Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.

You want dead cops. What are you going to do when you get them and no one will be a cop?

That's demagoguery - a lie dressed up in emotional hysterics. No one wants dead cops. We want cops who can handle a dangerous situation without letting it turn into a shitshow.

Bull shit.

Nope. It's true. No one wants dead cops. You're making that up, because the truth doesn't support your position.

Democrats are doing everything they can to stoke a race war.

And only an idiot would actually believe a guy reaching into his car and the cop can't see what he's doing isn't a threat and if he has a gun a and they do nothing a cop is probably dead. It can only be explained by a clear agenda someone would make that moronic claim.

Everything points to that objective is a race war combining with the Democrats trying to stoke all the race violence

WRONG. You shoot a person when you knew he/she has a gun. You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

You are blaming the democrats for stoking a war. Did democrats shoot the black person in the back? Did we say get shot and start a war?

You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

Do they need to wait until he pulls a gun out of the car and fires the first shot?
Are they allowed to wait until he points a gun to shoot him first?
Can they shoot before the gun is fully pointed at them?
What if he points it at the kids in the car? The bystanders?
What is the precise timeline for a good shoot when a felon with an outstanding warrant who
just stole a set of car keys has a knife in his hand and is resisting arrest?

Police scanner audio recorded on 23 Aug. 2020 in Kenosha, Wis. indicates a woman called 911 to report Jacob Blake was at her home and wasn’t supposed to be, and had stolen her keys. Responding police were made aware of Blake’s arrest warrant. Court records show a warrant was issued for a felony sex crime charge and more. Blake brawled with cops before reaching inside his car and was shot. He also has a history of assaulting police and violently resisting arrest. Blake survived the shooting but the incident has sparked mass BLM-inspired deadly violence in Kenosha.

I don’t see any of Jacob Blake police records that he has history of assaulting police officers.

You just see his police record he assaults women, huh? A true Democrat hero

This is the problem when ignorant idiot like you that do not have access to public records. He has a police records of assaulting a women. But you you you people added he has assaulted a police officer is a lie. There are several apps that you can find out if someone ha a police records. I heavily use that before hiring a new employee.
As simple as Google you can also find out if someone has a police records.

Democrats? Your Donnie junior retweeted a Ngo tweets that Blake have criminal records of assaulting police officers. But no such records and evidence.

Then this lying BS asshole Pence from last night speech that Biden never said a word about the violence in the streets. Biden denounced the violence in Kenosha 8 hours earlier. He also denounced the violence in May after Lloyd murder.

LOL, I like how you talked about lies then you lied that I said he assaulted a police officer. I said he assaulted a woman, dumb ass. You just lied that I said he assaulted a police officer. I never said that.

And again you know regarding the shooting that you're being dishonest, which is why you keep lying that he was shot for walking away from a policeman. You know you're lying, which is why you can't be honest about what happened. You know you're doing something wrong

Let me rephrase that. He got shot by opening the door of his car. Is that fair or justification to shoot 7 times at the back? You can spin your bullshit however you want. It is what it is.
The post of your buddies he assaulted a police officers, a knife in his hands, criminal records was all fabricated but you supported them that doesn’t matter if you said it or not.

Nice guy, you're defending a woman beater. Of course you are.

Blake had a choice. He could have obeyed the police officer. They'd both have walked away from it. But he had to ignore him and go into his car.

What's not fair is that YOU demand the police officer then wait to find out if Blake was going to kill him or not.

Since Blake had the choice, you are advocating the completely unfair scenario
It doesn’t matter what I know or don’t know.

Exactly. It matters what the cops knew.
Domestic disturbance call. Perp had an outstanding warrant.
Resisted arrest. Wouldn't drop the knife.
Reached into the car.

You just don’t just cowardly shoot anybody in the back.

When he's reaching into the car for something, where would you prefer they shoot him?

Again it doesn’t matter what they know or what he did before the cops showed up. It matters how a cop handled a critical situations. Not just simply shoot any body in the back.
Try again.
You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.

You want dead cops. What are you going to do when you get them and no one will be a cop?

That's demagoguery - a lie dressed up in emotional hysterics. No one wants dead cops. We want cops who can handle a dangerous situation without letting it turn into a shitshow.

Bull shit.

Nope. It's true. No one wants dead cops. You're making that up, because the truth doesn't support your position.

Democrats are doing everything they can to stoke a race war.

