another blm leader moving into a mansion

Race Baiting is very profitable.

But, I don't care how big of a house this POS lives in.

He will always be a Race confused mentally ill POS who cannot accept that he's just another dumbass Leftist white boy.
The almost 1 million dollar house he bought is in North Brunswick, New Jersey which is basically an all white community. ... :cool:
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Why is the white dude a BLM leader?
It's payback time for these people.

The more they loot and burn.....the bigger the house.
Like many lottery winners around this country..........they will spend all this money and then come crashing down into severe poverty, and most will become homeless, since they will have alienated anybody that would have helped them out.

And guess who gets to pay for their welfare checks again???!!!!

WE DO!!!!
blm people getting rich off dumb asses who ave them the money/

All of the high profile tech companies gave millions.
All the top 10 "mart" stores gave millions.
Most of the clothing companies donated.
Several HUGE mega health companies donated.
Several gaming software companies donated.
Almost all of the cosmetics companies donated.
Many large chain store companies donated.
Private entities donated.

Around 2,000 companies/businesses donated to BLM in 2020 from my estimations of what I read and the lists they had published. All in all, BLM raked in between 5 and 10 BILLION dollars alone in 2020.

Don't worry. Their "leaders" are tirelessly spending this money, hand over fist. It will end one day, and it will all come crashing down around them.

THEN............guess who gets to bail them out?!!!
WE DO!!! Our tax dollars will once again be used AGAINST us, by paying for these greedmongers' mistakes, avarice, and gluttony!!!

I just wonder what all these companies think about these commies and how they are spending their donations that are going to their mansions, land possessions, and massively padded bank accounts......instead of to the people that are supposed to be supporting this cause?
Talcum X is just the latest to profit handsomely off people who are told to be angry.

Talcum X. . . that's funny.
He's not.

He's the male Rachal Dolezal.
meh. . . I read the Snopes stub on this controversy. . . I can't say there is definitive proof either way.

It seems there were some folks in his high school years that vouched for the fact that he was always known as bi-racial in high-school and his whole life.

I checked their FB accounts, and they are legit accounts, so. . . . If it is a tale, it is one I think he believes as well.

. . . OTH? I am sure there remains some doubt in his head, or else he would just take that DNA challenge.

The truth would be too much for his own self-identity and his race-hustling career. . . if it did not come out in his favor, to be sure.
meh. . . I read the Snopes stub on this controversy. . . I can't say there is definitive proof either way.

It seems there were some folks in his high school years that vouched for the fact that he was always known as bi-racial in high-school and his whole life.

I checked their FB accounts, and they are legit accounts, so. . . . If it is a tale, it is one I think he believes as well.

. . . OTH? I am sure there remains some doubt in his head, or else he would just take that DNA challenge.

The truth would be too much for his own self-identity and his race-hustling career. . . if it did not come out in his favor, to be sure.
He's a white dude.

I am sure he's been racially confused since before high school.
BLM, NAACP, Jesse Jackson, BET, Al Sharpton, et al, all learned from the Negro Leagues that integration is bad for business.
It pays to be in the racial shakedown industry. I’m surprised they got a mortgage. I thought banks engaged in redlining? If business keeps well, they will be able to pay that hefty port gage. If they can’t pay it, I am sure they will blame those “predatory lenders”.
He looks like he is bi racial to me. He has black blood, for sure. Look closer.

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