Annual interest on our debt will pass $ 1 trillion this year.

You are so full of shit its falling out of your ears. Just look at the Debt graph. Trump's slope was about Obama's, and Biden's is rocketing upward.
2020 was a massive jump due to the shutdown.
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Um...retard? You need to learn the difference between deficits and debt.

Your innumeracy is hilarious!
Um...retard? You need to learn the difference between deficits and debt.
Your innumeracy is hilarious!
DUH, the DEBT is the running total of deficits, if you know how to read a graph.
What do you know about it genius.?
Or you just here to be douchy?

I know if I do a search of your post for the word "debt" or "spending" I do not find one time where you complained about Trump
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DUH, the DEBT is the running total of deficits, if you know how to read a graph.
Do you?

Notice the downward trends of Obama and Biden, and the upward trend of Trump:

Obama and Biden inherited gigantic leaps in government spending by their predecessors. Particularly Biden.

Getting those deficits back down is a herculean task.

But both of them started a downward trend.

Trump inherited no crisis and yet ramped up spending. And that is because the only way he knew how to get GDP up was to increase government spending.

"I am the King of Debt!"
Trump was increasing the deficit and the debt way before the pandemic.

And you tards were DEAD SILENT.

The Hoax: Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

The Fact: Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for fiscal 2019, highest in 7 years

That was BEFORE the pandemic.

Not one Trumptard ever held Trump accountable.

Not. One.
You still lie.
There was plenty of criticism, you were just blinded by your own delusions of Trump supporters you didn't see it.

Just because I voted for the guy doesn't mean I hang on his every comment or always agree with him. I don't even want him to run again. Quit huffing the paint on your broadbrush.
Do you? Notice the downward trends of Obama and Biden, and the upward trend of Trump:

If you see a downward trend for Biden, you are in Elysium.
I do see a downward trend for Obama, which is good since he raised taxes and we grew out of the "Great Recession" of 2008.
I do see an upward trend for Trump, since Fau-Chi's pandemic caused a major US economic shutdown. (Not Trump's fault, but the tax cuts were)
why do you ignore the upward trend the 3 years before COVID?
I'm not ignoring them, they were bad.
But my point is that BOTH parties NEVER cut spending, BOTH parties built that $32T Debt, not just the GOP.

The problem is, how do we get back to a balanced budget? No bullshit. No partisanship. No blame.
If you see a downward trend for Biden, you are in Elysium.
Wow. You are willfully blind.

Trump's last deficit was $3.13 trillion.

Biden's first deficit was $2.77 trillion.

Biden's most recent deficit is $1.38 trillion.

What brand of crack are you smoking to not see that is a downward trend!?!?

I do see a downward trend for Obama, which is good since he raised taxes and we grew out of the "Great Recession" of 2008.
I do see an upward trend for Trump, since Fau-Chi's pandemic caused a major US economic shutdown. (Not Trump's fault, but the tax cuts were)
Wow. You are even more willfully blind!

Trump's deficits rose BEFORE the pandemic! It's right there in the chart I posted. Did you have to stab your eyes to not see that?

And then there's this, which I have already posted at least twice:

Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for fiscal 2019, highest in 7 years

That's BEFORE the pandemic.

Take your damned blinders off.
Usual suspects with a Pathetic display of rabid TDS. Deficits in pre-DemChina virus (clean years) ~$0.5 below any since 2009 (Obiden 1.0 phony stimulus began) and current.

Those years had to rebuild the Military and DEMs doubled up on Domestic or caused shutdown. It was business as usual in DC. Even Trump could only slow it.
The interest we are paying is for the CUMULATIVE debt, a large chunk of which was added by Trump.

This is not a Biden thing. This could not have been achieved without a humongous bipartisan effort over decades.

We get the politicians we deserve.
Cannot count any years where DEM-China shutdown jobs schools economy//

Nice try you sick twisted Commee lying lunatics.
Those years had to rebuild the Military
I am so tired of this hoax you idiots keep blindly parroting.

The largest defense budget in history was $752.29 billion under Obama.

Trump didn't even match Obama's worst GDP spending on the military until 2020. It went from 3.31% to 3.72%. Pathetic.

And Trump never matched Obama's peak troop strength.

Troop strength increased by a paltry 40,000 under Trump.

Annual interest on our debt will pass $ 1 trillion this year.​

No problem just crank up the printing presses and inflate the debt away like they did in Weimar Germany.
Those years had to rebuild the Military and DEMs doubled up on Domestic or caused shutdown. It was business as usual in DC. Even Trump could only slow it.

Trump did not slow it. He submitted the 4 largest budget request in history at the time
I'm not ignoring them, they were bad.
But my point is that BOTH parties NEVER cut spending, BOTH parties built that $32T Debt, not just the GOP.

Correct, but the Repubs on here never say a thing about it till there is a Dem in the White House

The problem is, how do we get back to a balanced budget? No bullshit. No partisanship. No blame.

Doubtful we will ever have a balanced budget again, but the only way to do it is to cut spending and remove all tax expenditures.

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