And only an idiot would actually believe a guy reaching into his car and the cop can't see what he's doing isn't a threat and if he has a gun a and they do nothing a cop is probably dead. It can only be explained by a clear agenda someone would make that moronic claim.

Everything points to that objective is a race war combining with the Democrats trying to stoke all the race violence

WRONG. You shoot a person when you knew he/she has a gun. You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

You are blaming the democrats for stoking a war. Did democrats shoot the black person in the back? Did we say get shot and start a war?

You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

Do they need to wait until he pulls a gun out of the car and fires the first shot?
Are they allowed to wait until he points a gun to shoot him first?
Can they shoot before the gun is fully pointed at them?
What if he points it at the kids in the car? The bystanders?
What is the precise timeline for a good shoot when a felon with an outstanding warrant who
just stole a set of car keys has a knife in his hand and is resisting arrest?

Police scanner audio recorded on 23 Aug. 2020 in Kenosha, Wis. indicates a woman called 911 to report Jacob Blake was at her home and wasn’t supposed to be, and had stolen her keys. Responding police were made aware of Blake’s arrest warrant. Court records show a warrant was issued for a felony sex crime charge and more. Blake brawled with cops before reaching inside his car and was shot. He also has a history of assaulting police and violently resisting arrest. Blake survived the shooting but the incident has sparked mass BLM-inspired deadly violence in Kenosha.

It does not matter what he did before police was called.
It matters how professional cops handled the case. Just because he turned his back and open the door he had a gun? Police are trained to shoot when they see a gun not just shoot just because he opened a door.

1. He didn’t have a gun so what’s your point?
2. The video didn’t show he was brawling with the cops. So you are lying.
3. There’s 2 cops right there why not just tackle him before he opened the door?

Try again.

It does not matter what he did before police was called.

Where did you get that moronic idea?

It matters how professional cops handled the case. Just because he turned his back and open the door he had a gun?


There’s 2 cops right there why not just tackle him before he opened the door?

Looks like they had him on the ground, on the passenger side. He kept resisting.

1. He didn’t have a gun so what’s your point?

"How do you know" is my point.

3. There’s 2 cops right there why not just tackle him before he opened the door?

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Partially because he had a knife in his left hand.
You want to wrestle on the ground when he has a knife?

That’s dumb. . They gave him right there. He has a knife in his waist not in his hands. His back was turned not facing them. Tripped him, hit with a baton, kick him in the back. It’s that simple. They let him walked around front of the SUV..... wait till he open the door? Then fire. That’s stupid.

If they are scared of his knife. If you watched the video while he was walking away they are very close to this Dude. Why didn’t they do something aside from shooting before that?

Again it doesn’t matter what they know or what he did before the cops showed up.

He was in his baby mommas home without permission.
He stole her car keys. He had an outstanding warrant.

If you think knowing he did those things didn't matter, you're even more clueless than I thought.

Walking away from a cop is a justifications to shoot someone at the back? His outstanding warrants? Is a justification to shoot some at the back? That is murder.

He wasn't shot for "walking away from a cop." That's such a hack, partisan lying description of what happened

Watch the video. Do not stare at it. He wasn’t shot while walking away. But he was shot after walking away then and when he opened the door. Is that supposed to be a justification to get shot?

Still being dishonest. He then ... reached into the car ...

If he had a gun and the cop did nothing, the cop was dead. That isn't my goal like it's your goal. You should have to sign a waiver that the cops never have to come to your house

He then reached to his car?? Why not do something before he reached or before he opened his car? Tackle him, kick him, trip him. That is justification to shoot someone?

He didn’t have a gun so what is you point? You shoot someone if and when you knew he/she has a gun. You don’t just shoot someone at the back because you assumed he/she has a gun.

Again, you know from AFTER that he didn't shoot the cop. The cop on the spot doesn't know that.

Obviously you want dead cops and a race war. There is no way you could be that clueless. Saying the cop had to allow him to reach into his car and can do nothing is saying you want the cop to get killed

Again. Look at the results. So you just shoot someone at the back just because you assume he has a gun?
Simple. Why didn’t they stopped him from opening his car? Preliminary reports from local LEO did NOT mentioned he was carrying a knife. They could have easily said that to cover their ass but they didn’t.

Race war? I never mentioned that. At the same time you supported a white 17 yo boy that killed 2 blacks.
Race war? You supported a murderer cop shooting 7 times at the back.

