Another Day, Another Trump Drumpfth!

It's literally almost to the point that you cannot believe a man who is supposedly intelligent can make so many errors in how he handles this campaign. It almost seems intentional on his part. Like he doesn't really gives two shits if he wins the election and would probably prefer not to win, to be honest.

Chief Running-Gag, you still don't get it.

If the sight of Trump horrifies you, it's because you don't spend enough time looking in the mirror.

Trump is a racist, misogynistic, homophobic bully who thinks that he has merit because he has money. He's the perfect manifestation of the Conservative Id.

The thing is, when he attacks a Gold Star Family of Muslims (who son died fighting the war most of you didn't have time for) or calls for violence against his political opponents, or calls to throw women in jail for having abortions or mocks a disabled reporter.... he's just reflecting what you guys are.

Trump is you guys. He's the incarnation of all the fears and anger the GOP has been tapping since Nixon and the Southern Strategy started the process of dismantling progressive changes that began with Teddy Roosevelt.

Obviously, nobody read Frankenstein to you when you were a child. If Trump is a monster, the Conservative Movement was the mad scientist and his hunchback minion.


Not to worry, guy, we don't expect you to undergo any introspection. When Trump loses states the GOP hasn't lost in decades, you will tell yourself that he wasn't a "real conservative" and find someone who blows the proper dog whistles.
Go ahead. Just vote for Hillary. Because you can trust her. She's honest and would never ever do anything to endanger America or her citizens. So keep hating on Trump. Vote for Hillary.


"Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale, with top aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton Foundation — including a shady billionaire, according to smoking-gun emails released Tuesday.

The stunning revelations include how wealthy contributors seeking influence or prestigious government gigs could fork over piles of cash to get access to Clinton’s inner circle, including top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills."

Emails reveal Hillary’s shocking pay-for-play scheme | New York Post

I feel like he's intentionally imploding his campaign now that he's the nominee.

He's still drawing them in by the thousands upon thousands at rallies. And his supporters are wildly enthused. Needless to say Never Hillary is resonating. I think it was Orlando he got 12,000 plus.
Does that mean his opponent is so bad, he can't kill his campaign despite his efforts?

His slip ups are minimal. No big smurfs. On the other hand Hillary's problems keep mounting. And credit where credit is due to the D's. They kick into high gear and lie their asses off when he makes a slip up and the media is all pro Hillary all the time. And they are incessant. Anything to try to take the focus off of Clinton.

If Manafort and the rest of Team Trump can keep him on message there's close to 90 days to go. What the team has to do though is anticipate the D attacks working with the media. And have their own response team ready and geared up to fight back quicker and harder. Rudy was great this time around and was absolutely vicious and indignant over the bullshit that Trump called for Hillary's assassination.

Why to libs generally believe whatever a lying biased media tell them? They are so easily duped...its scary.

Why do some people believe because Trump isn't a politician he can't possibly lie to them? :dunno:
Don't be stupid...rhetorical.

Of course Trump has lied, but why do you condemn him for a few lies while your beloved Cankles has lied so much that put end to end, they would encircle Jupiter a thousand times???????

Answer: because your media and political party tell you to do this and you aren't smart enough to overcome the propaganda. makes the discussion boring. This thread is about Trump. Try to respond without referring to his opponent.

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