Another Day, Another Flip Flop- NYC Mayor Adams -Take Off Masks Indoors For Safety


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Mayor Adams in NYC wants businesses to require customers to unmask when entering a store because crime has exploded & they can't find the criminals.
Last year they were still arresting people for refusing to wear a mask indoors.
Now, it's OK to wear it outdoors but safety demands you unmask indoors.
Don't we still have a DEMPANIC!!! rona emergency till at least May according to the "experts"?

Remember when the rubes told us that refusing to wear a mask was akin to assault?
This is all for public safety of course.

Who knew that making sure everybody covers their faces at all times might encourage the less scrupulous to take advantage of the anonymity & commit more crimes?
Who knew it would make it much more difficult to identify the perps?
How could any reasonable person be expected to see the unforeseen & improbable consequences that might come when you mask everyone while firing the cops?

Keeping up with the abrupt changes in direction would be enough to put a normal person in traction.
Peace at all costs became let's have eternal wars, don't trust the man became do as the authorities tell you & Repubs steal elections became elections can't be stolen.
Now, taking off a mask indoors is for safety & it's the only thing they have gotten right.
No wonder proggies are so mental.

“We are putting out a clear call to all of our shops, do not allow people to enter the store without taking off their face mask,” Adams said in a recent radio interview with 1010 WINS. “And then once they’re inside, they can continue to wear if they so desire to do so. But we need to use the technology we have available to identify those shoplifters and those who are committing serious crimes.”

At a February 28 press conference concerning a jewelry store robbery in which police say a 78-year-old worker was brutally beaten by the suspects — one of them masked — New York City Police Chief Jeffrey Maddrey called on the city’s business community to require unmasking as a “condition of entry”:

“As a sign of a peace offering, a sign of safety to those store workers, when we walk in, we should take down our masks,” he explained. “We should let them know that they’re not in any danger, any harm—that we’re customers.”

Why not post a No Criminal Activity sign on each store. That'll keep them out.


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