Another Angry White Male Shooting.?!

But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.

Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

We will be in your face for the rest of your life, no matter what. Deal with that.
But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.

Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

:haha: :no_text11:. We Whites ARE the majority. We are everything. We are the country, the states, the laws, the industry, the jobs, the inventions, the means and the ways.

The only reason why you shitheels are even here at all to say you're "tired" of hearing about us is because we graciously allowed you to be here and enjoy WHAT WE MADE.
  • There are no bad faith white causes.
  • You can't help take us serious whether you LIKE IT or NOT. It's our game.
  • And there will be no spanking unless we are the ones doing it.
But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.

Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

:haha: :no_text11:. We Whites ARE the majority. We are everything. We are the country, the states, the laws, the industry, the jobs, the inventions, the means and the ways.

The only reason why you shitheels are even here at all to say you're "tired" of hearing about us is because we graciously allowed you to be here and enjoy WHAT WE MADE.
  • There are no bad faith white causes.
  • You can't help take us serious whether you LIKE IT or NOT. It's our game.
  • And there will be no spanking unless we are the ones doing it.

I'm white. Whites like myself will stop whatever nonsense you think you're going to attempt. We'll burn that shit right to the ground, and you will stand there and take it with your thumb up your ass like you cucks do.
But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.

Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

:haha: :no_text11:. We Whites ARE the majority. We are everything. We are the country, the states, the laws, the industry, the jobs, the inventions, the means and the ways.

The only reason why you shitheels are even here at all to say you're "tired" of hearing about us is because we graciously allowed you to be here and enjoy WHAT WE MADE.
  • There are no bad faith white causes.
  • You can't help take us serious whether you LIKE IT or NOT. It's our game.
  • And there will be no spanking unless we are the ones doing it.

I'm white. Whites like myself will stop whatever nonsense you think you're going to attempt. We'll burn that shit right to the ground, and you will stand there and take it with your thumb up your ass like you cucks do.

We will be in your face for the rest of your life. You burn shit to the ground? I believe you.

Why is that supposed to get us to stop being in your face?
But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.

Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

:haha: :no_text11:. We Whites ARE the majority. We are everything. We are the country, the states, the laws, the industry, the jobs, the inventions, the means and the ways.

The only reason why you shitheels are even here at all to say you're "tired" of hearing about us is because we graciously allowed you to be here and enjoy WHAT WE MADE.
  • There are no bad faith white causes.
  • You can't help take us serious whether you LIKE IT or NOT. It's our game.
  • And there will be no spanking unless we are the ones doing it.

I'm white.

You're a stupid white. You're not going to stop anything because whites like you are the reason why the country's falling apart in the first place. You're not a stopper of anything, you are a facilitator.
But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.

Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

:haha: :no_text11:. We Whites ARE the majority. We are everything. We are the country, the states, the laws, the industry, the jobs, the inventions, the means and the ways.

The only reason why you shitheels are even here at all to say you're "tired" of hearing about us is because we graciously allowed you to be here and enjoy WHAT WE MADE.
  • There are no bad faith white causes.
  • You can't help take us serious whether you LIKE IT or NOT. It's our game.
  • And there will be no spanking unless we are the ones doing it.

I'm white.

You're a stupid white. You're not going to stop anything because whites like you are the reason why the country's falling apart in the first place. You're not a stopper of anything, you are a facilitator.

I am not facilitating anything, you fucking liar. The only thing I do is react. If people like myself are forced to react, you're going to be in for a bad time.
But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.

Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

:haha: :no_text11:. We Whites ARE the majority. We are everything. We are the country, the states, the laws, the industry, the jobs, the inventions, the means and the ways.

The only reason why you shitheels are even here at all to say you're "tired" of hearing about us is because we graciously allowed you to be here and enjoy WHAT WE MADE.
  • There are no bad faith white causes.
  • You can't help take us serious whether you LIKE IT or NOT. It's our game.
  • And there will be no spanking unless we are the ones doing it.

I'm white. Whites like myself will stop whatever nonsense you think you're going to attempt. We'll burn that shit right to the ground, and you will stand there and take it with your thumb up your ass like you cucks do.

