Another catastrophe brought on by Sharia law. Eraisng history.


Jul 20, 2011
How much more asinine damage can these people do before enough is enough? There are a few things about Muslim peoples and Sharia Law that with my limited understanding appear to be admirable but the amount of tragedies these people create is overwhelming!

If the ongoing excavations at the Temple Mount — designed to purge all Judaic artifacts, and hence, ancestral link to Jerusalem — are any indication, Islamists seem to be good at destroying ancient relics in their attempt to rewrite history. Such is the case in Mali, where Islamic terrorists torched the Ahmed Baba Institute, where priceless manuscripts of Timbuktu, including one written in Hebrew, had been preserved for posterity.

According to Mayor Ousmane Halle, the library, which housed thousands of invaluable manuscripts dating back to the 13th century and documenting everything from poetry, music, astronomy and even women’s rights, was set ablaze by insurgents as they fled French and Malian forces. While most were written in Arabic, one of the manuscripts, reportedly buried in a wooden trunk, was written in Hebrew.

“It’s truly alarming that this has happened,” Halle told The Associated Press from Bamako. “They torched all the important ancient manuscripts. The ancient books of geography and science. It is the history of Timbuktu, of its people.”

Researchers had been in the process of duplicating the manuscripts electronically when the newly-built facility was burned to the ground. Only a tiny fraction were saved.

Erasing History: Ancient Timbuktu Manuscripts, One Written in Hebrew, Torched By Malian Islamists | Video |
Bigfoot -

I have no idea what the link between Sharia law and the destruction of artifiacts is, but I totally agree that any society which destroys its own historical legacy is doing something terribly wrong.

Certainly that has been the case in Mali and Afghanistan - although you might also point out that this has not been the case in a dozen other Islamic countries which preserve their non-Islamic history as well as any other countries do.
Yes, saw this on the news last night...

... luckily only 1% of the library's artifacts were destroyed...

... which just goes to show...

... Mooslamics can't even torch a place right...

... how can they expect to run a country right?
Yes, saw this on the news last night...

... luckily only 1% of the library's artifacts were destroyed...

... which just goes to show...

... Mooslamics can't even torch a place right...

... how can they expect to run a country right?

No actually I don't watch to much news. I picked the story up off the interweb somewhere.
Bigfoot -

I have no idea what the link between Sharia law and the destruction of artifiacts is, but I totally agree that any society which destroys its own historical legacy is doing something terribly wrong.

Certainly that has been the case in Mali and Afghanistan - although you might also point out that this has not been the case in a dozen other Islamic countries which preserve their non-Islamic history as well as any other countries do.

Since Islamists set siege to northern Mali some ten months ago, sharia law has reigned supreme. Concerts have been banned, musicians have been harassed and forced to flee, their instruments destroyed and public amputations and executions abound.

The link...
Big Foot -

Yeah, that can be - but I'm not sure if destroying artifacts is actually included in Sharia law - it might be more of a case of extremists 'interpreting' the laws for their own purposes.
Bigfoot -

I have no idea what the link between Sharia law and the destruction of artifiacts is, but I totally agree that any society which destroys its own historical legacy is doing something terribly wrong.

Certainly that has been the case in Mali and Afghanistan - although you might also point out that this has not been the case in a dozen other Islamic countries which preserve their non-Islamic history as well as any other countries do.

which muslim countries are those Saigon? I know of none. Some do preserve
SOME things-----but in general ---all defile sites of those they upon whom it
is popular for muslims to shit ------at any given time. The islamic destruction of
BUDDHA in afghanistan was a spit at hindus I was not surprised.
Recently the scum in Iraq attacked the tomb of EZEKIEL surprised?
Your fellow islamo nazi pigs destroyed a 2500 year old synagogue in Tunisia for the
GLORY OF THE RAPIST PIG-----along with very ancient manuscripts ----last year

I support SITE FOR SITE vandalism (to end it, of course)
Oh yeah.

HISTORY is the natural enemy of all government and all religions.

And the mopre rligious one is, and the more one likes authoritarian governments the more threatening REAL history is to those organizations one clings to.

History is, kids the most impo0rtant thing human being can study.

We can have all the techno gadgets in the world, but if we don't really understand who we were?

Then we don't really know who we are.

And if we KNOW who we are, we can easily be mislead by our leaders.

EXACTLY as we're being mislead right now, I note.
which muslim countries are those Saigon? I know of none.

Of course you don't, Rosie!

Have you ever heard of the pyramids in Egypt? Luxor?

