Another Day, Another Criminal dim


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I could fill the Board every day with nothing but criminal dimocraps. Because that's what they are. They're not a political party, they're a criminal organization. Always have been, always will be

N.Y. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver accused of $4 million bribery and kickback scheme, Dems continue to support him
Silver, who has been one of the most powerful lawmakers in Albany for more than two decades, surrendered to authorities Thursday morning. A five-count federal complaint accuses him of accepting millions from firms seeking his influence in Albany.

Published: Thursday, January 22, 2015, 1:55 AM

Updated: Thursday, January 22, 2015, 4:01 PM


Sheldon Silver mobbed by reporters and photographers outside Manhattan Federal Court at 500 Pearl St. Thursday.


Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver declared his innocence Thursday after facing bombshell federal corruption charges of soliciting $4 million in dirty money over the last 15 years.

“I am confident that after a full hearing and due process, I will be vindicated of these charges,” a relaxed Silver announced after his release on $200,000 bond following a Manhattan Federal Court hearing.

Silver, spied earlier taking an uncomfortable ride to the courthouse alongside an FBI agent, made his brief appearance after U.S. Attorney Preet Bhahara blasted him as the epitome of a corrupt politician.

EDITORIAL: Speaker Silver has been laid bare as a polite extortionist

“For many years, New Yorkers have asked the question, ‘How could Speaker Silver, one of the most powerful men in New York, earn millions of dollars in outside income without deeply compromising his ability to honestly serve his constituents?’” said Bharara.

“Today we provide the answer: He didn’t.”

JOE MARINO/NEW YORK DAILY NEWSSheldon Silver surrendered to authorities Thursday after a federal investigation produced a five-count criminal complaint against him.
The stunning five-count criminal complaint accused the Manhattan Democrat, an Albany power broker for decades, with pocketing millions in bribes and kickbacks in return for wielding his massive influence.

“Speaker Silver lied and misled the public about his outside incomes,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara told a news conference hours after Silver turned himself in.

“These charges go to the very core of what ails Albany — a lack of transparency, lack of accountability and a lack of principle joined with an overabundance of greed, cronyism and self-dealing.”

Bharara’s office received court warrants to seize $3.4 million from eight of Silver’s accounts at a half-dozen banks.

Each of the counts against Silver carries a maximum 20-year jail term — five years longer than the length of time that prosecutors claim the speaker was collecting his crooked cash.

The federal prosecutor said Silver’s approach to his illegal income was simple: “He did nothing. As alleged, Speaker Silver never did any legal work. He just sat back and collected millions of dollars.”

Silver was accused of pressuring two real estate companies doing business with the state to hire a law firm that was regularly paying him bribes, the 35-page complaint charged.

The beneficiary of the increased business was Jay Arthur Goldberg, 75, who once worked as Silver’s lawyer in the Assembly, sources indicated.

Goldberg, of the Manhattan law firm Goldberg & Iryami, was also once employed by the city Tax Commission during the Koch administrations.

The majority of the $4 million came after Silver steered $500,000 in taxpayer funds to a doctor who in turn referred asbestos cases to Weitz & Luxenberg, a personal injury firm affiliated with the speaker for decades.

Lawmakers on both sides of aisle call on Sheldon Silver to quit

The state money was provided to Dr. Robert Taub for research by the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation — with some of the additional funds going for unspecified “additional benefits” to the doctor’s family, the court papers charges.


TODD MAISEL/NEW YORK DAILY NEWSAssembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has been accused of accepting $6 million in bribes and kickbacks.
Taub, who is affiliated with Columbia University, is cooperating with the FBI, court papers revealed. Silver sponsored a May 2011 “official resolution” by the assembly honoring Taub.

Silver collected more than $3.2 million in referral fees from the law firm after directing more than 100 clients to Weitz & Luxenberg for asbestos litigation, according to the complaint.

But not a single one of the firm's clients ever contacted Silver or spoke with the politician about their cases, even as the law firm kept paying the fees.

Silver had long insisted publicly that he sent “plain, ordinary, simple people” with legitimate personal injury cases to the law firm, the court documents note.

No one else was charged with Silver — although one alleged co-conspirator was mentioned.

Asked if more charges were coming, Bharara replied, “Stay tuned.”
90& of this crap is committed by Democrats, but their lackeys always claim moral equivalence as a defense. Despicable.
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Again and again and again, dimocraps PROVE they don't care about the Law.

Or much of anything else. Just what they can squeeze out of the system for themselves.

I've said this before and I'll say it again...... the dimocrap party is NOT a political party, it is a criminal enterprise.

EVERY entity has dishonest people. The Police, Journalists, Hollywood, Prosecutors, Preachers, you name it.

If it involves Human Beings, there will be human frailties and weaknesses.

