HAHAHA. If anonymous truly exposed the KKK, we'd find out nearly all members are govt informants. All anti-govt organizations were infiltrated by the govt long ago. This "lethal force" talk from the KKK is obozo trying to make it sound like blacks are being oppressed and need more special treatment. THINK

Earth to shit stain, earth to shit stain....
Truth the comeback is usually "got your white sheet in the mail yet?" or "can you see through that white sheet" or "you are just a racist" or "why aren't you at stormfront?" bullshit.

Dats a fact jack.

If you are getting accused of being in the Klan on a regular basis, it's probably because you're a racist twit.
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funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers, the blacks gets a pass

Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?
He's not. But you appear to be.

Supporting those who call out the Klan is not a racist act.

Condemning it, darkwind, is. Even defending what you did is racist. For shame.
Truth the comeback is usually "got your white sheet in the mail yet?" or "can you see through that white sheet" or "you are just a racist" or "why aren't you at stormfront?" bullshit.

Dats a fact jack.

If you are getting accused of being in the Klan on a regular basis, it's probably because you're a racist twit.
Um. No. It means those calling me that are idiots.
Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?
He's not. But you appear to be.

Stephanie is a "he?"
No, you're right. I wasn't looking at the posters name, only the content. As far as I know, Stephanie is a woman. Yet, still not a racist.

Having problems reading with that hood on?

the blacks gets a pass

Sure they do.

You're the racist, you post on the KKK and Nothing on the BLACK Panthers.

I compare them both as being bad for us and our country. You are one ugly human being too

That is a racist remark. Carla was talking about the Klan. If you had asked about black racists, she would have done that as well.

Stephanie, you have always been considered as racist tool.
Bullshit. The black panthers threatened to do the same. Where was Anonymous then? Why is it ok for blacks to cause such angst, stife, crime but if someone speaks out against it, they are considered racist?

This pc crap is just way overboard now.
Right wing extreme racism trying to disguise itself, but the fat feet stick out from under the sheet.

Start a thread on black racism, and I will support your there.

But when you mix extremist politics in matters of race, we know exactly where you are coming from.
Bullshit. The black panthers threatened to do the same. Where was Anonymous then? Why is it ok for blacks to cause such angst, stife, crime but if someone speaks out against it, they are considered racist?

This pc crap is just way overboard now.

This is not pc crap. The KKK is evil, and that is what the thread is about.

You want to say black racism is bad, too, sure, go ahead, and folks will agree with you.

The far right wing does not define pc; they have their own problems with definitions with which to deal.
Right wing extreme racism trying to disguise itself, but the fat feet stick out from under the sheet.

Start a thread on black racism, and I will support your there.

But when you mix extremist politics in matters of race, we know exactly where you are coming from.
Oy. It is MIXED!!! Black against white, white against black. Can't condemn one without condemning the other. Period.

you post on the KKK and Nothing on the BLACK Panthers.

I compare them both as being bad for us and our country.
funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers, the blacks gets a pass

Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?
He's not. But you appear to be.

Supporting those who call out the Klan is not a racist act.

Condemning it, darkwind, is. Even defending what you did is racist. For shame.

oh shut, being called a racist by you people is the one reason you helped take your party OUR OF POWER. calling out both skin colors who causing all the mayhem is THE RIGHT thing to do, NO FRIKKEN EXCUES for any of them
Bullshit. The black panthers threatened to do the same. Where was Anonymous then? Why is it ok for blacks to cause such angst, stife, crime but if someone speaks out against it, they are considered racist?

This pc crap is just way overboard now.

This is not pc crap. The KKK is evil, and that is what the thread is about.

You want to say black racism is bad, too, sure, go ahead, and folks will agree with you.

The far right wing does not define pc; they have their own problems with definitions with which to deal.
The KKK are mostly morons with few teeth. Evil? No more than black thugs with lots of gold teeth. Two factions, fixing to bump heads. For what? "rights"? Hogwash.
The police will have a difficult time dealing with protesters who are within the bounds of civil disobedience.

Therefore, any violent protester, white or black or goat, should be be tazered as a first resort and shot as the next resort.
No need to resort to that crap. She makes a statement I agree with. Which makes us racist in yer eyes I guess. I'll live.
The police will have a difficult time dealing with protesters who are within the bounds of civil disobedience.

Therefore, any violent protester, white or black or goat, should be be tazered as a first resort and shot as the next resort.

EXACTLY. And Anonymous should have addressed the Black Panthers when they were saying the SAME THING.
funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers, the blacks gets a pass

Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?

steph is a slackjawed
HAHAHA. If anonymous truly exposed the KKK, we'd find out nearly all members are govt informants. All anti-govt organizations were infiltrated by the govt long ago. This "lethal force" talk from the KKK is obozo trying to make it sound like blacks are being oppressed and need more special treatment. THINK

I see they made a cartoon out of you
funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers, the blacks gets a pass

Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?

steph is a slackjawed
HAHAHA. If anonymous truly exposed the KKK, we'd find out nearly all members are govt informants. All anti-govt organizations were infiltrated by the govt long ago. This "lethal force" talk from the KKK is obozo trying to make it sound like blacks are being oppressed and need more special treatment. THINK

I see they made a cartoon out of you

I feel pity for people like you, jake and Carla, you are so empty of anything else, but hate
and all over someone voicing their Opinion . that just damn sad
funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers, the blacks gets a pass

Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?
He's not. But you appear to be.

Supporting those who call out the Klan is not a racist act.

Condemning it, darkwind, is. Even defending what you did is racist. For shame.

oh shut, being called a racist by you people is the one reason you helped take your party OUR OF POWER. calling out both skin colors who causing all the mayhem is THE RIGHT thing to do, NO FRIKKEN EXCUES for any of them

Irrational blabber.

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