Another elected Democrat threatens Americans with drone-fired bombs

These DemoKKKrats really seem to think US soldiers will attack Americans with drone-fired missiles because he or Joe Biden tells them to.

This guy is a violent lunatic and should be investigated and removed from office immediately.

Bed wetters like him are the vehicles tyrants ride to power on. There never would have been a hitler, mao, stalin, et al. if not for these sniveling bed wetters.
These DemoKKKrats really seem to think US soldiers will attack Americans with drone-fired missiles because he or Joe Biden tells them to.

This guy is a violent lunatic and should be investigated and removed from office immediately.

Not only Dems are wanting to bomb Iran. Chomping at the bit like Cotton, Graham and Cornyn is to be expected.
What are you talking about?

Did you understand the subject of this thread?
If he had the capacity, he wouldn't be a bed wetter. Like I said, autistic jabbering bed wetters are how sociopath authoritarian rise to power. They promise to steal from "the 1%, the jews, the kulaks or (add leftist "oppressor" real or imagined here) whomever these parasites are programmed to hate and envy, get these sniveling oxygen thieves riled up and before long the leftwing hallmark of industrial murder is manifested once again.
No you don't, you're not even able to engage on the topic.
Has that jabbering retard EVER engaged in a serious discussion?

I ignore the dumbfuck and only occassionally unmask it just because someone else was aghast at the deliberate ignorance and Weapons Grade Stupidity. I doubt it has ever posted something worth reading.
These DemoKKKrats really seem to think US soldiers will attack Americans with drone-fired missiles because he or Joe Biden tells them to.

This guy is a violent lunatic and should be investigated and removed from office immediately.

He's just pointing out that the threat of having the most guns to murder your countrymen with is nothing compared to the weaponry that would be used to stop it
He (Gene Wu) smells of ChiComm.
Silly me, I thought that was just shit....

Democrooks are anti-patriotic as a foundation, so I didn't even think this particular piece of shit might be loyal to the ChiCom govt. It's quite plausible he is a full blown CCP agent.
Gene Wu, DemoKKKrat psychopath from Texas.

Never heard of him. He's not even an American, he is a chinese agent who was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, now apparently elected to government office by idiots in Texas.
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