Another corrupt Judge in Atlanta.

Progs that talk of revenue sharing. Well, it was designed for this. Over decades it turned Prog, and the state is not a reliable red one anymore at this point. Progs over many decades infected former red areas in multiple ways. The New England area is done and has been for a long time. All of that old money from the nation's beginning and they are worse than why we had the War for Independence. The 99% of Progs elected from there are a guarantee. The West Coast States infected. Georgia infected. The Southwest states infected to degree. Colorado gone. Texas is in a battle. North Carolina is purple. Delaware and Maryland are prog. Virginia trends Prog. The Northern Central States are more Prog than Republican. Voting laws are even legislated to have more congenial people elected in Republican states. The lady Senator from Alaska is an example. In many of the states of transition, the cities were targeted. And the decrease in manufacturing did not help many what is now rust belt areas. A general view perhaps with some omissions and slightly different reasons.

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