The woman beater Blake you're defending had a full choice to obey the cop and they both would have walked away from it. But again, reaching into his car ignoring the cop is a highly dangerous situation that you nor any other leftist will address because you know you're wrong. Then again, you're defending a guy who beats women and ignores cops, you should know you're wrong. You should just stop being political and ignoring it
It doesn’t matter what I know or don’t know.

Exactly. It matters what the cops knew.
Domestic disturbance call. Perp had an outstanding warrant.
Resisted arrest. Wouldn't drop the knife.
Reached into the car.

You just don’t just cowardly shoot anybody in the back.

When he's reaching into the car for something, where would you prefer they shoot him?

Again it doesn’t matter what they know or what he did before the cops showed up. It matters how a cop handled a critical situations. Not just simply shoot any body in the back.
Try again.
You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.

You want dead cops. What are you going to do when you get them and no one will be a cop?

That's demagoguery - a lie dressed up in emotional hysterics. No one wants dead cops. We want cops who can handle a dangerous situation without letting it turn into a shitshow.

Bull shit.

Nope. It's true. No one wants dead cops. You're making that up, because the truth doesn't support your position.

Democrats are doing everything they can to stoke a race war.

And only an idiot would actually believe a guy reaching into his car and the cop can't see what he's doing isn't a threat and if he has a gun a and they do nothing a cop is probably dead. It can only be explained by a clear agenda someone would make that moronic claim.

Everything points to that objective is a race war combining with the Democrats trying to stoke all the race violence

WRONG. You shoot a person when you knew he/she has a gun. You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

You are blaming the democrats for stoking a war. Did democrats shoot the black person in the back? Did we say get shot and start a war?

You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

Do they need to wait until he pulls a gun out of the car and fires the first shot?
Are they allowed to wait until he points a gun to shoot him first?
Can they shoot before the gun is fully pointed at them?
What if he points it at the kids in the car? The bystanders?
What is the precise timeline for a good shoot when a felon with an outstanding warrant who
just stole a set of car keys has a knife in his hand and is resisting arrest?

Police scanner audio recorded on 23 Aug. 2020 in Kenosha, Wis. indicates a woman called 911 to report Jacob Blake was at her home and wasn’t supposed to be, and had stolen her keys. Responding police were made aware of Blake’s arrest warrant. Court records show a warrant was issued for a felony sex crime charge and more. Blake brawled with cops before reaching inside his car and was shot. He also has a history of assaulting police and violently resisting arrest. Blake survived the shooting but the incident has sparked mass BLM-inspired deadly violence in Kenosha.

It does not matter what he did before police was called.
It matters how professional cops handled the case. Just because he turned his back and open the door he had a gun? Police are trained to shoot when they see a gun not just shoot just because he opened a door.

1. He didn’t have a gun so what’s your point?
2. The video didn’t show he was brawling with the cops. So you are lying.
3. There’s 2 cops right there why not just tackle him before he opened the door?

Try again.

It does not matter what he did before police was called.

Where did you get that moronic idea?

It matters how professional cops handled the case. Just because he turned his back and open the door he had a gun?


There’s 2 cops right there why not just tackle him before he opened the door?

Looks like they had him on the ground, on the passenger side. He kept resisting.

1. He didn’t have a gun so what’s your point?

"How do you know" is my point.

3. There’s 2 cops right there why not just tackle him before he opened the door?

View attachment 380357

Partially because he had a knife in his left hand.
You want to wrestle on the ground when he has a knife?

That’s dumb. . They gave him right there. He has a knife in his waist not in his hands. His back was turned not facing them. Tripped him, hit with a baton, kick him in the back. It’s that simple. They let him walked around front of the SUV..... wait till he open the door? Then fire. That’s stupid.

If they are scared of his knife. If you watched the video while he was walking away they are very close to this Dude. Why didn’t they do something aside from shooting before that?

Again it doesn’t matter what they know or what he did before the cops showed up.

He was in his baby mommas home without permission.
He stole her car keys. He had an outstanding warrant.

If you think knowing he did those things didn't matter, you're even more clueless than I thought.

Walking away from a cop is a justifications to shoot someone at the back? His outstanding warrants? Is a justification to shoot some at the back? That is murder.

Walking away from a cop is a justifications to shoot someone at the back?

When you're armed, resisting arrest and reaching into a car for a weapon, you bet!!

His outstanding warrants?


That is murder.