But dimocraps? They just don't care. They just aren't interested in the fact that a scumbag is currently serving time for committing a crime.

They elect him anyway.

Know what that says about the entire dimocrap system? I do.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


Jailed Virginia Lawmaker Charged With Forgery And Perjury

Convicted for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, is on work release during the day and got reelected in a special election. Update to this story.

Via Toledo Blade

A Virginia lawmaker who was just re-elected despite being jailed for a sex scandal with a teenager has been indicted on new felony charges, according to a special prosecutor.

The forgery and perjury indictment of Del. Joseph D. Morrissey was returned and sealed the day before the election, and announced today by Spotsylvania County Commonwealth’s Attorney William Neely.

The lawmaker now stands accused of forging a document he vouched for in court, and persuading the girl’s mother to swear to its authenticity as well. That woman, Deidre Warren, also was indicted on perjury and forgery charges. Morrissey faces up to 10 years on each count if convicted, Neely said.

Morrissey says the charges are false and he will fight them in court.

“This is a very harmful and mean-spirited blow, but I’ll do what I’ve always done. I’ll prevail,” Morrissey told reporters after arriving at the Capitol today for the legislative session.

Morrissey is spending nights in jail for contributing to the delinquency of a minor but is allowed out on work release during the day. He accepted the misdemeanor conviction to avoid trial on charges of child pornography, soliciting a minor and taking “indecent liberties” with a 17-year-old — felonies punishable by decades in prison and the automatic loss of his legislative position.

After his conviction, the four-term Democrat resigned under pressure from his colleagues and then angered them by running as an independent in the special election to hold onto the seat, defeating a Republican and a Democrat last week on the eve of the start of the General Assembly session.[…]

Morrissey claimed that Pride came to his home that night in August 2013 not to have sex, but to get his legal help recovering child support from her father, Coleman Pride.

Neely said Morrissey presented a document in court last month to support this version. It appears to be a court order showing that Coleman Pride had agreed to pay $50 a month into a college fund for his daughter. But Neely said there is no court record of any child support order, and that the document “appears to be a fabrication.”
Again and again and again, dimocraps PROVE they don't care about the Law.

Or much of anything else. Just what they can squeeze out of the system for themselves.

I've said this before and I'll say it again...... the dimocrap party is NOT a political party, it is a criminal enterprise.

EVERY entity has dishonest people. The Police, Journalists, Hollywood, Prosecutors, Preachers, you name it.

If it involves Human Beings, there will be human frailties and weaknesses.

But dimocraps? They just don't care. They just aren't interested in the fact that a scumbag is currently serving time for committing a crime.

They elect him anyway.

Know what that says about the entire dimocrap system? I do.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


Jailed Virginia Lawmaker Charged With Forgery And Perjury

Convicted for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, is on work release during the day and got reelected in a special election. Update to this story.

Via Toledo Blade

A Virginia lawmaker who was just re-elected despite being jailed for a sex scandal with a teenager has been indicted on new felony charges, according to a special prosecutor.

The forgery and perjury indictment of Del. Joseph D. Morrissey was returned and sealed the day before the election, and announced today by Spotsylvania County Commonwealth’s Attorney William Neely.

The lawmaker now stands accused of forging a document he vouched for in court, and persuading the girl’s mother to swear to its authenticity as well. That woman, Deidre Warren, also was indicted on perjury and forgery charges. Morrissey faces up to 10 years on each count if convicted, Neely said.

Morrissey says the charges are false and he will fight them in court.

“This is a very harmful and mean-spirited blow, but I’ll do what I’ve always done. I’ll prevail,” Morrissey told reporters after arriving at the Capitol today for the legislative session.

Morrissey is spending nights in jail for contributing to the delinquency of a minor but is allowed out on work release during the day. He accepted the misdemeanor conviction to avoid trial on charges of child pornography, soliciting a minor and taking “indecent liberties” with a 17-year-old — felonies punishable by decades in prison and the automatic loss of his legislative position.

After his conviction, the four-term Democrat resigned under pressure from his colleagues and then angered them by running as an independent in the special election to hold onto the seat, defeating a Republican and a Democrat last week on the eve of the start of the General Assembly session.[…]

Morrissey claimed that Pride came to his home that night in August 2013 not to have sex, but to get his legal help recovering child support from her father, Coleman Pride.

Neely said Morrissey presented a document in court last month to support this version. It appears to be a court order showing that Coleman Pride had agreed to pay $50 a month into a college fund for his daughter. But Neely said there is no court record of any child support order, and that the document “appears to be a fabrication.”
In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.

H. L. Mencken

Read more at In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for as for me... - H. L. Mencken at BrainyQuote
Have you ever watched a crab on the shore crawling backward in search of the Atlantic Ocean, and missing? That's the way the mind of man operates.

H. L. Mencken

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