We will be in your face for the rest of your life. You burn shit to the ground? I believe you.

Why is that supposed to get us to stop being in your face?

He's just a typical Lerftard: he sat by doing nothing happy while his country fell out from under his own feet but now he's going to rise up against his own race to burn us to the ground? :auiqs.jpg: Windmills of his mind.
But a few whites complain about injustice and suddenly they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS! RACISTS! and XENOPHOBES.

Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

:haha: :no_text11:. We Whites ARE the majority. We are everything. We are the country, the states, the laws, the industry, the jobs, the inventions, the means and the ways.

The only reason why you shitheels are even here at all to say you're "tired" of hearing about us is because we graciously allowed you to be here and enjoy WHAT WE MADE.
  • There are no bad faith white causes.
  • You can't help take us serious whether you LIKE IT or NOT. It's our game.
  • And there will be no spanking unless we are the ones doing it.

I'm white. Whites like myself will stop whatever nonsense you think you're going to attempt. We'll burn that shit right to the ground, and you will stand there and take it with your thumb up your ass like you cucks do.

We will be in your face for the rest of your life. You burn shit to the ground? I believe you.

Why is that supposed to get us to stop being in your face?

He's just a typical Lerftard: he sat by doing nothing happy while his country fell out from under his own feet but now he's going to rise up against his own race to burn us to the ground? :auiqs.jpg: Windmills of his mind.

And you're all nothing but hot air. You know nothing about my political inclinations or my background. All you know is I disagree with you, so it makes me automatically Democrat in your binary little monkey brain. It's fine. I've been called much, much worse.
Some are just tired of hearing about these types of white people period. Their bad faith 'causes' are not to be taken seriously. If they make trouble, they will get spanked so hard they'll think twice about ever opening their maws again. That would be really cool.

:haha: :no_text11:. We Whites ARE the majority. We are everything. We are the country, the states, the laws, the industry, the jobs, the inventions, the means and the ways.

The only reason why you shitheels are even here at all to say you're "tired" of hearing about us is because we graciously allowed you to be here and enjoy WHAT WE MADE.
  • There are no bad faith white causes.
  • You can't help take us serious whether you LIKE IT or NOT. It's our game.
  • And there will be no spanking unless we are the ones doing it.

I'm white. Whites like myself will stop whatever nonsense you think you're going to attempt. We'll burn that shit right to the ground, and you will stand there and take it with your thumb up your ass like you cucks do.

We will be in your face for the rest of your life. You burn shit to the ground? I believe you.

Why is that supposed to get us to stop being in your face?

He's just a typical Lerftard: he sat by doing nothing happy while his country fell out from under his own feet but now he's going to rise up against his own race to burn us to the ground? :auiqs.jpg: Windmills of his mind.

And you're all nothing but hot air. You know nothing about my political inclinations or my background. All you know is I disagree with you, so it makes me automatically Democrat in your binary little monkey brain. It's fine. I've been called much, much worse.

Look at this clown. Sat on his ass for forty years smoking pot never opposing anything until the populist movement was forced about trying to keep America great and NOW he's going to rise up to stop it. Going to burn it down. And he disagrees with me without obvious knowing the first thing about me except what he THINKS from reading a few words. You can't stop what you don't even understand, idiot. Quit chasing your own tail.
Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
Yeah, well I’ll take my angry white male chances in any church, synagogue, school, mall, etc. in America before I’d step foot in any black hood killing zone.

So you'd rather live in the white killing zone. Whites like you don't get it, you commit s many murders and in some years whites have killed more. Every year for the past 25 years I have looked at it, whites led in violent crime. We have several white racists here who claim to live in hoods. They aren't dead.
Rather live in a white killing zone? Hmm...I don’t know. For the umpteenth time if you or one of your ilk would kindly tell me where in all of America there’s a white killing zone it would help a lot. Thanks.

Meanwhile, if you’d like I could rattle off a half dozen black killing zones just in my old Chicago stomping grounds alone that were once beautiful neighborhoods free of blood in the streets and bullet pockmarked building facades. Know wha um sayin’?