Justified shoot.

See that.....
1. exactly what I’ve said all along. His outstanding warrants does not justified killing a human being.

2. He was not carrying a knife. Opening the door of his car justified killing someone at the back? That justified murder and cowardness.

3. You like killing blacks.

You like beating women
You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.

You want dead cops. What are you going to do when you get them and no one will be a cop?

That's demagoguery - a lie dressed up in emotional hysterics. No one wants dead cops. We want cops who can handle a dangerous situation without letting it turn into a shitshow.

Bull shit.

Nope. It's true. No one wants dead cops. You're making that up, because the truth doesn't support your position.

Democrats are doing everything they can to stoke a race war.

And only an idiot would actually believe a guy reaching into his car and the cop can't see what he's doing isn't a threat and if he has a gun a and they do nothing a cop is probably dead. It can only be explained by a clear agenda someone would make that moronic claim.

Everything points to that objective is a race war combining with the Democrats trying to stoke all the race violence

WRONG. You shoot a person when you knew he/she has a gun. You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

You are blaming the democrats for stoking a war. Did democrats shoot the black person in the back? Did we say get shot and start a war?

You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

Do they need to wait until he pulls a gun out of the car and fires the first shot?
Are they allowed to wait until he points a gun to shoot him first?
Can they shoot before the gun is fully pointed at them?
What if he points it at the kids in the car? The bystanders?
What is the precise timeline for a good shoot when a felon with an outstanding warrant who
just stole a set of car keys has a knife in his hand and is resisting arrest?

Police scanner audio recorded on 23 Aug. 2020 in Kenosha, Wis. indicates a woman called 911 to report Jacob Blake was at her home and wasn’t supposed to be, and had stolen her keys. Responding police were made aware of Blake’s arrest warrant. Court records show a warrant was issued for a felony sex crime charge and more. Blake brawled with cops before reaching inside his car and was shot. He also has a history of assaulting police and violently resisting arrest. Blake survived the shooting but the incident has sparked mass BLM-inspired deadly violence in Kenosha.

I don’t see any of Jacob Blake police records that he has history of assaulting police officers.

You just see his police record he assaults women, huh? A true Democrat hero

This is the problem when ignorant idiot like you that do not have access to public records. He has a police records of assaulting a women. But you you you people added he has assaulted a police officer is a lie. There are several apps that you can find out if someone ha a police records. I heavily use that before hiring a new employee.
As simple as Google you can also find out if someone has a police records.

Democrats? Your Donnie junior retweeted a Ngo tweets that Blake have criminal records of assaulting police officers. But no such records and evidence.

Then this lying BS asshole Pence from last night speech that Biden never said a word about the violence in the streets. Biden denounced the violence in Kenosha 8 hours earlier. He also denounced the violence in May after Lloyd murder.

LOL, I like how you talked about lies then you lied that I said he assaulted a police officer. I said he assaulted a woman, dumb ass. You just lied that I said he assaulted a police officer. I never said that.

And again you know regarding the shooting that you're being dishonest, which is why you keep lying that he was shot for walking away from a policeman. You know you're lying, which is why you can't be honest about what happened. You know you're doing something wrong

Let me rephrase that. He got shot by opening the door of his car. Is that fair or justification to shoot 7 times at the back? You can spin your bullshit however you want. It is what it is.
The post of your buddies he assaulted a police officers, a knife in his hands, criminal records was all fabricated but you supported them that doesn’t matter if you said it or not.

Nice guy, you're defending a woman beater. Of course you are.

Blake had a choice. He could have obeyed the police officer. They'd both have walked away from it. But he had to ignore him and go into his car.

What's not fair is that YOU demand the police officer then wait to find out if Blake was going to kill him or not.

Since Blake had the choice, you are advocating the completely unfair scenario

Jacob Blake would have had more respect if he was resisting police in the act of resisting to wear a mask....something heroic and patriotic
You don't know if that's knife, dope.

Doesn't look like a knife to me.

Again, you know from AFTER that he didn't shoot the cop. The cop on the spot doesn't know that.

Obviously you want dead cops and a race war. There is no way you could be that clueless. Saying the cop had to allow him to reach into his car and can do nothing is saying you want the cop to get killed

We already have a race war, stupid. Trump started it.

What I would like to see is cops reformed so incidents like this don't happen.

The Democrat strategy is always first to accuse others of what you are doing. That Trump started a race war is retarded. It's you idiots all the way.

