Another Angry White Male Shooting.?!

Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

Who is "ignoring everything else going on in the world"? Who is to say that the group of "angry white males" are just not being added to the worldwide, and the national lists of the dangerous? There is no reason to allow this group to operate under the radar just because there are other dangerous and terrorist groups in the world. "Angry white males"are not being singled out.
"Under the radar" means "it's complete fantasy".

Nope. It means that there are some people who want to hide their malicious activities, which are aimed at other groups of people, by claiming that everybody should look anywhere else but at them. "Look, look! Over there. They have guns and bombs and are planning an attack!" Said by somebody with a weapons cache who has a bomb factory in his garage and who is online plotting with his friends.

Terrorism is not a competitive sport.

In other words, "under the radar" means "It's complete fantasy".

Unfortunately for your opinion, reality shows us exactly what under the radar means. And it's not what you said.
Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
Yeah, well I’ll take my angry white male chances in any church, synagogue, school, mall, etc. in America before I’d step foot in any black hood killing zone.

So you'd rather live in the white killing zone. Whites like you don't get it, you commit s many murders and in some years whites have killed more. Every year for the past 25 years I have looked at it, whites led in violent crime. We have several white racists here who claim to live in hoods. They aren't dead.
Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

Who is "ignoring everything else going on in the world"? Who is to say that the group of "angry white males" are just not being added to the worldwide, and the national lists of the dangerous? There is no reason to allow this group to operate under the radar just because there are other dangerous and terrorist groups in the world. "Angry white males"are not being singled out.

Oh Pleease. In the past week alone I've heard here three times about how whites are a bigger terror threat than Muslims (the dreaded white supremacist), white violence and white privilege. Just in this thread alone (post 51), some mindless twit just claimed: "most of the worlds problems have been created by white men"

White men are held to a much, much higher standard than everyone else. A woman (of any color) strangles her baby and throws it in a dumpster? Back page news, forgotten tomorrow. Black men by the hundreds commit murder and rape and burglary every. single. day. Might get mentioned on the local news once. Muslim arabs burn people alive? Meh. Mexicans perform gruesome ritualistic torture on entire families? You never hear a peep about it.

Bullshit. You better start looking at the crime numbers punk. Whites lead in almost every category.
Honestly ?

I care only about black people. This was a white and white on crime.

Treat them exactly how they treat us.

Let them sort it out. This is not our problem.

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Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
Yeah, well I’ll take my angry white male chances in any church, synagogue, school, mall, etc. in America before I’d step foot in any black hood killing zone.

So you'd rather live in the white killing zone. Whites like you don't get it, you commit s many murders and in some years whites have killed more. Every year for the past 25 years I have looked at it, whites led in violent crime. We have several white racists here who claim to live in hoods. They aren't dead.
Rather live in a white killing zone? Hmm...I don’t know. For the umpteenth time if you or one of your ilk would kindly tell me where in all of America there’s a white killing zone it would help a lot. Thanks.

Meanwhile, if you’d like I could rattle off a half dozen black killing zones just in my old Chicago stomping grounds alone that were once beautiful neighborhoods free of blood in the streets and bullet pockmarked building facades. Know wha um sayin’?
Rather live in a white killing zone? Hmm...I don’t know. For the umpteenth time if you or one of your ilk would kindly tell me where in all of America there’s a white killing zone it would help a lot. Thanks.

Meanwhile, if you’d like I could rattle off a half dozen black killing zones just in my old Chicago stomping grounds alone that were once beautiful neighborhoods free of blood in the streets and bullet pockmarked building facades. Know wha um sayin’?
Firstly what has a black person committing a violent in Chicago got to do with a black person in Atlanta ?

And if black people are as violent as you make out then why is it always just narrowed down Chicago ?

Why not all over the USA ? Hmm ?

Secondly the police are behind many of these
shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings are not keeping silent out of a no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when children are being killed. You saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible for all that killing to go on without some dirty cops being involved.

Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be barely legally, not only that, there are hardly any gun shops in Chicago.

So tell me - Where do they get the bullets from?

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block and when a shooting takes place no one is in custody, nor do they have leads

How is that possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often ?

