM Congress.

Congress causes high over-spending. Your TDS is disgusting.

Republicans controlled the Congress for half of Trump’s administration, so you’re lying yet again
By the way, that's a hoax.
Stop listening to your propagandists.

No hoax. We need to stop adding to the Debt.


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OK, Trump cut taxes and the Debt grew.
Biden is on track to grow the Debt too.
Both parties grew the Debt. Now the Debt is becoming unmanageable due to higher interest rates.
How do you want to save the US economy? Just print money?
There's too much promissory value that doesn't actually exist. You can't fix it either with higher taxes or tax cuts. Neither will work. It has to correct.... That means mass starvation and enormous poverty.

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