Syria and Libya are probably the two best other examples (Palmyria amd Appollonia), but of course Turkey (Pergamon, My Nemrut etc), Lebanon (Balbek) etc. All of those have been very carefully preserved. I can also think of sites in Jordan, Azerbaijan and Morocco that have been well preserved, bot those are less well known.
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which muslim countries are those Saigon? I know of none.

Of course you don't, Rosie!

Have you ever heard of the pyramids in Egypt? Luxor?

Syria and Libya are probably the two best other examples (Palmyria amd Appollonia), but of course Turkey (Pergamon, My Nemrut etc), Lebanon (Balbek) etc. All of those have been very carefully preserved. I can also think of sites in Jordan, Azerbaijan and Morocco that have been well preserved, bot those are less well known.

sweetums try a bit of reading comprehension-----I did not suggest that
muslims DESTROY ALL -----historic sites------just LOTS -----and they do it
progressively ----IN FITS OF PIQUE for the glory of islam and to
DEMONSTRATE its dominion ----purposeful VANDALISM
as is characteristic of dissemblers like you. As to SHARIAH LAW----
that is a matter of interpretation by shariah jurists----who actually did
justify the bombing of buddhist statuary in Afghanistan based on
SCRIPTURE------legend has it that ABRAHAM---busted up an idol
in his father's IDOL shop to demonstrate that IDOLS HAVE NO POWER...
this event was cited by some KORANIC GENIUS
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iRosie -

You have been proven wrong.

I just provided a dozen examples of Muslim countries protecting and caring for non-Islamic ruins, and I can present another dozen in other countries if you want.

Either accept this, or be wrong. I don't mind.
iRosie -

You have been proven wrong.

I just provided a dozen examples of Muslim countries protecting and caring for non-Islamic ruins, and I can present another dozen in other countries if you want.

Either accept this, or be wrong. I don't mind.

muslims do not ----go vandalize non muslim shrines, cemetaries and
houses of worship in the name of their religious zeal. HIS POV is bolstered
by the fact that there are remnants of some such places in many muslim
countries----ie ---not all have been destroyed for the sake of islam. By
so declearing he imagines that he has refuted my statement that vandalizing
and destroying and demolishing "holy" non muslim sites is an activity
in which muslims have and do CUSTOMARILY engage

churches are safe in islamicized states----like saudi arabia, yemen,
egypt etc Ancient synagogues still ---not only stand, but are
CARED for in Tunisia etc etc -----sure Saigon----I am delighted
to know that are you still fantasizing?
iRosie -

You have been proven wrong.

I just provided a dozen examples of Muslim countries protecting and caring for non-Islamic ruins, and I can present another dozen in other countries if you want.

Either accept this, or be wrong. I don't mind.

muslims do not ---- vandalize non muslim shrines, cemetaries and
houses of worship in the name of their religious zeal. HIS POV is bolstered
by the fact that there are remnants of some such places in many muslim
countries----ie ---not all have been destroyed for the sake of islam. By
so declearing he imagines that he has refuted my statement that vandalizing
and destroying and demolishing "holy" non muslim sites is an activity
in which muslims have and do CUSTOMARILY engage

churches are safe in islamicized states----like saudi arabia, yemen,
egypt etc Ancient synagogues still ---not only stand, but are
CARED for in Tunisia etc etc -----sure Saigon----I am delighted
to know that are you still fantasizing? done? good--take a nap
iRosie -

Try and post with a little honesty and dignity.

saigon---your denial of the fact of vandalism of "holy" places
of non muslims in lands now controlled by muslims is an
endorsement of that filth. you are disgusting

you have cited a few TOURIST SPOTS preserved

more good news ANOTHER famous site
is slated to be preserved----for a few rupees
you will be able to get entry to the FAMOUS
HOLY SITE OF OSAMA's house where you can
admire the preservation of "culture" in pakistan

You can then to visit Lahore----where an ancient
synagogue was cannibalized in order to create
decorations for the mosque built atop it

for other ancient synagogues go to Kerala---
somehow they still seem to survive
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for other ancient synagogues go to Kerala---
somehow they still seem to survive

On December 6, 1992, Hindu Karsevaks destroyed the 16th-century Babri mosque in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India, in an attempt to reclaim the land known as Ram Janmabhoomi. The demolition occurred after a religious ceremony turned violent and resulted in several months of intercommunal rioting between India's Hindu and Muslim communities, causing the death of at least 2,000 people most of whom were muslims

Demolition of Babri Masjid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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