Annual interest on our debt will pass $ 1 trillion this year.

Thank the Party of Big Government for it.
That would be both parties.

Bush created a whole new Cabinet level department which is a gigantic spending monstrosity.

And the Republicans created a new Medicare program which puts Obamacare to shame.

Not to mention the massive deficits the Republicans have signed off on for decades.

Only a fucking retard bleevs the GOP is more fiscally responsible than the Democrats.

A seriously stupid fucking idiot.
Isn't it just amazing how the Trumptards are DEAD SILENT as Trump runs up massive debt, and then moan and whine when a Democrat is in the White House?
I honestly don't understand how they can stand the STENCH of their own hypocrisy.
1. When Reagan cut taxes in the 80s it goosed the economy and paid for themselves with economic growth.
2. Today's economy is not like the 1980s economy. We don't produce as much. Now we're a "service economy" and just buy stuff, so tax cuts don't create growth.
3. Trump's tax cuts were a dumb idea, see #1 above. However, Fau-Chi's killer pandemic that shut the US economy down was NOT Trump's fault.
4. What stinks are partisan democrats who jabber all day about partisan nonsense instead of working to find solutions.
It would be very simple to not only balance the budget, but provide a surplus.
Very simple.
First, ban all tax expenditures, with the possible exception of the EITC.
Second, raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer.
This would provide a massive surplus which would enable us to lower tax rates for everyone and pay off the debt. Once the debt was paid off, we could lower tax rates even more.
Our politicians, of both parties, are owned by special interests which pay them to put $1.4 trillion of annual tax expenditures in the tax code.
That is more than double all welfare programs put together.
Here's the 2021 Budget. Please show us the math. If you have 2023 Budget numbers, please use them.
2021 Federal Budget
Outlays $4.88T
Receipts $3.86T
Deficit $1.02T

Discretionary Spending
Defense $753b
Non-defense $733b
Total $1.49T
Mandatory Spending
Social Security $1,115b
Medicare 746b
Medicaid 452b
Other 660b
Interest on Debt 379b (now approaching $1,000,000,000)
Total $3.39T
That's right kids.

The interest alone on our $32 trillion national debt is almost $700 billion a year and spiraling up.

And do you know who most of this goes to ?

If only you people had given a flying fuck about debt under the last Admin.
If only you people had given a flying fuck about debt under the last Admin.
Fau-Chi's pandemic fucked the last administration. Its time to do something that works before its too late.

Maybe we need Congress to grill Powell and some of the Federal Reserve to get their recommendations how to fix the fiscal mess?
Others I'd like to hear give Congress recommendations:
Elon Musk
Jamie Dimon
Warren Buffet
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Here's the 2021 Budget. Please show us the math. If you have 2023 Budget numbers, please use them.
2021 Federal Budget
Outlays $4.88T
Receipts $3.86T
Deficit $1.02T

Discretionary Spending
Defense $753b
Non-defense $733b
Total $1.49T
Mandatory Spending
Social Security $1,115b
Medicare 746b
Medicaid 452b
Other 660b
Interest on Debt 379b (now approaching $1,000,000,000)
Total $3.39T
The federal deficit for 2020 was $3.13 trillion.

There has been a downward trend since Biden took office.

Just as there was a downward trend when Obama took office.

During Trump's regime, there was an upward trend which commenced as soon as Trump and the GOP Congress took over.

As I keep saying, anyone who thinks the GOP is more fiscally responsible than the Democrats is a complete fucking idiot.

And yet the tards remain DEAD SILENT when the Republicans are spending like drunken sailors in a whore house.

Dead. Silent.

Citing "a faster rate" rather than actual amounts is statistical deception. Trump's 2017-2019 (pre-covid) budget deficits were all under $1 trillion. Biden's budget deficits are all over $2 trillion.

When Trump took office the debt stood at $19.9 trillion. When he left office it stood at $28.1 trillion. No president in history has racked up that much debt in such a short period of time.

Either you were lying or you're ignorant. Which is it?
Trump's 2017-2019 (pre-covid) budget deficits were all under $1 trillion.

Yet they were growing at a rate of 22% per year with 2019 just barley under the 1T mark, and that was during what we were told was the greatest economy in the history of the world
Citing "a faster rate" rather than actual amounts is statistical deception. Trump's 2017-2019 (pre-covid) budget deficits were all under $1 trillion. Biden's budget deficits are all over $2 trillion.

Such ignorance.

First, the current deficit is $1.38 trillion. Not "over $2 trillion".

Trump's last deficit was $3.13 trillion. And he wanted an even bigger stimulus than the Democrats!

Next, look at the graphic I posted in my last post.

Notice the deficit trending UPWARD during Trump and DOWNWARD during Obama and Biden?

You are a real idiot if you bleev the GOP is more fiscally responsible than the Democrats.
Fau-Chi's pandemic fucked the last administration. Its time to do something that works before its too late.

The 3 years before COVID the deficit was growing 22% per year.

Why did you not give a fuck about that?
Maybe we need Congress to grill Powell and some of the Federal Reserve to get their recommendations how to fix the fiscal mess?


It is not all that complicated. We do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.
That's right kids.

The interest alone on our $32 trillion national debt is almost $700 billion a year and spiraling up.

And do you know who most of this goes to ?

Worse yet. We play word games. The debt we admit as our national debt is plenty bad enough. But, the additional amount which we tend not to acknowledge is much more massive. I’m talking about our unfunded mandates like retirement funding. If we add that amount in more like 116 trillion plus the debt we acknowledge (about 32 trillion) = roughly 148 trillion. And counting.
I will repeal and replace Obamacare on Day One. It will be so easy!

Tariff wars are easy to win!

I will eliminate the debt in 8 years. It will be so easy!

I will build the wall and make Mexico pay for it. It will be so easy!

I will end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours! It will be so easy!

What special kind of retard keeps falling for these hoaxes?
The federal deficit for 2020 was $3.13 trillion. There has been a downward trend since Biden took office. Just as there was a downward trend when Obama took office.
During Trump's regime, there was an upward trend which commenced as soon as Trump and the GOP Congress took over.
As I keep saying, anyone who thinks the GOP is more fiscally responsible than the Democrats is a complete fucking idiot.
And yet the tards remain DEAD SILENT when the Republicans are spending like drunken sailors in a whore house. Dead. Silent.
You are so full of shit its falling out of your ears. Just look at the Debt graph. Trump's slope was about Obama's, and Biden's is rocketing upward.
2020 was a massive jump due to the shutdown.
Isn't it just amazing how the Trumptards are DEAD SILENT as Trump runs up massive debt, and then moan and whine when a Democrat is in the White House?

I honestly don't understand how they can stand the STENCH of their own hypocrisy.
I and many others here argued against the stimulus payments and the massive spending for the damn pandemic.
Your post is a lie.
The 3 years before COVID the deficit was growing 22% per year.
Why did you not give a fuck about that?
Pols just want to spend so they get re-elected. Look at Biden and his $1,000,000,000,000 Student Loan forgiveness giveaway as an example.

If there are no adults in the room, then no one will ever cut spending or raise taxes. BOTH parties are to blame.

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