And that you want only the cops to be armed shows again you're just making up another stupid agenda driven position
Blacks started the race war hundreds of years ago -- and its time that we hold them accountable for it....

If they would have just stayed in their place, we wouldn't have any racism.....

I don't know why Republicans don't campaign on that message more

More of your racist diatribe. Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching and segregation, Sport. It's what you've always said

You intentionally did not mention that orange clown is a racist dog.

Typical Democrats, accuse others of what you do. You have the racist candidate. Trump isn't racist at all. Biden repeatedly tells you he's a raging racist. You aint black, blacks have no diversity, lock up non-violent blacks, keep you on the plantation, you have to have an Indian accent, ...

All you have for Trump are where you intentionally misquoted him
You don't know if that's knife, dope.

Doesn't look like a knife to me.

Again, you know from AFTER that he didn't shoot the cop. The cop on the spot doesn't know that.

Obviously you want dead cops and a race war. There is no way you could be that clueless. Saying the cop had to allow him to reach into his car and can do nothing is saying you want the cop to get killed

We already have a race war, stupid. Trump started it.

What I would like to see is cops reformed so incidents like this don't happen.

The Democrat strategy is always first to accuse others of what you are doing. That Trump started a race war is retarded. It's you idiots all the way.

And that you want only the cops to be armed shows again you're just making up another stupid agenda driven position
Blacks started the race war hundreds of years ago -- and its time that we hold them accountable for it....

If they would have just stayed in their place, we wouldn't have any racism.....

I don't know why Republicans don't campaign on that message more

More of your racist diatribe. Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching and segregation, Sport. It's what you've always said
I believe you spelled conservatives wrong.....

You believe whatever the DNC tells you to believe. No, it was all you. Take pride in your accomplishments
And you believe the RNC tells you to believe.
To sum up the RNC.
1. Purely hypocrites.
2. Liars, Liars and more Liars.
3. Ignorance.
4. Scary tactics.
5. Ignored police brutalities.

Don’t worry these African Americans will come out to vote this November 3.

Rah, rah racists! Your typical Democrat crap. You protect a wife beater and plan to vote for a racist. Your self righteous indignation is feigned
Almost forgot this was Biff satire. ;)

But anyone who thinks it's cool to shoot an unarmed brother 7 times in the back who is walking away, then they're despicable IDIOTS who deserves what THEY get.

Was the cop too much of a pussy simply to grab him from behind and pull him to the ground?

This was MURDER - Very hard STOP
You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.

You want dead cops. What are you going to do when you get them and no one will be a cop?

That's demagoguery - a lie dressed up in emotional hysterics. No one wants dead cops. We want cops who can handle a dangerous situation without letting it turn into a shitshow.

Bull shit.

Nope. It's true. No one wants dead cops. You're making that up, because the truth doesn't support your position.

Democrats are doing everything they can to stoke a race war.

And only an idiot would actually believe a guy reaching into his car and the cop can't see what he's doing isn't a threat and if he has a gun a and they do nothing a cop is probably dead. It can only be explained by a clear agenda someone would make that moronic claim.

Everything points to that objective is a race war combining with the Democrats trying to stoke all the race violence

WRONG. You shoot a person when you knew he/she has a gun. You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

You are blaming the democrats for stoking a war. Did democrats shoot the black person in the back? Did we say get shot and start a war?

You don’t just shoot people or anybody in the back just because you suspect he/she has a gun..... They have ample of time to make the right decision.

Do they need to wait until he pulls a gun out of the car and fires the first shot?
Are they allowed to wait until he points a gun to shoot him first?
Can they shoot before the gun is fully pointed at them?
What if he points it at the kids in the car? The bystanders?
What is the precise timeline for a good shoot when a felon with an outstanding warrant who
just stole a set of car keys has a knife in his hand and is resisting arrest?

Police scanner audio recorded on 23 Aug. 2020 in Kenosha, Wis. indicates a woman called 911 to report Jacob Blake was at her home and wasn’t supposed to be, and had stolen her keys. Responding police were made aware of Blake’s arrest warrant. Court records show a warrant was issued for a felony sex crime charge and more. Blake brawled with cops before reaching inside his car and was shot. He also has a history of assaulting police and violently resisting arrest. Blake survived the shooting but the incident has sparked mass BLM-inspired deadly violence in Kenosha.

