Another Democrat Mayor Allows Violence Against Conservative

You guys can piss and moan all you want, but you've brought this on yourselves.
Do you ever get ashamed of talking like an idiot ?

Do you?

Stupidus enjoys looking the fool every time he opens his mouth. Approving of violence against people with a differing opinion, and violence against women. When you get your beating, you best not say a word. You brought it on yourself.
That's a nice straw man, did you build it all by yourself?
Of course whether you might feel that same way when someone does unto you as you encourage doing to them.....
Lol, isn't that what you're going through right now?[/QUOTE]
When did Republican mayors order police to stand down, to allow conservatives to attack liberals ? I don't recall that.
People who say fascism isn't a problem and Antifa were too heavy-handed with Andy Ngo, seem to conveniently forget about that time a Trump-loving college boy smirked at a Native American guy in full view of the Native American guy's PR team.
People who say fascism isn't a problem and Antifa were too heavy-handed with Andy Ngo, seem to conveniently forget about that time a Trump-loving college boy smirked at a Native American guy in full view of the Native American guy's PR team.
Is there supposed to be a point in here somewhere, somehow ? :confused:
People who say fascism isn't a problem and Antifa were too heavy-handed with Andy Ngo, seem to conveniently forget about that time a Trump-loving college boy smirked at a Native American guy in full view of the Native American guy's PR team.
Is there supposed to be a point in here somewhere, somehow ? :confused:
It's Insane We're Having A 'Debate' Over Whether It's Acceptable To Assault A Journalist
Andrew Yang was the only 2020 candidate who condemned the attack on Andy Ngo

The most dangerous white supremacist group in America right now is Antifa.
"That old man was asking for it. Did you see what he was wearing!? White, old skin. He was practically BEGGING to be freedom-fighted." - antifa's philosophy
It's Insane We're Having A 'Debate' Over Whether It's Acceptable To Assault A Journalist
Maybe YOU are. I'm not.

I'm presenting a report about Democrat mayors all across America, accepting and engaging in the practice of assaulting journalists, by having their police forces stand down, while protestors attack (conservative) journalists.

The outrageous rogues even have their cops stand down, when the nutjobs are blocking traffic, as occured in Tampa, FL, Charlottesville, VA, and other places.
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Contrast the way the media covers these attacks on conservatives with their coverage of the Jussie Smollett fiasco.
tRump has been inciting violence since day one.

Now it's come home to roost.

I have no sympathy.

It was Obama that said “bring a gun to a knife fight” and “reward our friends and punish our enemies”. Show us where supporters at Bernie Sanders rallies are getting rocks thrown at them and otherwise bloodied faces? Your side owns ANTIFA and you want to blame Trump for ANTIFA’s actions? That is both sad and sick.
During that same riot, this is what Antifa did to this man:

"An officer watched Halupowski deliver a “full overhead swing that struck the top of Kelly’s head from behind’’ and reported that the “sound of the blow was sickening,’’ causing many in the crowd to collectively gasp, according to a probable cause affidavit. Kelly received more than 20 staples to close wounds to his head and suffered a concussion."

We've been seeing this over and over and over, at least ever since the Ferguson, MO riot a few years ago. The whole country watching the fiasco on TV, and everybody saying where are the cops ? Where's the National Guard ? Why are these thugs being allowed to loot and burn, and raise havoc ?

Then there was Baltimore, with then Mayor Stephanie Rawlings getting the Obama orders from running dog Al Sharpton, to stand the cops down. Not only did that happen, with cops backing away from rock-throwing punks, but then 6 Baltimore cops were arrested on ridiculous trumped up charges (later cleared).

Then there was the Trump rally in Chicago, with anti-Trumpers running wild, courtesy of Chicago Democrat mayor Rahm Emanuel. Then a repeat in San Jose, CA, with Trump supporters attacked and cops standing down, courtesy of Democrat mayor Sam Liccardo. New York City, Baton Rouge, LA, Charlottesvill, VA, Tampa, FL, Portland, Oregon, for the second time now, the list goes on and on.

So finally SOMEBODY is saying something. Texas Senator Ted Cruz has called on federal law enforcement, to investigate Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s inaction against the Antifa.

A lot of lawlessness has been going on in America, and America's Democrat mayors, and occasionally governor, are at the top of the blame list.

Portland Mayor Receives Backlash After Antifa Attacks Reporter Covering Their Latest Protest

I said before, Democrats are Demonic. There is no rational explanation for this behavior.
During that same riot, this is what Antifa did to this man:

"An officer watched Halupowski deliver a “full overhead swing that struck the top of Kelly’s head from behind’’ and reported that the “sound of the blow was sickening,’’ causing many in the crowd to collectively gasp, according to a probable cause affidavit. Kelly received more than 20 staples to close wounds to his head and suffered a concussion."

Every American should be clamoring for Wheeler to do JAILtime. Same with Liccardo, Emanuel, DeBlasio, Obama, Sharpton, Rawlings, and all the rest of these pukes.

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