Another Democrat Mayor Allows Violence Against Conservative


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We've been seeing this over and over and over, at least ever since the Ferguson, MO riot a few years ago. The whole country watching the fiasco on TV, and everybody saying where are the cops ? Where's the National Guard ? Why are these thugs being allowed to loot and burn, and raise havoc ?

Then there was Baltimore, with then Mayor Stephanie Rawlings getting the Obama orders from running dog Al Sharpton, to stand the cops down. Not only did that happen, with cops backing away from rock-throwing punks, but then 6 Baltimore cops were arrested on ridiculous trumped up charges (later cleared).

Then there was the Trump rally in Chicago, with anti-Trumpers running wild, courtesy of Chicago Democrat mayor Rahm Emanuel. Then a repeat in San Jose, CA, with Trump supporters attacked and cops standing down, courtesy of Democrat mayor Sam Liccardo. New York City, Baton Rouge, LA, Charlottesvill, VA, Tampa, FL, Portland, Oregon, for the second time now, the list goes on and on.

So finally SOMEBODY is saying something. Texas Senator Ted Cruz has called on federal law enforcement, to investigate Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s inaction against the Antifa.

A lot of lawlessness has been going on in America, and America's Democrat mayors, and occasionally governor, are at the top of the blame list.

Portland Mayor Receives Backlash After Antifa Attacks Reporter Covering Their Latest Protest
We've been seeing this over and over and over, at least ever since the Ferguson, MO riot a few years ago. The whole country watching the fiasco on TV, and everybody saying where are the cops ? Where's the National Guard ? Why are these thugs being allowed to loot and burn, and raise havoc ?

Then there was Baltimore, with then Mayor Stephanie Rawlings getting the Obama orders from running dog Al Sharpton, to stand the cops down. Not only did that happen, with cops backing away from rock-throwing punks, but then 6 Baltimore cops were arrested on ridiculous trumped up charges (later cleared).

Then there was the Trump rally in Chicago, with anti-Trumpers running wild, courtesy of Chicago Democrat mayor Rahm Emanuel. Then a repeat in San Jose, CA, with Trump supporters attacked and cops standing down, courtesy of Democrat mayor Sam Liccardo. New York City, Baton Rouge, LA, Charlottesvill, VA, Tampa, FL, Portland, Oregon, for the second time now, the list goes on and on.

So finally SOMEBODY is saying something. Texas Senator Ted Cruz has called on federal law enforcement, to investigate Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s inaction against the Antifa.

A lot of lawlessness has been going on in America, and America's Democrat mayors, and occasionally governor, are at the top of the blame list.

Portland Mayor Receives Backlash After Antifa Attacks Reporter Covering Their Latest Protest

Therein lies the problem. While the radical left burns down our laws and deconstructs our society, we conservatives conduct investigations hampered by football fields of red tape. Almost like the Democrats are playing blitzkrieg while Republicans try to issue them speeding tickets.
Once again Ted Cruz provides a clear moral voice of reason. It's about time someone with some national clout
points out how these democrat mayors are permitting leftist goon squads to spread violence and disorder.

Does Trump intend on standing by and just watching as people get assaulted?
Once again Ted Cruz provides a clear moral voice of reason. It's about time someone with some national clout
points out how these democrat mayors are permitting leftist goon squads to spread violence and disorder.

Does Trump intend on standing by and just watching as people get assaulted?
It is his own rallies, and his own supporters who have been on the receiving end of all this Democrat, mayor-supported violence.



People like me don't speak out in public. I got kicked out of college for being a Conservative. I've lost jobs because of FB posts I made about politics. Now I don't speak my mind in public, in the name of paying the rent on time.

No pollster ever polls me but I still vote. And I'm voting for Trump.
tRump has been inciting violence since day one.

Now it's come home to roost.

I have no sympathy.
tRump has been inciting violence since day one.

Now it's come home to roost.

I have no sympathy.
You never had sympathy. That violence escalated into anarchy under Obama. It even helped Trump. You will not win your victory until you break the police/corrections/judicial fiefdom. That includes your own. Those Portland cops live for the pay and benefits and pensions of their fiefdom. Their Honor, Integrity and Character is based on their fiefdom. It has worked to your advantage. They watch people getting assaulted, disfigured and maimed up to now and do nothing they were sworn to protect. For they follow orders from the political fiefdom. This can turn on you. When you are empowered will people turn in their guns and will police collect them? That is a test. Very few stand up with Honor, Integrity and Character when they are the targets of the fiefdom they are in and do not agree with. Its more then just politics.
You guys can piss and moan all you want, but you've brought this on yourselves.
After the violence in Portland against conservative reporter Andy Ngo, liberal Mayor Ted Wheeler said >> "While we continue to learn more about what transpired over the weekend, we will keep you informed. We will do everything we can to make sure that those who have committed violence are held accountable."

HE'S LYING. He ordered his police to stand down, and I'm not the only one saying it. He got scorched by Portland Police Association president David Turner, who accused the mayor of ordering the cops to stand down, and allow the Antifa creeps to act at will.

Turner called on the mayor to stop allowing the clashes between anti-fascist protesters (also called Antifa) and the alt-right group Proud Boys, and to “remove the handcuffs from our officers and let them stop the violence through strong and swift enforcement action.”

Portland mayor breaks silence on Antifa violence, and gets scorched by police union rep
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For this to stop every democrat needs to be voted out of office. Then we need to go total Kent State.
For this to stop every democrat needs to be voted out of office. Then we need to go total Kent State.
As long as cities concentrate with Democrats, this lawlessness will happen, until state and federal authorities step in and jail these creep mayors (Chicago, New York, San Francisco, San Jose, Tampa, Charlottesville, Baton Rouge, Philadelphia, etc)

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