I don’t see any of Jacob Blake police records that he has history of assaulting police officers.

You just see his police record he assaults women, huh? A true Democrat hero

This is the problem when ignorant idiot like you that do not have access to public records. He has a police records of assaulting a women. But you you you people added he has assaulted a police officer is a lie. There are several apps that you can find out if someone ha a police records. I heavily use that before hiring a new employee.
As simple as Google you can also find out if someone has a police records.

Democrats? Your Donnie junior retweeted a Ngo tweets that Blake have criminal records of assaulting police officers. But no such records and evidence.

Then this lying BS asshole Pence from last night speech that Biden never said a word about the violence in the streets. Biden denounced the violence in Kenosha 8 hours earlier. He also denounced the violence in May after Lloyd murder.

LOL, I like how you talked about lies then you lied that I said he assaulted a police officer. I said he assaulted a woman, dumb ass. You just lied that I said he assaulted a police officer. I never said that.

And again you know regarding the shooting that you're being dishonest, which is why you keep lying that he was shot for walking away from a policeman. You know you're lying, which is why you can't be honest about what happened. You know you're doing something wrong

Let me rephrase that. He got shot by opening the door of his car. Is that fair or justification to shoot 7 times at the back? You can spin your bullshit however you want. It is what it is.
The post of your buddies he assaulted a police officers, a knife in his hands, criminal records was all fabricated but you supported them that doesn’t matter if you said it or not.

Nice guy, you're defending a woman beater. Of course you are.

Blake had a choice. He could have obeyed the police officer. They'd both have walked away from it. But he had to ignore him and go into his car.

What's not fair is that YOU demand the police officer then wait to find out if Blake was going to kill him or not.

Since Blake had the choice, you are advocating the completely unfair scenario

Jacob Blake would have had more respect if he was resisting police in the act of resisting to wear a mask....something heroic and patriotic

Right. You think a woman beater who wears a mask is "heroic and patriotic." She deserved it, right Archie Bunker?
it's sick how you guys try to put the ills of America on the back of a black man.
Its the black man who is resisting arrest which causes the violent confrontations

White men and women resist everyday as well and they don't receive 7 rounds in their back.
This guy got two slugs

Will be interesting to see how this case turns.
White men and women resist everyday as well and they don't receive 7 rounds in their back.
You just dont hear about it because the race baiting lib news media fails to make a big deal about it

Because when someone white is murdered, they receive JUSTICE that's why you don't hear about it.
Most of the cases broght to court against cops - including black cops - for shooting black criminals end in “not guilty” verdicts

Yep because usually they stack the juries with racist trash.
Was the cop too much of a pussy simply to grab him from behind and pull him to the ground?
Actually, the cop was holding on to his shirt with his left hand while plugging away at Jacob's back with a gun in his right. This failed attempt to murder Blake will end up costing Kenosha tons of money. Hopefully the police union is forced to cough up at least half for their part in promoting this hateful, disgusting shit.

Was the cop too much of a pussy simply to grab him from behind and pull him to the ground?
Actually, the cop was holding on to his shirt with his left hand while plugging away at Jacob's back with a gun in his right. This failed attempt to murder Blake will end up costing Kenosha tons of money. Hopefully the police union is forced to cough up at least half for their part in promoting this hateful, disgusting shit.

Sad man, just SAD!! :(

bullets struck Blake's spinal cord, resulted in the near-complete removal of his colon and small intestine and damaged his kidney and liver.
So you agree that Zimmerman's actions were legal.

No, I don't. About as legal as KKK lynch mobs or Nazi Concentration camps.

There was no evidence that Brown his hands up when shot. To the contrary, the majority of witnesses said he certainly did not. All a big lie. And you are wrong on the double jeopardy thing. That was never an issue since Wilson was never charged and tried. - Simple Google search

Actually, 16 witnesses said he did have his hands up. The fact that it was heard by a Grand Jury meant jeopardy applied, or at the least, it was impractical to charge him after he had been "cleared'. Of course the real problem was that Obama and Holder were too timid.... they were more afraid of losing than trying.

People dont trust the police because the media makes a lot of money selling outrage. News companies used to enjoy big profits before the internet. Now, they are desperate to stay relevant and solvent so anything that produces clicks and comments is shoved in our faces. Integrity is no longer a tenet in the news business. I think we can all agree on that. Scroll your social media right now and you will find some news outlet, trying to get you to comment on the latest story. "What do you think about this? Comment below." It's sickening.