As we have been shown, there are plenty of white killing zones. Chicago was and still is a capital of white controlled organized crime.
Honestly ? I care only about black people.

Just like a good little racist. Only sees or cares about people based not on who or what they are but by their skin color alone. Black good, anything else bad.
You post this


And then you have cheek to call me racist lol

Are you calling San Francisco's own official stat, racist, you filthy little racist? Anyone who judges people only by their skin color as you HAVE ADMITTED, is nothing but a punk racist. Glad you see you know what you are.

Shut up. Whites like you are being called out on your beliefs and behavior.

There is no such place as the crime statistics bureau bitch. Not in San Francisco, Waco, Milwaukee, Salt Lake City, New York City, or Pittsburgh PA. Not in the 50 United States or it's territories. Catch my drift maggot? That picture is a white supremacist meme you white racist piece of shit. And all whites aren't racists so spare me your bitch made whining about judging somebody by their skin color.
Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
Yeah, well I’ll take my angry white male chances in any church, synagogue, school, mall, etc. in America before I’d step foot in any black hood killing zone.

So you'd rather live in the white killing zone. Whites like you don't get it, you commit s many murders and in some years whites have killed more. Every year for the past 25 years I have looked at it, whites led in violent crime. We have several white racists here who claim to live in hoods. They aren't dead.
Rather live in a white killing zone? Hmm...I don’t know. For the umpteenth time if you or one of your ilk would kindly tell me where in all of America there’s a white killing zone it would help a lot. Thanks.

Meanwhile, if you’d like I could rattle off a half dozen black killing zones just in my old Chicago stomping grounds alone that were once beautiful neighborhoods free of blood in the streets and bullet pockmarked building facades. Know wha um sayin’?

As we have been shown, there are plenty of white killing zones. Chicago was and still is a capital of white controlled organized crime.

They aren't organizing it very well. Distribution by race in Chicago.


Now overlay that with this distribution of shootings and killings.


I don't see no white killing zones. Shootings almost disappear the higher the number of whites.

Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
I'd expect it after years of dealing with angry women, black males, and Hispanics. I'd be surprised if white males hadn't had enough.

What about years of slavery, the rape of Black women, and Killer white cops?, why aren't black men going on a rampage against white people?. I would think there would be more Black male Psycho shooters, but the majority seem to be white males?!!
they DO murder at a much higher rate
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
Yeah, well I’ll take my angry white male chances in any church, synagogue, school, mall, etc. in America before I’d step foot in any black hood killing zone.

So you'd rather live in the white killing zone. Whites like you don't get it, you commit s many murders and in some years whites have killed more. Every year for the past 25 years I have looked at it, whites led in violent crime. We have several white racists here who claim to live in hoods. They aren't dead.
Rather live in a white killing zone? Hmm...I don’t know. For the umpteenth time if you or one of your ilk would kindly tell me where in all of America there’s a white killing zone it would help a lot. Thanks.

Meanwhile, if you’d like I could rattle off a half dozen black killing zones just in my old Chicago stomping grounds alone that were once beautiful neighborhoods free of blood in the streets and bullet pockmarked building facades. Know wha um sayin’?

As we have been shown, there are plenty of white killing zones. Chicago was and still is a capital of white controlled organized crime.

They aren't organizing it very well. Distribution by race in Chicago.

View attachment 258906

Now overlay that with this distribution of shootings and killings.

View attachment 258907

I don't see no white killing zones. Shootings almost disappear the higher the number of whites.


I know you want to tell yourself that lie but anywhere you go can turn into a white shooting zone. Movie theatres, concerts, synagogues, churches, day care centers, post offices, factories, supermarkets, malls, restaurants, we've seen them all.
Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

I hate to tell you, but a large majority of these Psycho Shooters are "White males"! They are not Black, Asian or Hispanics. And yes , there is a lot of other bad things going on in the World. But these shooters are white males with all kinds of internalized mental issues.!!
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
You gotta be joking lol
We had 5 innocent blacks shot by by 5 other blacks just last night in New Orleans. It’s a zoo down here. Any thoughts on what we should do about our blacks down here? I feel so bad for the innocent blacks.

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