Another 2020 Election Fraud Case Thrown Out Of Court


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This one is in Georgia.

It's thrown out of court for lack of standing because of lack evidence of fraud. After three ballot counts and multiple investigations there was no fraud found. There were no counterfeit ballots and no "pristine" ballots.

How many cases does this make? I know it's over 60.

How many of the cases has trump won? ZERO.

This one is in Georgia.

It's thrown out of court for lack of standing because of lack evidence of fraud. After three ballot counts and multiple investigations there was no fraud found. There were no counterfeit ballots and no "pristine" ballots.

How many cases does this make? I know it's over 60.

How many of the cases has trump won? ZERO.

The MAGA jihadis don't care. Like zombies, they'll just keep going, no matter what. This could happen a thousand times.

They've made a mockery of the electoral system on which our country is based, while claiming to love America.
This one is in Georgia.

It's thrown out of court for lack of standing because of lack evidence of fraud. After three ballot counts and multiple investigations there was no fraud found. There were no counterfeit ballots and no "pristine" ballots.

How many cases does this make? I know it's over 60.

How many of the cases has trump won? ZERO.

It was 62 before January 6th trumpian insurrection. When I saw your thread, I was going to try to nab you to find out, as I have go mow the lawn and trim the hedges before it rains tomorrow.:rolleyes:
The MAGA jihadis don't care. Like zombies, they'll just keep going, no matter what. This could happen a thousand times.

They've made a mockery of the electoral system on which our country is based, while claiming to love America.

They are also making a mockery of our judicial system.

They haven't won even one of their cases.

This should have ended months ago.
Standing is a separate threshold issue that must be established before there can be any consideration of evidence. Every lawyer, except for lawyers in Texas and Georgia apparently, knows that you can't get a foot in the courtroom door unless you show standing. It's interesting that the judge did consider the evidence presented. Good for him!
This one is in Georgia.

It's thrown out of court for lack of standing because of lack evidence of fraud. After three ballot counts and multiple investigations there was no fraud found. There were no counterfeit ballots and no "pristine" ballots.

How many cases does this make? I know it's over 60.

How many of the cases has trump won? ZERO.

The truth comes through, lies do not. trump is finished for good now. Even the biggest idiot understands a liar is not to be trusted.
Activist judge
The writing is on the wall, wake up already. Any judge would have thrown this s*** out. Several trump nominated himself have thrown his cases out. There's no truth to it. None,nada. You can't be that much of an idiot.
I hope you're right, but there seems to be a fairly large segment of the population that will believe anything that comes out of his mouth.
trump has had a whole lifetime of telling lies. He's an expert at it and unfortunately he's a manipulator of the simple-minded.
I hope you're right, but there seems to be a fairly large segment of the population that will believe anything that comes out of his mouth.
Also wanted to add, trump's following is becoming less and less, he now has less than a third of the Republicans backing him. I hope they're strong enough to back another candidate and put this idiotic fire out once and for all.
This one is in Georgia.

It's thrown out of court for lack of standing because of lack evidence of fraud. After three ballot counts and multiple investigations there was no fraud found. There were no counterfeit ballots and no "pristine" ballots.

How many cases does this make? I know it's over 60.

How many of the cases has trump won? ZERO.

Judge’s family was threatened my take. He was told throw it out or else.
Judge’s family was threatened my take. He was told throw it out or else.
You are totally sick. trump was the only one who dared to do things like that and you're trying to blame that on Biden. Biden has character. Biden is honest. Biden is a much greater, bigger man. Biden admits when he makes mistakes, and acknowledges his losses both political and personal. Biden is an open book. trump wouldn't even admit that he paid University of Pennsylvania for his diploma in business. He has no business ethics, or most business have business plans and agendas, trump has lies and schemes trump never grew up, he's a psychopath, a very sick child,spoiled rotten child.
This one is in Georgia.

It's thrown out of court for lack of standing because of lack evidence of fraud. After three ballot counts and multiple investigations there was no fraud found. There were no counterfeit ballots and no "pristine" ballots.

How many cases does this make? I know it's over 60.

How many of the cases has trump won? ZERO.

It’s not about winning cases, of course.

It’s about undermining confidence in the political process and destroying our democratic institutions.
You are totally sick. trump was the only one who dared to do things like that and you're trying to blame that on Biden. Biden has character. Biden is honest. Biden is a much greater, bigger man. Biden admits when he makes mistakes, and acknowledges his losses both political and personal. Biden is an open book. trump wouldn't even admit that he paid University of Pennsylvania for his diploma in business. He has no business ethics, or most business have business plans and agendas, trump has lies and schemes trump never grew up, he's a psychopath, a very sick child,spoiled rotten child.
Yeah, ships sit in the ocean off shore no supplies on land and now service is being taken out. Yeah judges are all being threatened. It’s the only way to be xiden the criminal! Judicial will do nothing as a result
It’s not about winning cases, of course.

It’s about undermining confidence in the political process and destroying our democratic institutions.

It only undermines the elections in the eyes of trump crazy people.

Hopefully they will stop voting. It's the best thing they can do for our nation.

Those of us who know the election was valid don't believe any of the garbage they spew. It doesn't undermine our faith in our elections.

Any person with more than one working brain cell can look at all the cases they brought to court, then look at the fact that they lost every single one of them and logically see that the claims are totally garbage.

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