People don't trust the police because of the Police. Take for instance, the case of LaQuan McDonald. The police issued a statement that he had only been shot once and that he was charging the officer. Witnesses told the media that wasn't the case. The coroner told them that there were 16 wounds on the body. Then a year later, they released the only video of the incident from one of the patrol cars, which clearly showed he was moving away from the officer and the officer emptying his pistol into him, most of the shots AFTER he was on the ground. Still, despite all that, the FOP spent millions defending the officers involved, the ones involved in the cover up were acquited, the one who did the shooting only got a laughably short sentence.
Actually, the cop was holding on to his shirt with his left hand while plugging away at Jacob's back with a gun in his right. This failed attempt to murder Blake will end up costing Kenosha tons of money. Hopefully the police union is forced to cough up at least half for their part in promoting this hateful, disgusting shit.

And maybe that's the solution. That the FOP, PBA and other police unions are the ones who have to foot the bill for officer misconduct. I think they'd be a lot more keen on getting rid of the bad apples after that.
You don't know if that's knife, dope.

Doesn't look like a knife to me.

Again, you know from AFTER that he didn't shoot the cop. The cop on the spot doesn't know that.

Obviously you want dead cops and a race war. There is no way you could be that clueless. Saying the cop had to allow him to reach into his car and can do nothing is saying you want the cop to get killed

We already have a race war, stupid. Trump started it.

What I would like to see is cops reformed so incidents like this don't happen.

The Democrat strategy is always first to accuse others of what you are doing. That Trump started a race war is retarded. It's you idiots all the way.

And that you want only the cops to be armed shows again you're just making up another stupid agenda driven position
Blacks started the race war hundreds of years ago -- and its time that we hold them accountable for it....

If they would have just stayed in their place, we wouldn't have any racism.....

I don't know why Republicans don't campaign on that message more

More of your racist diatribe. Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching and segregation, Sport. It's what you've always said
Those people are now Republicans.

You made that up. There's no evidence the racists left the Democrat party and lots of evidence they didn't.

Why would they leave? Democrats are the party of slavery, segregation, the KKK, lynching and Jim Crow laws. The racists are right at home with you.

And you picked a raging racist to run for President again with you aint black, they want to keep you on the plantation, there is no diversity among blacks, lock up non-violent black drug users Biden.

No, the racists are yours. Your party is racist across the board like you always were
I did not make it up. It is known as history.
libs dont care about blacks- look at their cities, look at the abortion rates,crime rates etc. their pawns only to the libs.
You don't know if that's knife, dope.

Doesn't look like a knife to me.

Again, you know from AFTER that he didn't shoot the cop. The cop on the spot doesn't know that.

Obviously you want dead cops and a race war. There is no way you could be that clueless. Saying the cop had to allow him to reach into his car and can do nothing is saying you want the cop to get killed

We already have a race war, stupid. Trump started it.

What I would like to see is cops reformed so incidents like this don't happen.

The Democrat strategy is always first to accuse others of what you are doing. That Trump started a race war is retarded. It's you idiots all the way.

And that you want only the cops to be armed shows again you're just making up another stupid agenda driven position
Blacks started the race war hundreds of years ago -- and its time that we hold them accountable for it....

If they would have just stayed in their place, we wouldn't have any racism.....

I don't know why Republicans don't campaign on that message more

More of your racist diatribe. Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching and segregation, Sport. It's what you've always said
Those people are now Republicans.

You made that up. There's no evidence the racists left the Democrat party and lots of evidence they didn't.

Why would they leave? Democrats are the party of slavery, segregation, the KKK, lynching and Jim Crow laws. The racists are right at home with you.

And you picked a raging racist to run for President again with you aint black, they want to keep you on the plantation, there is no diversity among blacks, lock up non-violent black drug users Biden.

No, the racists are yours. Your party is racist across the board like you always were
I did not make it up. It is known as history.

Of course you made it up. Neither you nor any other Democrat have shown a shred of evidence that southern racists went to the Republican party.

I've lived in the south for a long time and I see no evidence. The biggest racist I know still has an Obama sticker on his truck.

Fact check: NoNukes made it up, he has no evidence racists ever left the Democrat party. They didn't.

And your candidate is a RAGING racist. Why would a racist even consider leaving the Democrat party? Democrats are completely racist, none of you reject the racist rants of of you Presidential candidate

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