Another Day....Another Dem Sexual Harrassment Claim...Conyers AGAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Another Former Staffer Accuses Conyers of Sexual Harassment

'Another woman has stepped forward accusing Democratic Rep. John Conyers of inappropriate sexual conduct—this time his former deputy chief of staff.'

It's not true.
-- He personally wrote the process for how Sexual Harassment in handled in Congress
It's not how he remembers it.
He 'stepped over the line'.
He 'went too far'.
He'll apologize.
he'll go to sex rehab for a weekend.
He'll learn from his mistake.
Pelosi will step back up and defend him...again.... excuse me, he has to get back to work.

Did I miss anything, snowflakes?

Definition of Sexual Harassment:

When a Democat tells his Secretary
how badly he needs her on his Staff!
Another Former Staffer Accuses Conyers of Sexual Harassment

'Another woman has stepped forward accusing Democratic Rep. John Conyers of inappropriate sexual conduct—this time his former deputy chief of staff.'

It's not true.
-- He personally wrote the process for how Sexual Harassment in handled in Congress
It's not how he remembers it.
He 'stepped over the line'.
He 'went too far'.
He'll apologize.
he'll go to sex rehab for a weekend.
He'll learn from his mistake.
Pelosi will step back up and defend him...again.... excuse me, he has to get back to work.

Did I miss anything, snowflakes?


Could you please inform us WHEN Conyers tried to get a 14 year old to fondle his gonads???
Thank you...................LOL
Distraction, nat? Pretty damn lame tactic, not to mention transparently immature.
But, but..... He be an ICON!!

More ? Well he should go then. It’s getting worse and worse for him .

Moore should also step aside .
More ? Well he should go then. It’s getting worse and worse for him .

Moore should also step aside .

Another snowflake sighting...another attempt at distraction.....

Another Former Staffer Accuses Conyers of Sexual Harassment

'Another woman has stepped forward accusing Democratic Rep. John Conyers of inappropriate sexual conduct—this time his former deputy chief of staff.'

It's not true.
-- He personally wrote the process for how Sexual Harassment in handled in Congress
It's not how he remembers it.
He 'stepped over the line'.
He 'went too far'.
He'll apologize.
he'll go to sex rehab for a weekend.
He'll learn from his mistake.
Pelosi will step back up and defend him...again.... excuse me, he has to get back to work.

Did I miss anything, snowflakes?


Could you please inform us WHEN Conyers tried to get a 14 year old to fondle his gonads???
Thank you...................LOL
Whoopsie... your hypocrisy is showing... dumbass.
More ? Well he should go then. It’s getting worse and worse for him .

Moore should also step aside .

Another snowflake sighting...another attempt at distraction.....


What distraction ? This is what the issue is right ? What to do wh sex harassers .

Your little plan to defend Moore by using Conyers is backfiring .
When Queasy tries to defend a child molester by bringing up some democrat idiot that grabs adult women's asses......the plan falls a bit short....

If recall correctly, the social penalties between child molesting and sexual harassment may be a bit different.
Your little plan to defend Moore by using Conyers is backfiring .
Defend Moore? Oh ignorant little spawn of snowflakes, I would never defend Moore, except - as with everyone else - to say that he is entitled to his 'due process'.

I am sorry that pointing out the massive failure / ass-pain Democrats caused when they threw that 'BOOMERANG'.

I am not here to defend anyone. This thread is just pointing out the rampant, extremely public, display of HYPOCRISY from the Left after extremely prominent members of their political ranks are exposed not only for sexual misconduct but also exposed as having stolen and mis-used tax dollars to pay off their victims.

I am not here to defend anyone. This thread is just pointing out the rampant, extremely public, display of HYPOCRISY from the Left after extremely prominent members of their political ranks are exposed not only for sexual misconduct but also exposed as having stolen and mis-used tax dollars to pay off their victims.

OK, moron.......

Would you rate someone's bad behavior of grabbing an adult woman's ass.the SAME as someone trying to get a 14 year old to fondle his gonads???...............Yes or fucking no???..........LOL
Would you rate someone's bad behavior of ..........LOL
Are you seriously trying to defend / justify the actions of a sexual predator / assaulter by attempting to COMPARE CRIMES? REALLY?

They're BOTH crimes to be condemned, snowflake.

So when are you going to demand Conyers and Franken step down, gnat?
As soon as the accusations against these 2 men concern fondling 14 years old little girls.....Agreed??
So you claim the criminal acts perpetrated by Conyers and Franken are not identical to those perpetrated by another criminal so therefore they - Conyers and Franken - should not be held accountable for their own sexual mis-conduct.

'Nuff said from the f*ed up criminal-defending Left.'re 'cut off' due to your unbelievably insane level of partisanship and even more insane defense of criminals on the left.

Buh-bye, gnat. Have a nice day...back to the kids' table with you, TOO....
When Queasy tries to defend a child molester by bringing up some democrat idiot that grabs adult women's asses......the plan falls a bit short....

If recall correctly, the social penalties between child molesting and sexual harassment may be a bit different.

Dear nat4900 and Timmy

but if the ass-grabbing harassment is enough to justify complaints, charges and/or removal
then if the underage contact is even worse,
and BOTH politicians meet the minimum required to expel them,
then expel them BOTH *if they are indeed found guilty.*

One side argues the child cases are worse than the adult cases.
One side argues the proven cases are worse than the unproven accusations.

So figure out and resolve and prove who did what when where to whom how and to what degree of penalty.
Then apply the law equally to ALL cases.
it's NOT either/or but ALL THE ABOVE.
if they are ALL screwed up they ALL need to be censured or expelled
or be required to pay back restitution to correct any wrongs, debts or damages
incurred to victims, taxpayers or society for violating public trust and rights of victims.

B. as for distraction
the issue still remains to be voted on
to remove the unconstitutional mandates from tax penalties
that is now befuddled with other tax reforms contested by both sides.

Distractions within the bill
and coming from outside.

What a mess.

Maybe all these incompetent party hacks should be censured or expelled
and stick to people who can stay focused on principles and policies.

Not biased by political interests and distracted by media waves.
So you claim the criminal acts perpetrated by Conyers and Franken are not identical to those perpetrated by another criminal so therefore they - Conyers and Franken - should not be held accountable for their own sexual mis-conduct.

When did I ever state that, moron...??..

I called for Franken to step down......Both Franken and Conyers would be replaced by other liberal senators.......So, I DO NOT want to ever eliminate the "fun" we will have if Moore gets elected as the child molester POSTER-BOY of the GOP........LOL
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Poor Nat, he has the intellectual horsepower of a house fly. He knows he is inferior. That's why he calls his betters morons and nitwits. His emotional appeals are easily dismissed with logic and intellect. So he does what an child does, he hurls puerile insults. It's a form of "self soothing" that helps him cope with his mental deficiencies.

It's comical, I will give him that!

He's the epitome of the "Triggered" Left wing nut job.


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