Another angry White male, Conn shooting.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Guns are not the problem people, the problem is angry white males.Guns don't kill,
people kill. Untill we can find out what is making these white males angry , or crazy
enough to shoot up a school, or a movie theatre, we are not going to solve these
shooting spree events.Your thoughts.?
black kids with untreated mental problems dont live long enough to commit crimes like these.
Black Serial/Mass/Spree Killer List:
1. Matthew Emanuel Macon (Murdered and Raped 5 White Women in Lansing)
2. Jimmie Reed (Murdered his wife and his 2 month old daughter and set them on fire)
3. Shelly Brooks (Murdered 7 prostitutes in Detroit Cass Corridor)
4. Justin Blackshere (Stabbed two white cooks at Cheli’s Chili downtown Detroit)
5. Jervon Miguel Coleman (Murdered three people.)
6. Donell Ramon Johnson (Murdered a mother and a daughter)
7. Brian Ranard Davis (6 women known murdered by ******)
8. Paul Durousseau (Seven women)
9. Mark Goudeau “The Baseline Killer” (Eight women and a man in 2005-2006)
10. Coral Eugene Watts (11 women in Texas & 1 in Michigan)
11. Anthony McKnight (Five girls and young women)
12. Derrick Todd Lee (8 Women)
13. Charles Lendelle Carter (4 known murders; admits to ‘hunting’ Atlantans for 15 years!)
14. The Zebra Killings (71 White people)
15. Chester Turner (L.A.s most prolific killer 12 women killed.)
16. Lorenzo J. Gilyard (Kansas City, MO.—13 victims)
17. Eugene Victor Britt (Gary, IN.–3 known murder/rapes.)
18. Reginald and Jonathan Carr (The Wichita Massacre–6 Whites murdered)
19. Ray Joseph Dandridge and his uncle, Ricky Gevon Gray (Richmond, VA.–Murdered 7 people in 7 days, including an entire White family.)
20. The Tinley Park Murderer (Suspect hasn’t been found but has been described as black – murdered 5 women in a store.)
21. Henry Louis Wallace (Raped and strangled 5 women to death.)
22. Charles Johnston (Murdered 3 unarmed white men in hospital)
23. Craig Price (Brutally murdered 3 women)
24. Harrison Graham (Brually Murdered 3 women)
25. Charles Lee “Cookie” Thornton (Murdered 6 Whites at the Kirkwood, MO. city council. )
26. & 27. Darnell Hartsfeld & Romeo Pinkerton (Abducted and Murdered 5 from a restaurant)
28 &29. John Allen Muhammad & Lee Boyd Malvo (Sniped 11 people from a car in DC, 9 died.)
30. George Russell (3 women, WA state)
31. Timothy W. Spencer (5 killed, Arlington, VA and Richmond, VA)
32. Elton M. Jackson (12 gay men killed, Norfolk, VA area)
33. Carlton Gary (3 killed in Columbus, GA)
34. Mohammed Adam Omar (16 women, Yemen. Omar is Sudanese.)
35. Kendall Francois (8 women, Poughkeepsie, NY and surrounding areas.)
36. Terry A. Blair (8 women, Kansas City area)
37. Wayne Williams (33 many of them children!, Atlanta, GA)
38. Vaughn Greenwood (11 killed in LA)
39. Andre Crawford (10 killed in Chicago – southside)
40. Calvin Jackson (9 killed possibley more in NY)
41. Gregory Klepper (killed 8, Chicago – southside)
42. Alton Coleman (Killed 8 in the Midwest)
43. Harrison Graham (killed 7+ in N. Philadelphia)
44. Cleophus Prince (6 killed in, San Diego
45. Robert Rozier (7 killed in, Miami)
46. Maurice Byrd (killed 20 + in St. Louis)
47. Maury Travis (17 and rising, St. Louis and possibly also Atlanta)
48. Hulon Mitchell, a.k.a. Yahweh Ben Yahweh (killed 20+ in Florida)
49. Lorenzo Fayne (killed 5 children in East St. Louis, IL)
50. Paul Durousseau, (killed 6, two of which were pregnant women, Jacksonville, FL; Georgia.)
51. Eddie Lee Mosley (killed 25 to 30 women, south Florida)
52. Henry Lee Jones (killed 4 in, south Florida; Bartlett, TN)
53. Richard “Babyface” Jameswhite (15 killed in, New York; Georgia.)
54. Donald E. Younge, Jr. (killed 4), East St. Louis, IL; Salt Lake City, UT.
55. Ivan Hill (killed 6 in Los Angeles area).
56. Michael Vernon (Bronx, NY. Killed at least seven people – )
57. Chester Dewayne Turner (12 women killed in, Los Angeles)
Blacks don't kill? :lol::lol::lol:

I am talking about mass shooting of innocent people, that the shooter doesn't know.
These crimes are being commited by white males.

They are insane, twit. Black people kill over $10. Black people kill each other for wearing the wrong color. Maybe they are the real fucked up ones. STFU

No you white devil mass murderers are the crazy ones , killing young inocent children,
then blowing your white devil brains out?!.Give me a break, don't even try to make any
I just gave you 57 and you run off. So you are a racist pussy, ey?
You people should round up all the white males and gas them in a big ole gas oven..

would that help?

dumb thread
All I have ever said is blacks cause 5 times as many murders for their share of the population. Of course people here don't understand simple high school math....

So they're gonig to point out the few cases of whites killing. I never said we didn't.
I am talking about mass shooting of innocent people, that the shooter doesn't know.
These crimes are being commited by white males.

They are insane, twit. Black people kill over $10. Black people kill each other for wearing the wrong color. Maybe they are the real fucked up ones. STFU

No you white devil mass murderers are the crazy ones , killing young inocent children,
then blowing your white devil brains out?!.Give me a break, don't even try to make any

Is that why blacks kill 5 times as many people for their share of the population?
Is that why blacks commit murder against whites at twice the racial rate? 400~ compared to ~200 based on a fbi report as of a few years back.

Funny how you people can't even consider the facts.
This isn't about color anymore retard, Black people have done the same shit too, the shooter in Virginia tech was Korean. Just shut your cock holster you stupid fuck.
Blacks don't kill? :lol::lol::lol:

I am talking about mass shooting of innocent people, that the shooter doesn't know.
These crimes are being commited by white males.

But it's different when it's somebody we know?

Truth is these kids were students in his mom's class from a year ago.

He had a bone of contention with them. In his warped mind they were trying to take his Mom a way. He might have been thinking his Mom, who was arranging to have him committed, wanted to be around those kids more than him.
It is true that almost all "mass murderers" are white. Completely irrational murder seems to be more of a white problem than black.

Because murder itself is far higher among blacks, this anomaly deserves thought. But it ain't gonna happen here folks!

Oh, and just to be clear, by mass murder I mean serial killing, spree killers as well.
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