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

A lot of the gang wars were initially instigated by police and government agents to destabilize the communities and drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing. So Chicago has long been a place of violent criminal activity and it was started perpetrated by white people.

It would do you to know your history and know that it was white people who got this ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime in Chicago
Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

Who is "ignoring everything else going on in the world"? Who is to say that the group of "angry white males" are just not being added to the worldwide, and the national lists of the dangerous? There is no reason to allow this group to operate under the radar just because there are other dangerous and terrorist groups in the world. "Angry white males"are not being singled out.

Oh Pleease. In the past week alone I've heard here three times about how whites are a bigger terror threat than Muslims (the dreaded white supremacist), white violence and white privilege. Just in this thread alone (post 51), some mindless twit just claimed: "most of the worlds problems have been created by white men"

White men are held to a much, much higher standard than everyone else. A woman (of any color) strangles her baby and throws it in a dumpster? Back page news, forgotten tomorrow. Black men by the hundreds commit murder and rape and burglary every. single. day. Might get mentioned on the local news once. Muslim arabs burn people alive? Meh. Mexicans perform gruesome ritualistic torture on entire families? You never hear a peep about it.

Bullshit. You better start looking at the crime numbers punk. Whites lead in almost every category.

Where do you get your crime stats? Off BET?

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Honestly ? I care only about black people.

Just like a good little racist. Only sees or cares about people based not on who or what they are but by their skin color alone. Black good, anything else bad.
You post this


And then you have cheek to call me racist lol

Are you calling San Francisco's own official stat, racist, you filthy little racist? Anyone who judges people only by their skin color as you HAVE ADMITTED, is nothing but a punk racist. Glad you see you know what you are.
Honestly ? I care only about black people.

Just like a good little racist. Only sees or cares about people based not on who or what they are but by their skin color alone. Black good, anything else bad.
You post this


And then you have cheek to call me racist lol

Are you calling San Francisco's own official stat, racist, you filthy little racist? Anyone who judges people only by their skin color as you HAVE ADMITTED, is nothing but a punk racist. Glad you see you know what you are.
There is no such thing as official stats.

Stats are created by human beings. Arrests are made by human being. So if you are participating in a statistical research project that demonstrates that some "racial" groups are more violent than others, then yes, you are more likely than not involved in a racist enterprise.

If this scientific research then has the most curious and interesting repeated finding that blacks are almost always the most violent group, then you are most certainly involved in a project which furthers white supremacy.

If you look around the room and your fellow researchers who are making this amazing discovery are almost all white, then you are most definitely involved in a white racist project.

If one is cool with that then so be it; do not run away from the implications of that choice.

Racism in 2019 is not a racism were people say "Kill these blacks". Racism is saying things - RIGHT UP UNTIL - it's clearly a racist statement.

So people will not say "Black people are violent savages" but they will throw out these 'stats' about so called crime and murder rates

They won't say "Black people are stupid" but they will throw out stats about black people have a low IQ.

They say think things that lead up to an obvious conclusion "Black people are violent and stupid"

You're trying to masquerade your internal chaos into a form of rationality.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :

  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. The police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests – like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or read about white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

His father gets him out. After that Schoolcraft went to live at his father’s house hundreds of miles away. Despite the distance, New York police officers have appeared at his door ten times so far.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

I could go on.

But if you want to act like a 10 naive year kid and swallow everything the police tell you about crime stats, that's on you.
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Honestly ? I care only about black people.

Just like a good little racist. Only sees or cares about people based not on who or what they are but by their skin color alone. Black good, anything else bad.
You post this


And then you have cheek to call me racist lol

Are you calling San Francisco's own official stat, racist, you filthy little racist? Anyone who judges people only by their skin color as you HAVE ADMITTED, is nothing but a punk racist. Glad you see you know what you are.
There is no such thing as official stats.

Blah, blah, blah, tell it to the FBI and DOJ who keep records of crime, incarceration and prison populations. I don't talk to hate-filled racists.
Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?

Is that why you’re so afraid of inter-racial marriage? Don’t want those serial killer genes getting in the pool?
Honestly ? I care only about black people.

Just like a good little racist. Only sees or cares about people based not on who or what they are but by their skin color alone. Black good, anything else bad.
You post this


And then you have cheek to call me racist lol

Are you calling San Francisco's own official stat, racist, you filthy little racist? Anyone who judges people only by their skin color as you HAVE ADMITTED, is nothing but a punk racist. Glad you see you know what you are.
There is no such thing as official stats.

Blah, blah, blah, tell it to the FBI and DOJ who keep records of crime, incarceration and prison populations. I don't talk to hate-filled racists.
The people who run the FBI are white. The people who run the DOJ are also white.

Name one police department or officer that has been punished by the DOJ for harming Black people ?.Name just one.

Yeah sure the DOJ will do a report and say "Yup there's racism in Ferguson" "Yup there's racism in Baltimore" "Yup there's racism in ther criminal justice system"

But where is the punishment ?

Where as Black people are punished to the letter of the law and given very specific court dates when we screw up

As for the FBI - The FBI have illegally sabotaged & assassinated every black leader from Garvey to MLK

The FBI have a history with black people of

  • Planting false stories in the press.
  • Planting false witnesses in court trials.
  • Sending false letters to create distrust and division among leaders.
  • Planting informers everywhere and then falsely named others as informers.
  • Got people fired at work.
  • Breaking up marriages.
  • Breaking into people’s houses to search them.
  • Arresting leaders for minor traffic violations.
  • Framing people for murder and other false charges – to lock them up or at least keep them tied up in court till something stuck.
  • Committing murder.
They killed Fred Hampton (A black panther leader in Chicago) That was proved in court.


They had the Chicago police break down his door in the middle of the night and gun him down. The FBI had been keeping a file on him even before he joined the Panthers.

They framed Geronimo Pratt (Below) for murder


And they made sure one of his defence lawyers was an FBI informer

Panthers secretly working for the FBI talked about the FBI blowing up department stores and giving the police an excuse to arrest top panthers and throw them in prison.

The press and the police did the FBI’s bidding. The Panthers found much of its leadership killed, sent to prison or driven out of the country.

Dick Gregory was such a powerful opponent against systematic racism, J. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to use the mafia to murder him.


And J Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing gay man who hated black people and he had a lover who was one of his top FBI Agents. Also the FBI wrote an anonymous letter to Martin Luther King encouraging him to kill himself ?

Or how about MKULTRA and those deeds? FBN and CIA connections with international crime syndicates and co-operation to bring in tons of drugs for the consumption of inner city blacks.

That started in the 1940’s and devastated whole cities eventually. A book about that and the whole war on drugs by Douglas Valentine: The Strength of the Wolf: The secret history of America’s war on drugs.

Even today the FBI has just released BIE (Black Identity Extremists). Another crock of B.S

Their objective is to murder innocent black people and use this BIE thing to kill even more of us. So when black folks protest or file citizen complaints about illegal searches and seizures, police theft of property, police violence in the form of needless beatings and brutality; cases of blatant police disrespect for the dignity of black people and actual state-sanctioned murders by police, their names will be placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI.

So black people are being extreme if we hate or distrust an institution brimming with white supremacists.
Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

You might have a point if the country wasn't being led by the angriest of angry white males. This emboldens other angry white males.
Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

You might have a point if the country wasn't being led by the angriest of angry white males. This emboldens other angry white males.

That's only because there is a lot to be angry over. And we have only yet begun. I suggest you stay out of his way.


Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

You might have a point if the country wasn't being led by the angriest of angry white males. This emboldens other angry white males.

That's only because there is a lot to be angry over. And we have only yet begun. I suggest you stay out of his way.

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I suggest he stay out of mine.
Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

You might have a point if the country wasn't being led by the angriest of angry white males. This emboldens other angry white males.

That's only because there is a lot to be angry over. And we have only yet begun. I suggest you stay out of his way.

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I suggest he stay out of mine.

You are not even a pebble in the road.

But funny isn't it?

When blacks or any other group rise in protesting injustice, they are Black Lives Matter! Oppose Wall Street! Or some other positive connotation.

But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.
Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

You might have a point if the country wasn't being led by the angriest of angry white males. This emboldens other angry white males.

That's only because there is a lot to be angry over. And we have only yet begun. I suggest you stay out of his way.

View attachment 258847

View attachment 258848

I suggest he stay out of mine.

LOL!!! Or what?
But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.

Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

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